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1 hour ago, Ian Abel said:

May the fourth be with you... I always have enjoyed that oddity, and participate, often to the annoyance of other, too bad :O


's alright, tomorrow is the revenge of the fifth (said with a lithp) :D

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23 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Unless they are "lucky" enough to find alternative applications like the host of failed cancer treatments being now marketed for auto-immune conditions like psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis. Remdesivir (intended for ebola but failed) seems to be beneficial in COViD-19 recovery.

I think that they are the exception, rather than the rule. Additionally, apart from some pre-clinical work and some ADME (Absorption Distribution Metabolism and Excretion), work you still have to do clinical trials in the new targeted indication for the repurposed drug. And these cost.  So I think most Pharma companies really think hard about repurposing a drug that didn’t work in “X” to see if it will work in “Y”.

Of course, the ultimate successfully repurposed drug is sildenafil (aka Viagra) which was originally a so-so antihypertensive with a decent safety profile (I have heard many accounts about how Viagra’s effect on libid0 was discovered; The one I like the most, and which is nonetheless plausible, is that during the antihypertensive study the study management team found that elderly gentleman were not returning their unused study medication as instructed and wondered why this was happening).

Edited by iL Dottore
Missing word (libid0) which was removed!
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11 minutes ago, Andrew P said:

And finally the good news is, we are moving on the 15th, so moving out from here on the 14th.


I will be without the Inter webbie for a few days, but I guess I can live with that.:good:

Meant to say; LOOK OUT AMP SHER.:D were coming to get yu:sarcastic:

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7 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

Hard braking with the wheels loosely attached is not recomended either. This will put an enormous strain on the studs and could cause them to fracture later.


Certainly not a good idea at 60 mph but hardly likely at less than walking speed :)

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32 minutes ago, AndyID said:


Certainly not a good idea at 60 mph but hardly likely at less than walking speed :)

But the stresses could cause failure at a later date, when you are doing 60mph on the freeway.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all.


Nieghbours garden lawn cut and bushes trimmed. he said that its likely that Gatwick north terminal will not reopen for the foreseable future (a long time) and all staff have gone (he used to work there) and if they survive Virgin will pull out of the airport aswell as BA.


Shopping completed but unlike previous few weeks there was a queue in the top car park to gain entry to the store and the girl doing the sentry work wasn't happy that she should have been relieved half an hour ago. if that had been me I would have had to relieve myself right there.

Anyway shopping completed for Mum with just caserole steak and baking powder not on the shelves. Queues at checkouts much quicker this time  despite the store being busier.


Back home and after Wye Valley Brewery Eskimo's Kiss, now on Orkney Dark island. More Titanic beers due this week and tonight i ordered a mini keg  Black ale from Dorking brewery.


This weekends long walk might be to the old fort at the top of Reigate Hill not far from the M25. didnt know it exited not the castle at the other end of Reigate. At least we are exploring the local area in these Covid  days to get some exercise and all at a distance to anyone else as its well spaced out and quieter than heading into town or the park.


Next up may well be Exmoor Brewery Beast.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all. 

Another lovely spring evening hereabouts. 

Mike - there's genuinely no hurry - well,only in as much as swmbo is pressing for a "list" as the annual solar orbit concludes sometime in "due course". 

Today more glue dried on my garage layout whilst I stared at "JIRA tickets", wondering why none of them move till about halfway through the meeting to plan the following week's work! I bet if the payroll was only run for people who completed their daily admin it'd be a different story! 


Not being a fan of Ferlaugh Merlot I'm trying out a Cov-Sauv this evening. :drink_mini:



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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Been playing catch up with Farcebook this afternoon, getting there slowly. Just had dinner, toad in the hole with broad beans and very nice it was too. Its interesting to see that many governments are not bailing out the airlines, I think that air travel will probably be the last industry to recover after Covid-19, if it ever does (or is allowed to). People are getting used to the cleaner air and politicians of all colours realise that. On Facebook someone has shown a mini 'lockdown layout' only 16" X 7". It even has a Bachmann Wickham trolley running up and down. I might have a go at doing something similar myself though I'm planning a slightly bigger 'lockdown layout' at the moment.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening All 

Been under the duvet the past few days my Babe turn up here unannounced I've had a very enjoyable time.:wub:

Other good news slapped #rse's solicitor finally come round to my way of thinking.= that's the end of that ghastly saga:girldevil:

I'm hoping we can travel by car soon and keep the 2 mtr distancing thing going, the dear old neighbour has pulled through the dreaded disease god bless her.:good:

Looks like things are going well in eradicating Covid 19 so stay safe :superman: L.E.Gover :spiteful:


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1 hour ago, PhilJ W said:

But the stresses could cause failure at a later date, when you are doing 60mph on the freeway.


I think if you do the calcs you'll find the maximum torque produced arresting about 30% of the vehicle's kinetic energy from 2 mph won't over-stress the studs at all.


I'd be a lot more concerned about excess grease on the interface between the inside of the wheel and and the hub greatly reducing the friction between them. Under extreme braking that could over-stress the studs, possibly even shearing them (although I think that's unlikely.)

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6 hours ago, 45156 said:

 Lily at her favourite game of lying stock still behind the fence, totally quiet, until somebody comes past, then barking her head off.



A bit like Onslow's dog that lives in the beaten up car in the front garden:)


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2 hours ago, Andrew P said:

Meant to say; LOOK OUT AMP SHER.:D were coming to get yu:sarcastic:

I hope that means I will get to meet you when you visit the Mid Hants Railway. 

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Evening Awl,  

Domestics today started with trimming 60ft of one side of internal to the garden hedges trimmed to 4ft tall. ,  Berberis purpura.. That was then raked up and deposited on the next bonfire. 


I hadn't recovered from that when " we decided " to move a pile of bricks. These will go to near where a "Japanese tea Hut"  will be built.  It's the only place in the garden where there is a slope, and it will look out over a pond cut into the slope.  So the Hut will be on a brick edged platform about 3 ft high as its behind the dam. I suspect the hollow where the pond will be , is the site of an old Anderson  shelter, widened by the previous owners into a rockery.


Problem.. It's over grown with brambles... More work for my knackered arms..  

This work will unfortunately continue tomorrow. 


So muddling today was little,  the green paint  tried on the radar rotating cabin is way too yellow. A search through my stocks of paint give either too bright or dull.  So I've been adding some bright bluer green to the yellow green.  Fun in tiny humbrol tins,  and a lot of stirring.  I'll  see how it looks tomorrow when it's dry .


Time for my muggachoccy  

Goodnight Awl. 

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2 hours ago, Happy Hippo said:

And did you use German to describe your feelings when you snapped them?

None has snapped yet.  Something like 200 out of the required 500 holes have been bored.  I bought six.  At that rate I can bore a lot more than 500 holes ..... :jester:

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