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Greetings all from Sidcup where it is overcast and has rained.


we went for our walk earlier and wondered where everyone was going in their cars; there can’t be that many key workers in the area.


i worked in Brum in the mid 90’s so got to experience Baltic at first hand. Menus under the glass topped tables, staters for under a quid, table sized naans and the balti itself; very nice. I was quite pleased when Imrans opened in Northampton a few years later; whoever it was that reckoned a curry house’s quality was in inverse props to the quality of the bogs would have rated Imran’s very highly but I preferred Baltimore King and Aladdin’s. Now they seem to feature interchangeably with Karahi dishes round here but are not as far as I can tell cooked in quite the same way; when I stopped working in Brum I was given a Balti recipe book from all the then leading Balti houses.

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4 hours ago, Happy Hippo said:

Readers may recall my comments a few days back about what goes on in Telfland.


Here is an example:



No 1 son's other half is a Telf, nuff said.




PS, I take it that you will gave a multicoloured toenail for the next 3 months. All in a good cause though.  As to LGA going green and copper capped, i suspect that a snowball has more chance in Hades.

Edited by jamie92208
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Good afternoon everyone 


I've been busy in the cellar stripping paint from the towel rail. I was going to post earlier but got side tracked and have just caught up whilst drinking muggertea No2. 


Back later 

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1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:



Finally, can any of ERs fine students of the social scene tell me what the difference is, if any between:


> The “Woke” Generation

> The “Me, me” Generation

> The “snowflake” Generation

> Generation X


I am but an ageing “baby boomer” and thus oblivious to these things



The difference is simple - the name.   As each name given to the behaviour of some members of this  generation attracts increase opprobrium and when the generation realises that is happening one of its number thinks up a new term to describe them.  The more names there are so the more people become confused about which is what and who they are talking about.     It's a typical trick of the sort beloved by other totalitarian states or organisations.

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Afternoon All


I have had to skip a few pages to get here to post at all today, so apologies that not all posts have been read and rated.


30747 has decided that in the light of her high cholesterol, she also needs to increase her our exercise, and I was exhorted to walk "round the block" - a popular walk round here, of about 1.5 miles - however, we used to live on the block, and it was a pleasant stroll albeit a tad on the hilly side.  We are now about half a mile away, so the 1.5 miles has become 2.5 miles, and when we used to walk it, it was a stroll - fast forward 20 years, and I haven't walked it for a few of these, and I am sure that the hills have got a while lot steeper in the interim.  Apparently, this walk may become our daily exercise, instead of just taking Lily for a wander round the streets - ah well, that means I'll be going out twice a day, as will 30747 - I doubt that anybody will mind/notice, and the village is quiet enough that we can distance ourselves from passers by very easily.  There is a slight advantage, as the Littledale Light Railway is at the top of the block, and Mike is sometimes running Tarn Beck just for fun, and with a bit of luck, we might catch sight of it. 


Got to say I'm a bit knackered now.


Back tomorrow, and I'll try to backread the missed two pages.

Regards to All


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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Running a bit short of bread and a few other things I popped down to Tess Coes after lunch. There was the normal queue but as I needed the loo I went to the door and asked if I could use the loo. The chap on the door told me I didn't have to queue! apparently the queue was going down and it wasn't neccessary to queue.

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