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The filament has suddenly stopped advancing on my 3D printer. Either it's been hacked by one of the neighbors or a transistor decided to go ftang ;)   Not unlike some of the early computers I worked on. The worst thing you could do to them was turn them off. You could almost guarantee something wouldn't work when you turned them back on. It was never clear whether it was the off or the on that was responsible for the enknackerment.

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1 hour ago, chrisf said:

Tonight I should have been at a HMRS meeting in Bletchley.  Instead, the Society is dipping its toe in the Zoom pool and branch members will discuss whatever falls to be discussed.  I have a little secret to share here.  At half time in a normal meeting there is tea and biscuits.  That is the only time during the month when I eat biscuits.  It will be good for me not to eat biscuits, which I more or less gave up when I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, but I do like them.  Mmmmm, chocolate digestives.


Best wishes to all




Chris, moreasons do a sugar free selection of biscuits including chocolate doigestives and chocolate chip cookies......made by a French firm.


While not perfect they makea change


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I have a precise use of language question for the ER grammarians.


In the following hypothetical situation:

Car A is a performance vehicle with a top speed of 300mph.

Car B is a high efficiency commuter vehicle with a top speed of 60mph.


Statement 1. The top speed of Car A is five times (5X) the top speed of Car B.



Statement 2. Car A is five times as fast as Car B.


I have seen people try to state this as:

Statement 3. Car A is five times faster than Car B.


Do you interpret statement 2 to be precisely the same as statement 3?


Answers on a postcard. Replies will only be sent with a stamped, self-addressed envelope. (I do have an opinion but am looking for your opinion.) Thanks!


Answers from the back of the class with non-sequiturs will get a "ha ha ha".

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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9 hours ago, Barry O said:


  RAF airways is busy tonight as I see an A400-M is flying around parts of Scotland.



According to a local news report, that may have been the one that went from Brize Norton to Aldergrove to transport a medical emergency from Northern Ireland to East Midlands for onward travel to Leicester.




EDIT. Whilst it might have been the same plane, it wasn't the same flight. Just looked again at dates and times. Your report was Tuesday evening and the arrival at EMA was 2.00am Tuesday morning.


Edited by Mike Bellamy
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1 hour ago, Ozexpatriate said:

I have a precise use of language question for the ER grammarians.


In the following hypothetical situation:

Car A is a performance vehicle with a top speed of 300mph.

Car B is a high efficiency commuter vehicle with a top speed of 60mph.


Statement 1. The top speed of Car A is five times (5X) the top speed of Car B.



Statement 2. Car A is five times as fast as Car B.


I have seen people try to state this as:

Statement 3. Car A is five times faster than Car B.


Do you interpret statement 2 to be precisely the same as statement 3?


Answers on a postcard. Replies will only be sent with a stamped, self-addressed envelope. (I do have an opinion but am looking for your opinion.) Thanks!


Answers from the back of the class with non-sequiturs will get a "ha ha ha".


My resident lexicographer says the two are equivalent; at times (n) the dictionary gives:

  • three times as long
  • three times longer
  • three times the length

as equivalent. The dictionary records usage, not the rule according to some theorist.


For my part, 3 sounds more natural. 



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14 hours ago, polybear said:

I've come to the conclusion that my house is broken :(

Some weeks ago I spent bloody ages cleaning and dusting the house from top to bottom (*one bitch of a room still to do).

However, I've just discovered signs of a build up of dust:o.  That can't be right.  What's broken, and can it be fixed? :unknw_mini:

Polybear, dust is mostly us (dead skin cells), so unless you propose to live inside a plastic bag for the duration, dusting will - alas - be a feature in your future life.

Having said that, a friend of mine who lives in Canada seems to have a solution: being both a smoker and quite relaxed about housekeeping, my friend has acquired a portable, stand-alone, air filtration/air cleaner/air scrubber device which is so efficient that not only is there no dust in the big room it services but there is also no smell of cigarettes (my friend smokes > 40/day!). Something to investigate, perhaps?

11 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

...Quite a good day. I got most of my French tax return done yesterday...

You are truly a brave man. I face, on a yearly basis, the Swiss Gemeinde, Kanton and Bundessteuerverwaltungen, so I certainly take advantage of an accountant’s expertise. Taking on l’etat Francaise (even if only filling out forms) is something even a native francophone finds daunting! So indeed you are a hero amongst les Rosbifs 

On 28/04/2020 at 10:21, Kingzance said:

Re reduced numbers in A&E, sister in law is a “mature” nurse in the Newport Gwent area, usually in A&E at the RGH but occasionally elsewhere. She has been saying for ages that well over half those turning up at A&E did not need to come. Perhaps fear of WuFlu may reset their mindless / selfish clogging of what is basically a system to treat real and not virtual health issues / demand second opinions if they disagreed with their GP / expected some support for their drug cravings / get a free meal ticket if they were hungry - and yes, I kid you not!..

Sadly, with the NHS - as with so many things - the perception of it being “free” encourages some people to abuse the system. Perhaps (says he, tongue more or less firmly in cheek) there should be an inverse payment scale charged to patients: so slicing your finger open whilst modelling would cost you £0.00, whilst turning up with a paper cut incurred whilst drunk would cost you ££££.

On a serious note, there does seem to be a correlation between how a society views ownership of public property and services and the quality of (and abuse of) said property and services - which goes a long way to explaining the difference in sheer quality of public property, space and services between Japan and the UK (or the US for that matter)

On 28/04/2020 at 10:43, Coombe Barton said:

Two spaces after a full stop became outdated fifty years ago with the IBM proportionally spaced golfball typewriter, as did the insistence on serif typefaces...

For some, perhaps, for some. Like some posters, that’s the way I was taught (correctly in my view) and that’s the way it’s gonna stay!
America whilst admirable and great in so many ways, is also guilty of inflicting the most evil business practices on a hapless world (may I say three words and three words only? OPEN  PLAN  OFFICES!!!).

22 hours ago, Tony_S said:

...When Aditi wrote her doctoral submission she turned off all spelling/style/grammar support except for the formatting of references. This was after too many comments from Word about long sentences.

Word, IMHO, is designed for those whose “communications” (for want of a better word) tend towards the - Ahem - less complicated end of the spectrum. I recall when MS Word was first introduced, at that time many of my colleagues were working with WordPerfect, which they preferred. Was WordPerfect the better system? Discuss.

21 hours ago, Sir TophamHatt said:

...Until I found out that child care could be as much as £500 a month...

By Jove, you ARE an old softy, aren’t you Sir Topham? You should do with the kids what my parents did with me: send ‘em down the mines as soon as they could walk! Child minding and income stream rolled into one. A perfect solution!:devil:

3 hours ago, chrisf said:

...It will be good for me not to eat biscuits, which I more or less gave up when I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, but I do like them.  Mmmmm, chocolate digestives....

Certainly, foodstuffs with a high sugar content are problematic, but - as the research I did before I started a Very Low Carbohydrate diet revealed- too many of them are things that we would not normally think of as “sugary” (such as ham! A number of supermarket sliced hams contain high fructose corn syrup). Reading the label is both eye opening and vital for keeping those Devil Carbs low.

2 hours ago, Barry O said:

...Chris, moreasons do a sugar free selection of biscuits including chocolate doigestives and chocolate chip cookies......made by a French firm.

While not perfect they make a change...

Maybe, but they also tend to be loaded with fats (and not necessarily the “good” fats either) and contain artificial sweeteners. Apart from the metallic aftertaste left by many (most?) artificial sweeteners, data suggest that artificial sweeteners may be as bad for you as too much sugar. Ultimately, I reckon, the solution to the biscuit craving is to only have a minimum number - consistent with one’s daily carbohydrate allowance OR make your own biscuits - thus controlling the amount of sugar going in, or even substituting honey for sugar in the recipe.

2 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

I have a precise use of language question for the ER grammarians.


In the following hypothetical situation:

Car A is a performance vehicle with a top speed of 300mph.

Car B is a high efficiency commuter vehicle with a top speed of 60mph.


Statement 1. The top speed of Car A is five times (5X) the top speed of Car B.


Statement 2. Car A is five times as fast as Car B.

I have seen people try to state this as:

Statement 3. Car A is five times faster than Car B.


Do you interpret statement 2 to be precisely the same as statement 3?


Answers on a postcard. Replies will only be sent with a stamped, self-addressed envelope. (I do have an opinion but am looking for your opinion.) Thanks!...a "ha ha ha".

Hmm, that’s an interesting conundrum! I would argue that, for many people, Statement 2 = Statement 3. However I would argue that neither Statement 2 or Statement 3 truly reflect Statement 1. If I would say “A Lamborghini travelling at 30 mph is 5 times as fast/faster than a Reliant Robin travelling at 6mph” then that statement is both true (and is reflected in your Statement 2 and Statement 3) and also false (compared to your Statement 1) as only the ratio is present in the statement made with no reference to top speed. I think that the qualifier (Top Speed) is the key here, without it you could argue S2 and S3 do not = S1

However, grammatically, I think that “five times as fast” is probably the correct ‘formal’ usage, whereas “five times faster” is, I think, the more widely used and understood version. Personally, I would use “faster than” because to me, it implies a consistent across-the-board ratio difference, whereas, again to just to me, “as fast as” implies a single time point/comparison.




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Good morning,


Decidedly dull and damp here again although not presently precipitating. It would appear that my package of coloured electrical string has been lost by Royal Mail as it was despatched 1st Class eight days ago and still has not reached my place, only some 40 miles south of where it was despatched! Unfortunately Spiratronics, a company that I have used for the best part of a decade and have recommended to numerous people, are unable to respond to my enquiries. I shall give them to the end of the week but next week I will have to advise Paypal that I need a refund. The lack of these wires will result in either a) the Up and Down Mains remaining closed or b) a less than perfect bodge wherein wires of identical colours are used in two different circuits, the latter being the more likely outcome.


Whilst hugely sympathetic to anyone whose job disappears as a result of WuFlu, the massive growth in air transport seen over the past two decades was always going to be curtailed soon. Cheap air travel is something now of the past. This was just as likely as the Greta Effect impacted the thoughts of politicians, and more so voters who are from closer to her age group becoming enfranchised. The EU was also leading the push towards carbon emissions trading which the airline industry had managed to evade but plans are afoot to ensure the pollution generated by the air traffic industry will be equally taxed, air transport accounting for a significant amount of carbon emissions as the world actually moves towards a decarbonised energy profile in which the UK is actually leading! After all, the shipping industry has already faced up to this by addressing the fuel used in and the emissions from ships. Of course any cutbacks in air traffic will also impact a wider range of businesses, including some whose market have been built on exporting fresh produce - Scottish salmon being an example. Your thoughts on whether the UK taxpayer should be expected to pay taxes to give to Mr Branson’s empire, located as it is on one of the BVI tax havens or to help a Spanish company called IAG who own BA or even that extremely pleasant Mr O’Leary who calls “foul” if anyone gets something his Ryanair business doesn’t get whilst we remaining taxpayers here get to settle the bill for the significant amounts of money pumped in to save our economy over the past two months are welcome. I will be the first to admit that, with the exceptions of the Polar continents, I have been able through work or for pleasure to visit all the other continents and I am sure travel has widened my perspectives. This is however something that was available to the more affluent and isn’t a global option.


Anyways, and after that depressing tirade, today will bring not a great variety of new places to go, people to see or things to do. KZ Towers remains generally in lockdown, even if SWMBO wants to go for a drive! One of the things that I miss most is the ability to browse and select fresh vegetables and fruit. Two online deliveries from the Rose of Waits has shown that their pickers tend to select the produce left by in store shoppers, I.e. the shortest expiry dated stuff is what we get. Although I wanted to support our local pub as it strive to keep its suppliers going by acting as a fruit and veg shop, the quality of what they made available was also not what I would have selected from browsing the shelves of any of the retailers, be that small specialists or supermarkets. And yes, before you say it, non-seasonal produce is only available due to the mass of airfreight that supports our airports and airlines. I still have a few kits of things to run on parallel bits of nickel silver that can occupy me but Her Ladyship has no hobbies and other interests, hence why she is prowling like a cat on a hot tin roof. My suggestions of “chill, chill” seem not to be heard.


With that, I will bid you adieu until later. Be safe and careful and we’ll see light at the end of this rather long tunnel soon.

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Good moaning all from the boring borough. 


Interwebby in the shed is behaving. I should say it is about 25m from router to router via the cable. I could have gone fibre but as the routers can only handle 1.3Gbit it was overkill and 5 times the cost. The second cable is used currently for the Sonos speaker. They are flaky & very sensitive and I've found that the SonosNet isn't as good as claimed. It really works best connected directly to the Sonos Boost. For the geeks out there, I'm running a 3 node AI mesh using Asus routers. By using an ethernet backhaul it means I'm getting a full 1.3Gbit between nodes. It also means my wifi in the shed is getting me the full 380Mbit speeds of my broadband provider. This is good for work and so I can also keep an offsite(ish) mirrored backup of the nas drives in the house.


The shed has now been sufficiently cleared as well so that [edit](premature post happened. ) today's arrival of a replacement dartboard and removable raised oche means the Blue Shed public (err private club) house will be open this evening for beer, music, and darts. The old board warped after around 18 years. 


In other news it is a Wednesday that feels like a Monday that doesn't feel like any day at all. 


On that note, enjoy the day.  

Edited by AndrewC
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Il Dottore is clearly, like KZ, not too pressured at this moment (and no, I won’t use that detestable phrase “at this moment in time”), being able to read and eruditely respond to so many earlier posts. Both of us probably have plenty of time for our present journey to work and I would venture to suggest that we both are able to have more than one fresh cup of ground beans as we wend our merry ways.  If he is anything like me however, significant input of such beverage requires a corresponding and seemingly greater quantity to be expelled!


With that, I’m off to point Percy at the porcelain........

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