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22 minutes ago, Kingzance said:

Good morning awl,


Today sees not just Jamie92208's Emily completing an orbit of our own star but I have similarly been occupied in carefully observing that celestial body and am now back at the point where I started. I can report that, apart from expanding a little, it's still much the same - HOT, I tell you, HOT! I also have to admit that celebrations of my minor achievement in continuing to exhibit signs of life are notably less this year than was the case some 366 days ago but the daily count of pills required to keep me here and annoying other global citizens has risen. I look forward to a fun-filled day of massive excitement - well, at my age one doesn't want / need too much of that and certainly I shall not be partaking in any of the Outdoor Sex mentioned earlier - the bits are hiding from the chill wind and I need loadsa notice too! Nor shall I be shaken a leg with bells on at any nearby public grass space / monument either, but good luck to Chris_F.


Many years ago, I signed the OFA to be allowed access into - oh, I don't remember, must be an age thing :lol:.


As those who have retired will attest, proper breakfasts are a delight but we more mature persons must balance the delights of "one moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips" with the rate of wear on knee joints. Chocolate biscuits and cake are sadly a rather limited commodity in this household too - party because SWMBO annexes such biscuits and places them in her "secret squirrel" store, never to be found by her slave. Polybear beware!


It is cool, dry underfoot and there are occasional glimpses of sun through much cloud. The day will bring - who knows. The day's plans are to continue to rewire the reverse loops with confusing identical wire colours as only 2/3rds got done yesterday (protesting knees and a Mink D got in the way if you must know), to open a decent bottle of alcoholic red juice (Morgon? CdP? St Emilion?) ahead of barely cooking a nice bit of rump to go with a few Jersey Royals later, perhaps I shall order some more Uisge as toasting Captain Tom saw off the last of the Highland Park post clap and during the Camera Club meeting last night and to try out a new flash that SWMBO generously ordered to my specification in celebration of the day.

Onwards, upwards and time to Baz it!

Happy Birthday, Hope you have a good day.

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A promising start to the day with sun shine all over the place.

Alas, it is not to last according to the local weather lady.


Disappointing that if I amend my Asda order, it'll take off 4 things I've added.

Don't amend, I miss out on the extra items I could do with.


However, discovering My Family again from the Beeb.  On Series 3 now.  Didn't realise there was a whopping 11!

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Good morning everyone 


A sunny start to the day, but we had some heavy rain during the night which woke me up. We also had some a®$ehole ring up withholding their number, 4 times in succession, I didn't answer them, but again they woke me up. I'm thinking of getting myself a whistle and answering the phone nextime. 


Time for clearing the gutter, then I'm off to the workshop. 


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later. 

Edited by BSW01
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So I signed whatever I signed, four times - and I still have one copy somewhere.  Three summer jobs and then employment with the Post Office.


I'm not needed yesterday or today.  I sign that things are quietening down before the second spike.



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1 hour ago, tigerburnie said:

Blimey there's a lot gone on since I've come back from the greenhouse...………..

firstly Happy Birthday KZ

OSA.when I signed up for my apprenticeship with the AEI in Leicester I had to sign documents prior to signing as we made marine radar and naval defence stuff(ban the bomb mob used to picket on Saturday mornings), well it came to where my Dad was born...….Moscow(his parents were evacuated there during WW1)…..so I had to wait two weeks till we got clearance so I could start work, ( Brother has a similar problem when he joined the Royal Artillery).

Breakfasts...………...when in "Molly Gunnings" in Stonehaven many moons ago I asked for a large breakfast, "would you like the Glasgow one" she said...………….?????...………"Yes please"(not knowing what it was exactly). There in the centre of a large oval serving dish, surrounded by baked beans(yes I know), tattie scone, black pudding, eggs, bacon, toast and fried bread ………………….was a great chunk of CAKE, fruit cake to be precise, but apparently it was clootie dumpling. I ate all the fired stuff first then had the bean soaked cake for afters...…….very nice it was too.

Best breakfast however was in Tenerife, where the above was served...……….minus the clootie dumpling...…………………..but with a pint of beer...…..a mans breakfast I was told..hic………...

I forgot the sausages, can't have breakfast without bangers

Edited by tigerburnie
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Beltane blessings to all ERs (or Happy May Day).  Happy Birthday to Kingzance. Happy retirement to Polybear.


I signed the OSA document several times in my younger days; for the Xmas post at 16, for a temporary job at the DHSS at 18, again when joining the Board of Trade shortly after, and when employed on an archaeological dig by the Ministry of Public Buildings and Works.  So I can't tell you what was found.... Nor can I reveal what my Dad told me about a WW2 military operation that didn't go well.


I hope Chris's attendance at Ampthill for dawn was successful.  Some Morris dancers I know have been dancing in their various gardens.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Many happy returns KZ. I'm with Flavio with regards baked beans for breakfast, or for any other meal for that matter. I'm not that happy with those other new world items either, tomatoes and potatoes in various shape or form for breakfast. Marmalade should have chunks of peal in it, the bigger the better, preferably as big as chips. Not to fazed about it on toast, my preference is on a doorstep of brown bread without any butter or margerine. The best thing on (hot) toast is beef dripping, with plenty of the jelly. As I mentioned tomatoes and potatoes were unknown in the Old World until after the discovery of the Americas. That didn't stop the author of one historical novel having the emperor Nero eating a tomato. I can't now remember the title of the novel or the author which perhaps is not surprising.

9 hours ago, newbryford said:


Why don't polar bears eat penguins?


Because they can't get the wrapper off..............

Pedant mode on. Because there's to much distance between them (Arctic and Antarctic). 

2 hours ago, Tony_S said:

Morning all.

I don’t think I know any official secrets. 

I'm more interested in the unofficial ones. :jester:

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1 hour ago, Happy Hippo said:

When I left the Army way back in 1994, I was presented with a list of counties to which I was not to visit without permission.  Even after all this time there are still some countries to which I would be advised against entering. (no great loss there as they are s**tholes).



I presume that those are the ones that would fail Mike Gatting's Mother in Law test.



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3 hours ago, Happy Hippo said:

The OSA is nothing!  It's just a blanket document, but once you start getting enhanced security clearances, there are much bigger implications.


For instance, we were not allowed to take certain civilian flights because they overflew certain nations.  Even when we flew by military transport the flight had to be routed so that any emergency diversion would land us in 'safe' territory. 


When I left the Army way back in 1994, I was presented with a list of counties to which I was not to visit without permission.  Even after all this time there are still some countries to which I would be advised against entering. (no great loss there as they are s**tholes).



I have to ask before I go near certain countries. As it's a need to know then I can't comment further. .


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8 hours ago, TheQ said:

Since then GEC got split up by the directors,  one side effectively went down the pan with the .Com bubble

There was also a bit of missed/incomplete management information where they ignored a whopping loss of one of the divisions. One of my colleagues uses this as a case study for audit.

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Happy Birthday KZ. I hope it is going well!


Life can be interesting. Some clown on Farcebook is casting assertions about a large green and black object which fires 120mm rounds at very high velocity.


Like my other learned colleagues we have to stay silent as he continues to ramble on. Hopefully the moderator will evict him (or cut him off at the knees!).





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