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Thanks, Joseph.  I think the incident was on an Air France flight.  I'm surprised that O'Leary has not abolished seats altogether.  Oh sh!t, I've put an idea into his head ....



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11 minutes ago, chrisf said:

Thanks, Joseph.  I think the incident was on an Air France flight.  I'm surprised that O'Leary has not abolished seats altogether.  Oh sh!t, I've put an idea into his head ....




No need to worry, Chris. He thought about it long ago.



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Morning, bright but chilly start, the gardening forum I help moderate has had a major upgrade, that could consume a lot of my time for a few days...…….oh well it has improved the forum. Take care and stay safe all.

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30 minutes ago, pH said:


No need to worry, Chris. He thought about it long ago.



Saudi air on long distance flights has already removed rows of seats from the back of the aircraft, though not to stand.... 


But to kneel... They have a prayer room complete with compass pointing to mecca in the back.. 


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14 hours ago, roundhouse said:

coming back form Mums I past a bin lorry with four in the front seat. they couldn't have been social distancing by even 2mm!! I guess they have been self isolating together ( I hope for their  and families sake).


Talking of which the draft proposal for returning to work to only be 1m apart in the work place seems odd if outside work we have to be 2M apart. Double standards me thinks. my other half is hopeful to not be returning to the office anytime soon due to the 800 + people all queuing for the lifts for all multiple floors in the building. It had queues in the 'old days'.



i have read previously that there is nothing magical about the 2m figure. Apparently the "safe" distance is around 1m, but they felt that if they said 2m, then they would achieve at least 1m in this country. Some other places have gone for 1m. I think that it was Sir Patrick Vallance saying this but I could be wrong. If I get time (and there are 3 1/2 more pages of ERs to read) I will try to see if I can find the quote.

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2 hours ago, AndyID said:

If I had my way "airline miles" would be completely illegal. For years I watched as so called "executives" proudly manipulated travel arrangements that were neither in the interests of their employers or their customers to maximize their personal "kick-backs"....

Well that certainly wasn’t the case where I worked, some trips were fixed calendar events (such as a medical congress), but otherwise ALL travel was business driven and had to be justified, in writing, and approved. The company did indeed have deep pockets and a very large travel budget (cumulative and by department), but I think that because it did spend so much, travel was very tightly controlled.

Whilst we could choose our routing, flights had to be on one of the 6 airlines with which the company had a contract. I could fly BA (which was on the list) because - at the time - flying BSL-LHR-SFO was both better and cheaper than flying Swiss/Delta ZRH-ATL-SFO (a truly loathsome routing: customs and immigration at Atlanta, then [eventually] an internal Delta flight of quite a few hours). The only “manipulation” we could “get away with” was to go out earlier or come back later, paying the difference in accommodation costs out of our own pockets.

Whilst teleconferences and videoconferences have, thankfully, replaced face-to-face meetings for routine updates and the like, face-to-face meetings will continue to be held for critical items (and, for what it’s worth, I’ve found that the real decision making and “horse trading” at critical meetings tends to occur in the “social moments” [tea breaks, lunches and the like], not in the official meeting - which is why F2F meetings will always be with us).


Edited by iL Dottore
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Morning All


Quick check in but I will revisit later and catch up as I stll have to read and rate this page and will also have to read and rate the pages which have yet to arrive.


Today should be fun (not) as the oven was treated with Oven Pride last night, and will need finishing off this morning.


Regards to All


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Greetings all from Sidcup where it is sunny with blue skies. There is a bit of a chill in the air but we are promised it will warm up later.


Work yesterday finished with a long call to the US, which went round and round and round on various sidetracks. When got to the stage where I could smell the food that Mrs Lurker was preparing for tea, I pointed out that the latest iteration was not actually relevant to the main point, at which stage we went round and round again until someone promised to write up the various iterations of fact pattern, so that we could present them to our advisors. I think if I had not made that point the tea would have been dried up in the oven....!


I have not had too many experiences of flying business, but I thought Delta LHR-Atlanta was pretty good. When we have done recent flights for pleasure across the pond,we have gone for premium economy type arrangements (with Air Canada and BA) both of which made the long flight slightly better. As for airports, being delayed in Palermo was not much fun (red hot and no seats and no announcements), whereas being delayed in Calgary was very boring but at least comfortable.

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8 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

A number of our “leading business figures” (such as the beardy one) have turned out to be truly loathsome individuals - the pandemic has certainly opened many people’s eye as to their “lack of moral fibre” (to put it one way).

Michael O’Leary is another: worth millions, he treats both customers and staff with undisguised contempt, but what is hard to swallow is how many people use his airline. It’s shocking to realise how many people voluntarily sign up For this treatment all for the illusory benefit of a £10 plane ticket (and it never is just £10, add all the supplementary charges and the cost of getting to the obscure airfields used, and the £10 is no more).


In a way, his business acumen is astounding, who could have guessed that you could treat your customers with contempt, fleece them like sheep at a shearing and they would still come back for more.....


I suppose the moral of the story is that people will buy anything, no matter how poor the quality, if it is perceived as “cheap”


I am one of those who is quite happy to travel with Ryanair. Yes, it's basic but it does what I need it to do. I think of it as being a bit like a bus journey. I don't buy any of the add-ons so it is still very good value.

I would prefer to travel by train when visiting Southern France. But the cost is about 6 times more than Ryanair on average.

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Good morning everyone 


Another sunny start to the day, now breakfast has been consumed I will continue working on the arbor construction, hopefully I’ll get the 2 sides and the 2 roof panels finished today, maybe even have done a test assembly of the arbor. 


Stay safe, stay sane, back later 

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