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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Horrible morning here today - chucking it down with rain - still it's allegedly good for the garden.


Short week for 45156 and 30747 as I've managed, against all the odds, to book Thursday and Friday off.


Thursday promises to be a bit of a "who wants to do what" day, as UK Steam shows TWO steam specials due to traverse the S&C northwards within an hout of each other, one with 46115, the other with 71000. However, 30747 said I've had my diet of steam for the foreseeable future, and that there's a couple of historic houses up round Penrith that she wants to visit and their opening times clash totally - as we're members of the Historic Houses Association, and get free admission to the houses (and Penrith has one of the best chip shops for miles) I think that Penrith will win - especially as the dog's booked into kennels for the day, and "we don't need to put the dog in for a bit of steam chasing" - still I believe 71000 is on the S&C southbound on Saturday, so there's another chance there.


Glad to see that our two long hours shiftworkers are now relaxing for a bit - and also a warm welcome to Trevor. Mick - hope the bunny's progressing. Gordon - great to hear that you're managing to get some work on Eastwood 2 done - I concur that a shooting stick is a good way to get more time at an exhibition. I too can only stand for limited periods.


On the 45156 health front, I got a letter from the Orthotics department asking if I still needed an appointment??? Did they think my leg had regained its natural length while I was waiting - and giving me 14 days to respond otherwise they would cancel the referral. I've finally got an appointment (been waiting over 4 months) for 6th June.


Regards to All


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poking around the innards of a remote rural reservoir at 3am whilst listening to, and observing, nocturnal wildlife going about their business, all under a canopy of millions of twinkling stars (don't worry, the coffee hasn't kicked in yet!)


At least you don't have to worry about Bears!


Best, Pete.




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Guest Max Stafford

I've got one of those. It keeps trying to kick my bedroom door in at 5am...



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  • RMweb Premium

I've got one of those. It keeps trying to kick my bedroom door in at 5am...




Why not leave the door open, then you get a nice good morning lick at 5am instead, as we get from our Sussex Spaniel girl, who has now perfected jumping onto the bedroom chair, and thence to the bed...

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  • RMweb Gold

When Robbie was a puppy he couldn't resist joining in other people's picnics so he was nicknamed "Hound of the Basketmeals". Fortunately he never upset anyone then and doesn't do that anymore.

Robbie doesn't come upstairs, that was one of the agreements that was insisted on by my wife before getting a dog.

It was a while before he got in the house after today's walk as he was completely covered in black ooze from the stream and had to be hosed down. I'm glad that I have a proper dog box for this car otherwise I'd be permanently cleaning the car as well.



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Guest Max Stafford

Why not leave the door open, then you get a nice good morning lick at 5am instead, as we get from our Sussex Spaniel girl, who has now perfected jumping onto the bedroom chair, and thence to the bed...


Abi's no problem Stewart, she'll sleep contentedly all night, but a 5am clawing from the cat isn't much fun when you just got to your bed at 2AM after a 12 hour shift! :lol:



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  • RMweb Gold

Some of the things that pets do seem seem to have no explanation, I'm sure dogs think that humans enjoy having water shaken all over them when they dry their fur.

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  • RMweb Premium

Some of the things that pets do seem seem to have no explanation, I'm sure dogs think that humans enjoy having water shaken all over them when they dry their fur.

Don't they just - mine also thinks that my leg/the side of the chair is also a good place to rub herself dry...

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Guest tony graham

Morning all,


Well the weather hasn't let up this morning, here in The Great Border City it's as dark and miserable as any winters morning. Cold, damp and with a slight breeze. Come on summer hurry up.


Anyway I'm off to work, slightly later than yesterday but I'm sure the railway will allow that. So here goes, bring on the public and those pendolinos......

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


It would seem to be overcast outside, though the forecast for the next several days predicts higher temperatures and more sunshine – along with an increased chance of rain and thunder. Think I'd best have some breakfast in a few...


Have a good one everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Overcast and cool here. Still no rain but 20% chance of rain at 7am forecast. I've been awake for quite some time. Aditi couldn't sleep so I went down to make tea and of course she dropped off to sleep while the tea was being made. She can have a lie in this morning as she has to go later to have a tooth extracted. The dentist thought he could fill it but it has cracked more.



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Morning All,


As Dominik said, it is a rather overcast and gloomy morning here. It was spitting with rain on the way to work, but nothing substantial.


I've never seen a big cat in the South East of England - at least, not in the sense of puma/ leopard sort of cats. However, somewhere in the vicinity of my parents lives a huge feral cat. Complete with tufts on the ears and a decided "wild cat" look about it. It is also about 1.5 times the size of a "normal" domestic cat.


I've seen one or two other bizarre animals in that area too - perhaps it is something to do with Dungeness :laugh:.


Have a good day everyone...


Edited to say it is no longer spitting with rain. It's raining properly!

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Guest tony graham

Well I wish I had stopped at home, one of those freight company's has failed to roster a driver from Carlisle south so we have a 66 and containers blocking 4 road and has been for about an hour now.


And word is it may do for some time to come as they don't have anyone spare to take it away. Heads will roll, I would offer as it can't be hard to drive after all I am passed out on Dapol & Gf 66's with DCC.....

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Morning all! Had planned on being up earlier than this but seem to be in need of more sleep these days than over the winter. Plus I was fairly tired from climbing which probably meant my body needed a little extra recuperation.


Cloudy but dry in Edinburgh this morning.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Looks like a full set of oktas though not leaking at present. On the pet front we have been looking after a friends hound while she attended a funeral some distance away. That means there have been two large shaggy objects cluttering up the kitchen floor and ready to trip up the unwary. Tough day today. I have to go to the golf driving range, do a bit of lunch, sort out some webpages and lay some track. If lunch is too protracted sunsequent activities may not be of adequate quality!


Have a good one all.




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Morning all, seems we've been lucky this morning. Dry, sunny and warm, so making the most of it. New boards for the stairwell are complete and cork underlay is in place, so track will go down later this morning. That will complete the bottom corner and stairwell, so the rest is just plain track. Bit scary working from both ends around an 18' square room and hoping the ends will come together. Of course it's now three dimensional and Templot is only two, so here's hoping. I guess it will take another 2-3 weeks until I get right round. That will be a first. A whole double track main line on which to run trains....:yahoo:

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Oh Jeez, that's all I need....Mrs S has just taken great delight in showing me a grass snake sitting in our rockery. Must have been at least 10' long and 6" diameter....:unsure:


Dunno what it is about snakes, but they just give me the creeps.....

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Morning all



Oh Jeez, that's all I need....Mrs S has just taken great delight in showing me a grass snake sitting in our rockery. Must have been at least 10' long and 6" diameter....:unsure:


Dunno what it is about snakes, but they just give me the creeps.....

I lost my fear of snakes when I was about 12. Next door neighbour was a world traveller type. They had a 12' Boa. On a hot summer night it slithered out their basement window into my bedroom. (also in the basement and only about 8' from their window) Woke in the morning with it curled up on the end of my bed. I think she liked me, as it happened a few times over the next couple of years. :rolleyes:

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