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Morning all, looks breezy out but dull. I think I could go back to bed and sleep for hours.


Yea, what he said.




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Weather seems rather confused. Two minutes ago it was dull and raining now I can't read the computer screen because of bright sunshine! Nothing exciting occurring in these parts today as far as I am aware. Might have to venture down to the shed.


Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Still no rain but the window cleaner has been and that is probably the nearest thing to a rain dance in South Essex.

Trev, my brother worked in Nigeria in the late 70s, early 1980s as a telecommunications engineer. I think he found travelling around there "interesting".


Tony, When our boiler needs replacing I know who I won't be contacting. All the houses in this road had the same boiler and they are starting to fail. The quotes by manufacturer approved local independents are good, I can see what they have done etc. Fortunately my recent boiler breakdown was due to one of the parts that could be replaced.



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Guest Max Stafford

My own boiler is approaching 13 years old but touch wood, it's still functioning OK. I hope I can get at least another year out of it while I build up my reserve fund again after having all my windows renewed!


I was going to have a road trip today but I might do the front garden instead, it's starting to annoy me now.


Spent yesterday afternoon cleaning the interior of the car - a task somewhat overdue of late! I referred to it in recent times as 'the bin lorry'! :rolleyes:



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My boiler is around 28 years old, and still going strong. I hope it will continue to do so for a while. Emissions values are better than on some of the new boilers.


I would definitely buy another Vaillant boiler!

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Guest tony graham

My own boiler is approaching 13 years old but touch wood, it's still functioning OK. I hope I can get at least another year out of it while I build up my reserve fund again after having all my windows renewed!


I was going to have a road trip today but I might do the front garden instead, it's starting to annoy me now.


Spent yesterday afternoon cleaning the interior of the car - a task somewhat overdue of late! I referred to it in recent times as 'the bin lorry'! :rolleyes:




I arrived just in time to see Dave pack the cleaning stuff away, however a brew from Dave and a hug and lick of my face from Abi was just as good.....




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  • RMweb Gold

Spent yesterday afternoon cleaning the interior of the car - a task somewhat overdue of late! I referred to it in recent times as 'the bin lorry'! :rolleyes:


My car always seems to be the designated "tip truck". I think the garage puts seat liners on when they service it to protect their overalls. The heavy duty rubber floor covering fitted to my car is very helpful though for tip trips.



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  • RMweb Gold
a brew from Dave and a hug and lick of my face from Abi was just as good.....

Bet you're glad it wasn't a brew from Abi and a .........

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Guest Max Stafford

Perish that particular thought! :blink:

I have removed the external weathering from the car also today. It presents a vastly improved appearance. I copped out by running it through the local washplant but I really should attempt to keep on top of it from now on. A new A3 and 2MT have arrived today as my Borders-based project starts to fall into place.

I'm torn between doing a bit of modelling this evening or taking advantage of a fleeting bit of evening sunshine to go and look at a bit of closer-to-home Waverley to perhaps imagine past glories there!



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  • RMweb Premium

My boiler is around 28 years old, and still going strong. I hope it will continue to do so for a while. Emissions values are better than on some of the new boilers.


I would definitely buy another Vaillant boiler!


Our gas heating unit (which also supplies hot water) was installed some time in the late 80s (I'd have to look up the exact year) and continues to give very good emission values as well. Ours is from Buderus, though. I guess this goes to prove that good engineering does pay off in the long run!

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


A worried 45156 tonight, as the dog has taken a funny turn, and 30747 was the only one here, so I didn't see the symptoms, but by the time I got home, the dog was fine, and bright eyed and bushy tailed as usual - but she's 11 soon, so we're taking no chances, and she's off to the vet's first thing tomorrow morning. Nurse at the vet's said that the symptoms sound like an ear disorder which causes a sort of sea-sickness (and could therefore be related to the condition for which she was being treated recently). One good sign is that she's still eating and seems to be in good fettle now otherwise.


I'm just hoping that all's well. It does mean that all the plans for tomorrow are kicked into touch. Luckily I have a couple of days off now.


On boilers, my current combi is a Worcester, which the Homeserve man said was one of the better makes.


I'm going offline now, as I need to get myself fed and watered having recently got in from work.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

I've been playing trains this afternoon, nothing too difficult, just driving two newly arrived locos along the SPROG powered track. I'd also put JMRI and the SPROG drivers on a new (to me) laptop that has Windows 7 so it was a train test and a PC test.

Still no rain here apart from a slight shower for a few seconds while I paid the window cleaner.


Most people have replaced the original boilers fitted to the houses in this road with Vaillant products. Our Potterton should be OK as long as the case seals don't go, otherwise the motor parts and electronic parts are still available.



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Guest Max Stafford

Mine's a Potterton too, Tony. I had to put it on tonight for a bit - we're down to single digit temperatures again!

I took Abi up to Newcastleton this evening for a walk along the side of the Liddel Water. It's such a nice village and as you looked across the village towards where the railway ran, it was easy to imagine an A3 or a Peak notching up at the start the climb to Whitrope with the sound drifting across on the wind.

Ah well, my teachers always said I had an over active imagination...!



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Guest Max Stafford

Mike, if your family no longer has a strong connection with the area maybe they were a Reiver clan and quite possibly displaced after 1607. After the union of the crowns, a lot of 'problem' families were transported from the borders in a bid to end the cycle of lawlessness and conflict that had plagued the area since the late 13th century. Ironically, many were transported to Ireland. In retrospect not the best place to send people with long memories and a tendency to sort things out using swords and pistols!


To see this wonderful and tranquil part of the world today it's incredible to think that 500 years ago it was a lawless and war-ravaged land, comparable in relative terms with modern day Somalia! If you ever visit the area and want to find a flavour of those darker times in the Scottish Borders then Hermitage Castle near Newcastleton is worth a visit. Even today the place has an impressively forbidding aspect! http://www.rampantscotland.com/castles/blcastles_hermitage.htm



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Morning All,


We've got some beautiful weather at the moment. It was up to around 26°C yesterday afternoon, but it wasn't too humid. I headed out on my bike and put in around 50km in the late afternoon sunshine. Lovely!


Today has dawned equally bright, and much less chilly than yesterday morning was. However, it is supposed to get much more humid later, with a risk of thunderstorms.


Have a good one everybody...

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  • RMweb Premium



Bit of a headache on this end <_< . Might well have been due to my having lain in an unsuitable position. I sure would welcome those thunderstorms, just to wash away all those pollen!


Be back later, lads...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Sunny and starting to warm up here. I'll be taking Robbie for his walk this morning to our local historical site.

I'm not sure what else I'll be doing today. I may be provided with suggestions soon, my wife usually thinks up a few ideas just as she leaves for work.

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Morning all! Thanks Dave and pH for those links. Very interesting and I do like the description in pH's link!


I've always jokingly said I'm from Border Reiver stock, we've not traced the ancestry back that far but you never know. I do have some books on the Reivers which I will (eventually!) read, including The Steel Bonnets by George Macdonald Fraser (better known for his Flashman books).


It's said in our family that my 3xgreat grandfather moved around the north east so often that every seven years his ducks came to him and lay on their backs to have their feet tied together for the next move. :)


Last day of the working week for me - or at least the working week in the office. Down to Mum and Dad's tonight and putting up the last of the fence tomorrow, all being well.


Have a good Thursday everyone!

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Guest tony graham

Bet you're glad it wasn't a brew from Abi and a .........


Perish the thought too,


However today was a brighter start even though it means a trip to Preston then to Glasgow and then back home to Carlisle.


Looking forward to the weekend and some warm weather I hope as I want to fire the old BBQ up again.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Bright one again. A few chores to sort today. A trip to Homebase to get the things whos absence I have been using as an excuse not to complete "the list". Also need to cut the grass otherwise it'll be up to me knees before I get another chance to fight it.


Have a good one all.




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Had lunch with my ex boss yesterday to catch up on old times and then popped into the office to say hello to all the gang. It was a really nice afternoon to see one and all, but made me feel really pleased to be out of it.


If I ever talk about going back to work on here, you have permission to shoot me....


Bright and sunny over here, so another tough day beckons.

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