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Early Risers.


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Have a great holiday DD. Give my love to Ryanair......:P


Bright and sunny down here, so a nice way to start the day.


Finally took a hammer to the one scenic board of the old Eastwood yesterday...:(


I had to as it was really in the way, but for weeks I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Sad thing is it just couldn't be used in Eastwood 2/3/4 or 5, so just had to go. Hurt me just the same as a lot of hours work went into that one board. Oh well, job done now, so look out Bracknell tip, I'm on my way.......again.;)

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Clear blue sky, and already quite warm here.

It is really quiet here, though I've just heard a jet flying around but it probably isn't Dd circling over the Thames.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, 'Twas on a Monday morning the gasman came to call... Or at least that's what I'm waiting for. Only a boiler inspection as part of a maintenance contract so should(!) be no big deal. May well then have to wander down to the shed for a bit. Busy busy.


Enjoy your hols Dd. Sounds as though Gordon will have a nice clear spare room by the time you get back! I assume you have managed to salvage some of the retaining walls, bridges and tunnel mouths Gordon.


Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all!

Haven't been posting for a while due to various commitments (mainly coursework). It appears some new emoticons have appeared - how long ago did that happen?


Yesterday I managed to write 7 A2 size pages of coursework (including diagrams and photos) in 6 hours - pretty impressive for me. Oh, and I had a rather nice pub lunch - Homemade Lasagne with chips and garlic bread - lovely cool.gif Weird to think I can legally buy alcohol (although I haven't done yet!). I've also been doing a bit of babysitting recently - all helps to pay for the hobby, although I have been saving at the same time ready for uni!


Well I best get ready for my first lesson... I'll report back later where I can catch up on the latest on here.

I should also put together a report from our exhibition really, too. I've got a few photos and videos.

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Guest Max Stafford

Well have a good holiday DD, this is the last day of mine before it's back to the 'auld claes and porridge' :lol: I don't think I've worn a full length pair of trousers for ten days!

Visiting my old haunts on Saturday was easily the highlight of the week and it has certainly fired my appetite for more travel in that direction. I think if a respectable sized lottery win ever bounces this way, I'll be upping sticks and moving there!

I'll be making the most of my renewed sense of purpose in many things today including my modelling - I've been busy with a model of Carlisle Canal's A3 60068 Sir Visto and I may put up some blog pictures later if anybody is interested.


Jam; garlic bread is the future.


Dominik; be patient lunch won't be long and you can have all the garlic bread you want then! :laugh:


Mike; hang in there, the first day of your week will be over soon and it's my turn for the crappy stick tomorrow! :P


All the best, guys!



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  • RMweb Gold

No lasagne here today. There was a suggestion that I should make some last week but I was lazy and made spag bol instead. Matthew rang me this morning and after discussion about what he had to eat last night (macaroni cheese and carrots) he then started asking me if I could help him understand some of the stuff he was revising about satellite imagery. Most of the stuff he studies for human geography doesn't require any science background but hopefully he is less confused now. Anyway at least it was a "promotion" for me, I normally get his queries about the best method of opening beer bottles.


Dave, when we were in Geneva once we saw police officers in cycle shorts but they were not on bicycles, they were roller blading.

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Seems like a couple of us are making fresh starts. That's good - I've re-invented myself at least three times in my life and found it refreshing. When I moved to the 'States I went to North Carolina because I knew nobody, a big wrench on top of moving continents.

Anyway my Wife made Lasagna (plural: Lasagne) from scratch yesterday and it was delicious.


All the best, Pete.

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Guest Max Stafford

I haven't made a pasta dish for years but you guys are planting seeds in my head, care to share the lasagne recipe?

Right now though, it's a couple of Aberdeen Angus burgers and salad for lunch!



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Would somebody kindly lobby 12A for blog pictures of Sir Visto, please :D


Thinking about scratchbuilding a corned-beef sarnie while I work through what would be lunch....

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  • RMweb Gold

I was going to eat jambalaya for lunch but my wife is having some dentistry done this afternoon and may need something not too crunchy for dinner tonight, so I'll find something else and save the planned lunch for her dinner.

Pete, does your wife make her own pasta? I've seen it demonstrated but haven't ever tried it, it looks far too difficult!



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No but her Mother does - now her Grandmother (RIP) in Italy made her own pasta by hand with simply a rolling pin! I used to enjoy visiting her little village down south (San Chirico Nuovo) and sitting in the little square with (the rest) of the old guys drinking wine in the afternoon........Figs as big as Granny Smith's too, I love figs.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

I haven't made a pasta dish for years but you guys are planting seeds in my head, care to share the lasagne recipe?


For the meat sauce, I suggest you use some paprika powder for frying, and some tomato purée for additional flavour. Likewise, I can recommend generous amounts of garlic, and if you like vegetables, dice one carrot or two, and a courgette. Mushrooms sautéed in a bit of butter also are a good addition.

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  • RMweb Gold

I haven't made a pasta dish for years but you guys are planting seeds in my head, care to share the lasagne recipe?

Right now though, it's a couple of Aberdeen Angus burgers and salad for lunch!



This is my (simplified) lasagne recipe - I like it.


Dice a couple of carrots into smallish (5mm) bits - you can also put celery in if you like but I don't like it. Fry in olive oil till soft but not browned. Add a chopped red onion and fry this till soft whilst adding chopped garlic (I like lots) to taste. Add 1lb - ish of lean steak mince and fry till browned. Add 1 big tablespoon of tomato puree and cook for a further minute. Add a big wineglass full of red wine (or what remains of the bottle which you opened when you first started cooking this dish....)Cook off the alcohol for a couple of minutes then add a large tin of good quality chopped tomatoes. Add lots and lots of pepper and if you fancy it a teaspoon of dried herbs such as oregano (You can also add salt to taste at any time, I don't use salt in cooking unless it really needs it) Leave to simmer gently.


Meanwhile open 2nd bottle of red wine (this is a very important step as no matter what the food tastes like by this time you won't notice)and take a slurp or three. In a small saucepan put 1oz of butter over a low heat - let it froth (not boil) then add 1 heaped tablespoon of plain flour and stir in. Let this cook for one minute whilst stirring then add 1/2 pint of cold milk. Keep stirring (I use a whisk) until it thickens and just starts to come to the boil - this is your lump free white sauce. I then add lots more black pepper to this as I like it.


Ok - take an ovenproof dish, put 1/2 of the meat concoction in it. Put a layer of lasagne sheets over this then spread 1/2 of the white sauce over that. Repeat, then thinly slice mozzarella cheese over the top (I use a couple of the supermarket value range ones for this) then grate fresh parmesan (not the ready grated stuff which smells of vomit) over the top. Stick in a moderate (say 180deg) oven till the cheese has melted and is golden brown.


Serve with salad and rest of red wine :drink_mini:


This lasts me for three days, I also like it with baked beans!


So there you go....

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  • RMweb Premium

I use a cheese sauce for mine and more sheets of pasta, also I only use mushrooms and onions for the bolognese sauce. As you can see Dave there are as many ways as the proverbial and experimenting is half the fun. Like Phil it is edible on the following days, personaly I feel the warmed up from the day before tastes better than the first day. If you are going on duty after the meal I would suggest missing the wine out.

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Guest Max Stafford

The font of knowledge and wisdom that is this forum never ceases to amaze! Thanks fellas! :D



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I'll tell you the ingredients of Italian Lasagna later (I'm having leftovers for supper). It's very simple. No extraneous stuff.




I just wanted to add that Apple is the #1 global brand (according to NBC News today) - we need more layout planning aids for it!!!!!!!


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


First traces of sunlight are lighting up the buildings to the south – nice :yes: . Need some breakfast soon – might help forget that bad dream I had :unsure: .


Wonder if we will, in fact, get some of those thunderstorms they were mentioning in the weather forecast. The garden sure could need some rain.


Have a good one, lads...

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