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3 hours ago, Happy Hippo said:

I've just heard that they are opening a new Nightingale Hospital in Glasgow:


Known as 'ICU Jimmy'.

Despite the urgent need for a groan button I must change my habits and come to the defence of our resident Pachyderm this once. Earlier on he pleaded his innocence regarding suggestions about inside valve gear. For one, mlud, he is innocent. The co-conspirator that I was referring to is not an ER but does follow my layout thread and likes crimson lake locomotives.



Edited by jamie92208
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If those nice large ladies were to pay a tax at the point of sale (or delivery) just think how much that Tax would help the UK rather than lining the (already stuffed to the gills) pockets of the owner... and yes I don't buy anything off them as I don't like their business model. There are others who make large profits and "pay their taxes" ..as TUI would say..Yeh! Right!



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Afternoon awl,  

I found a mouse shorted out.  Inside one of those round mains junction boxes. 

We miss Twix the honorary dog,  aka a cat,  she was a most efficient mouser and rabbiter.


The keel mould was sanded..  And sanded..  And sanded,  it got smooth enough to be slippery to hold.

Hence now it's setting with just one side given a small final coat of filler as its wedged in place, to hold it on the workbench. 


Then to the MhRC  a little varnish rain fell on something unmentionable. 


Then  to the garden,  where in clear skies with 30mph to 40mph winds at a huge temperature of 11C, I've started fallen tree clearance.  They've been waiting some time.  One barrow load of logs produced and two barrows of twiggy bits for the bonfire. 


Our friend who delivers our essential foods for us, went missing on the phone for several days... She had accidentally turned it to silent . We were getting quite worried about her. 


Then back to create more varnish rain.. 

After which I sat studying the layout and visualising the final appearance,  a eyelid inspection occurred during this. I worked out I need to make about 150 security fence posts,  the type with the angled top and three strands of barbed wire up there.  So I've just ordered 5 M of 1mm square wire. To emulate 6inch square posts. 




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1 hour ago, AndyID said:


Good catch sir! But they don't grow them anywhere near here. The tatty fields are all in the southern end of the state (which is even in another time-zone.)


If Tiger is watching perhaps he can advise us if they still have "tatty holidays" in Angus or have the child labor laws put an end to that? I used to be quite envious of my cousins in Brechin.

Tattie fortnight is still a school holiday, but everything is fully automated, never see any people on the fields let alone children, the fields round our village are harvested and most go to Brechin to Albert Bartletts sheds for sorting and packaging, mostly eastern European labour there I believe.

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11 hours ago, Kingzance said:


I am concerned that there seems to be an ER virus starting to invisibly and inexorably creep around. It first gained a foothold in a Sutton shed and now has infected a Durham missionary converting Yorkshire people to true frugality. May I suggest we all invest in chain-mail suits and steel capped slippers? With that, I wish all a good day. Be good and PLEASE be careful out there.


I'm sure there will be an awl-encompassing vaccination programme!


8 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

That’s something that has been forgotten, many of the deaths attributed to COVID-19 have been in elderly people with significant comorbidities and (sadly to say) about ready to expire anyway. As callous as it may sound, modern medicine, whilst saving lives of those with potentially years of productive living ahead of them, also keeps alive people who - in a medically simpler age - would have been long dead (until recently, Pneumonia was sometimes known as “the old man’s friend” carrying away as it did the frail, ill and weak every winter! )


And on that pugnacious note, I bid you all a good day



I have long since (before I met you, ID) held the view, as an Engineer, that man has outgrown his technology; we, as a species, have become way too clever beyond our own means, and it is coming back to hit us where it hurts most. (And has been for the last 20 years or so!)


Consider, please, two potential indicators, although I am just expressing a personal view, not a formally recognised, 'official' fact, the two topics of global warming and covid-19. (I have deliberately spelt them in lower case!)


4 hours ago, AndrewC said:

Of mice and, errr more mice. 


About 10 years ago on a cold and stormy night SWMBO opened the door to feed the bin. Voom, in popped a mouse at warp 6. Voom, boB the cat (the world's most scared moggie) hit warp 9 from the front room. Mouse managed to get about 2 metres inside and whump. No more mouse. 


Mouse 2. Middle of the night, SWMBO goes downstairs for some water. Hears a funny noise, turns on light. Mouse wandering in the front room. Oscar the cat, watching but doing nothing. Cat yawns, and wanders off to sleep. Muggins here, removes mouse by the tail gently. 


Mouse 3. Afternoon time. Watching telly apres work. Tiggr the cat playing gently with one of the many stuffed catnip mice under the table. SWMBO arrives home. Gives Tiggr a pet on the head. Stuffed mouse wanders away from the cat. Ooops. Mouse again removed gently. Remaining stuffed mice checked to make sure they were not real. 


Mice 4,5 Skeletal remains found in the drop ceiling of the bathroom when it was being gutted during renovations 2 years ago. Yuk. Likely to have been there since the bathroom was put in sometime in the 70s. 



Sorry, there can ONLY be one retort to this: (Now, where's that groan button??)




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12 hours ago, Andrew P said:

I hope the Table Leg has put in a substantial claim against the Toe, I know a good Solicitor if you need one.



No Claim, No blame.:P


Stay Safe everyone.:good: and watch out for Table Legs.:sarcastic:


Jarndyce and Jarndyce, perhaps?:sarcastic:


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6 hours ago, AndrewC said:


Mouse 2. Middle of the night, SWMBO goes downstairs for some water. Hears a funny noise, turns on light. Mouse wandering in the front room. Oscar the cat, watching but doing nothing. Cat yawns, and wanders off to sleep. Muggins here, removes mouse by the tail gently. 





You sould never pick rats or mice by the tail, they carry some very nasty diseases around that area

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I lived in my first apartment for perhaps less than a year and had not accumulated a lot of "stuff". (I have now.) Checking the cabinets under the kitchen counter when I was moving out there was some over the counter headache medication in capsule form in an otherwise empty cabinet.


Inside the cabinet was a little forensic tableau. A capsule lay on its side with a hole nibbled in one end. Under the hole was a small but perfectly formed conical pile of white powder from the capsule. Lying stiff besides that was a quite dead but un-decomposed mouse.


Mice do get into my garage. One hid behind the furnace so I put out some shelf stable bait/poison. It has subsequently been gnawed at considerably. I have found one intact corpse.

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Evening all,


I said earlier that my hope for the day was a stress free visit to the local supermarket.


Duly achieved! :)


Beyond that, not much to report, so I bid you all best wishes and goodnight.

Edited by leopardml2341
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