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  • RMweb Gold

Never mind, I'll get my own back as I'm off tonight to see The Swing Commanders, a Western Swing band with a great reputation, so it promises to be a good night.



Did you manage to avoid having a dance?

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Guest Max Stafford

Morning All,


Another nice sunny morning here. I am glad it's Friday though.


On the subject of police dogs. I once heard that Labradors are never used as public order dogs because a Labrador (despite being placid) will instinctively go for the throat if trained to restrain, whereas a German Shepherd (and other dogs) can be trained not to. Anybody know if there's any truth in that?


Have a good day everyone...


Robert, I had a visit from my friendly dog man at work today and I asked him about this.

As I suspected there's no truth in it at all. The fact is that the Labs have a different kind of character from the German and Belgian Shepherds normally used as GP dogs(and increasingly the latter breed which are apparently more intelligent). Labradors are purely employed in search and detection roles because of their superior sniffing power. Shepherds and Rottweillers are chosen for reasons of intelligence and controllable aggression, but it's also about physical bearing appearance too. Labradors have a fairly benign and friendly demeanour, but an intimidating appearance like that presented by the Rotti is a useful attribute for a dog intended for deployment against potentially hostile groups or individuals.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Weather still looks good, but the forecast predicts intermittent rain from noon onwards. We may be doing a trip to the hardware store as we were thinking about building a shelf for foodstuffs and such. We're not completely decided whether we would like a wooden shelf or one made of metal, though.


Have a good day everyone!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning


That's another Friday 13th negotiated without the world ending. At least I don't think it has ended.


My son's Labrador has perfected a doleful look that gets anything he wants from us.......and boy does he knows it. I'm not sure this would work with more hardened criminals though.

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  • RMweb Gold



Sunny here, no sign of the threatened thunderstorm.


A few years ago we went to a dog show in Brentwood. It was also the final for the Police Dog Trials. I think all the finalist dogs were German Shepherds, but there were also lots of other displays including sniffer dogs working in pairs, an active spaniel and a passive Labrador.



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  • RMweb Gold

My son's Labrador has perfected a doleful look that gets anything he wants from us.......and boy does he knows it. I'm not sure this would work with more hardened criminals though.

Robbie doesn't do the doleful look to get stuff, probably in his case it is best described as alert cuteness.





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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, sunshine and showers by the look of the sky a list as long as my arm but a begrudging acceptance that a trip to Railex might be enjoyable for me. I would love to have a pair of greyhounds again their idea of exercise matched mine.

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Morning all, bright and sunny down here in Berkshire. Hoping to make the Bracknell show today, but a muscle in my lower back has gone into spasm and locked solid. The op means I'm walking properly for the first time in years, but now all the other bloomin' muscles are having to learn new ways and are rebelling with some anger. It'll just take time I know, but it's irritating to have pain again, albeit from a different place....:(


Have a great weekend whatever you do....

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My son's Labrador has perfected a doleful look that gets anything he wants from us.......and boy does he knows it. I'm not sure this would work with more hardened criminals though.

Does that make you a less hardened criminal then? ;)


My parents' Shih Tsu and Lhasa Apso (after 4 years I still can't tell which is which) do alert cuteness too. One of them also tries going to a different side of the person at the dining table to try to fool them into thinking it's a different dog.


Looks like it could be pleasant but blowy in Edinburgh today. We had rain during the night as it woke me at one point.


Gordon, hope the back sorts itself out soon. Mick, hope the rabbit's continuing its recuperation.


Not sure what I'm going to do today as I have an unexpected free day.

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  • RMweb Gold


Have a great weekend whatever you do....


I've just started the weekend with a minor financial panic. As it looked as if Matthew won't be earning for years and years we decided to start a pension plan and agreed an annual direct debit. Somehow this got turned into a monthly debit of the annual amount. Anyway all sorted now (on a Saturday morning by phone).

Matthew phoned to say he is going paintballing somewhere in Leicestershire today (a friends birthday event I think) and will be finishing the day watching the Eurovision Song Contest, apparently very popular with students as a comedy event.


I'm going to move some of my train stuff around so I can do something. Aditi is off to the hairdresser this morning so I expect I may be given a few tasks to choose to complete.



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Guest Max Stafford

Mick. I reckon you should get a couple of greyhounds again. It would do you good I'd bet.

Met a fantastic 4 year old short coated lurcher at work last night called Brogan. Solidly built and a really gentle, friendly personality, he was a fantastic dog and had a really interesting fawn brindled coat and white chest. His owners were understandably proud of him and were quite excited about my suggestion to take him to a sandy beach and watch the fun as they'd never done that with him. Greyhound/Lurcher/Whippet + large, sandy expanse = hugely entertaining high speed fun! :lol:



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Morning All,


It is a nice bright morning here, and it looks like it is going to be another warm one. However, I haven't been outside yet - instead, I had a disgustingly long lay in! Still, after this week, I think it was needed.


Thanks for asking Dave - It was something that I had heard at some point, but wasn't really sure that I believed it myself. I can now write it off as a myth.


Gordon - Sorry to hear you've got pain again. Still, if it is muscular this time then hopefully it can be sorted out more quickly and easily.


Tony - Aaaragh! I can imagine that sinking feeling when you looked at your bank statement! Glad you got it sorted out.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Had a cracking evening at the Swing Commanders gig - they really are good, and warrant checking out if they're in your area. Very versatile, multi talented with a thumping good sound. They bill as Western Swing, but that's really a bit of a misnomer, as they do lots of 40s and 50s standards and the girls do lots of three part harmony, so the band has a very wide appeal. I didn't manage to step out on as a dancer - they had two professional couples jiving at the front for that - most entertaining.


Now totally cream crackered, as I was on an 8.00 start today, and didn't get home and in my kip until nearly midnight.


Sun is sort of shining here, and I'll check in again later.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Robbie was very firmly put in his place by Coco the hamster when he first arrived but I think Matthew's rats would have died of fright if they had ever seen the dog.

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Robbie was very firmly put in his place by Coco the hamster when he first arrived but I think Matthew's rats would have died of fright if they had ever seen the dog.

I'm sure Coco's encounter with Robbie would have been worthy of £250 from Harry Hill...

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all folks!

Our new village community shop was officially opened today, haven't been down myself but might do at 4pm when they have a live band there. From what mum has said it is impressive what has been built and there is a really good community spirit here - lovely! cool.gif


This morning I have started writing down what topic areas I need to revise and put it into one chart. One subject down, 2 to go. I've got my first exam in a couple of weeks and an exhibition in a weeks time. Starting to slightly panic now laugh.gif

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  • RMweb Gold

You are aware I still need to have dinner, aren't you? :blink: :lol:




She also used psychological warfare with us. She loved putting a few nuts in her wheel and running at about 2 in the morning. It was amazing how much noise she could make.





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Seeing all the posts earlier today about dogs scrounging food, I thought people might enjoy

. As you can see from the number of hits, it's been a sensation here in North America, having been featured on TV shows and even news programs.
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  • RMweb Premium

She also used psychological warfare with us. She loved putting a few nuts in her wheel and running at about 2 in the morning. It was amazing how much noise she could make.


I am just as amazed at how creative our rabbits can be at driving us nuts! :laugh: I but cannot really bring myself to blame them, though, as they're just too cute!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


It's somewhat cloudy this morning and there was some rain last night, which is predicted to repeat itself later today. I guess I should get ready to head for the bakery soon as their offerings are quickly sought out on Sundays.


Have a good day everyone!

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