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Guest Max Stafford

Up late today.



Gordon - Fires often revitalize a Forest.

Stewart - Glad you got the PC sorted - otherwise no more comment from me!!!!


Have a good one everyone, enjoy your families.


Best, Pete.


Pete. Thanks; your advice led to one of the happiest days I've experienced in some time!

I wasn't going to do that much today apart from work on some models in the shed and I did spend time on my Canal A3 60068 Sir Visto but in the end, the pull proved too great so I loaded Abi in the car, fuelled up, scored a bag of wine gums and two cans of Red Bull and got going up the A7, the hit the back road and pulled over onto the Newcastleton to give Abi a walk along the Liddle Water. Back on the road and eventually I ended up on the opposite side of the country at Berwick, or more accurately Spittal. Abi had another pleasurable play on the sands at the margin of the North Sea then we went for a walk around some old places that mean a very very great deal to me - this was where I came on holiday with my parents most years up until I was 17. The view you see below of the bridge with the sea background is taken from the very spot where I had my first life-changing encounter with a Deltic, 55 001 St Paddy in June, 1977. This is the spot where what I thought was a WW2 aircraft roared into view, chopping the throttle as it passed - what an unforgettable experience! :O

Next photo is of Spittal Crossing, just south of Tweedmouth, where following that close encounter of the Napier kind, I spent my first week's proper train spotting. Quite a few changes have taken place along Cow Road from where I spotted St Paddy down to the crossing and down in the village too, but as someone who has grown cynical and conditioned to disappointment over recent years I'm over the moon to report that those changes have been largely good although the trains aren't a patch on what I had there back in '77!

Some houses have been built along Cow Road and the Caravan park has grown, but the houses are all nice and sympathetic to the surroundings. The estate up the hill doesn't appear to have turned into a Borders Mogadishu of discarded furniture and burnt-out cars :keeporder: and the village itself is still slightly sleepy and clearly well cared for by its residents.

The next photo shows the portacabin that replaced the old wooden crossing keeper's hut at Spittal but this itself was one of the things that has really made me happy in a most unexpected way - look at the flowerbeds and the little fence. Real love and pride has gone into this place, proving that the tradition of pride that made the borders' railways so special still survives. They say 'never go back because it's never the same' but in this case, although things have changed, they've all been good and what I saw here was far, far better than I dared to hope!

Most of the shots around Shankend and Whitrope where taken on Thursday although on the way home tonight, I paused for the grainy snap of Shankend viaduct at dusk.

This is a wonderful spot that means a great deal to me too but to see it like this was virtually mind-altering!

Todays trip has affected me profoundly in a number of positive ways but it has also cleared a bit of modeller's block too and has focused my attention squarely on the Border Country, making both layout planning and fieldwork so much easier.


Pete, I know I gave myself the final push but thank you for advising me to go with my heart on this one!


All the best.










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Great photos, Dave.


I wished I had been with you to share the experience but your write up was the next best thing.


Sometimes it's best not to over think something but just go with the flow.

So glad you had a great time.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


I seem to have to get up early regardless of how late I hit the sack. 'Twas around 1 am when I did, but I couldn't stand staying in bed longer than till about 6.30, as I immediately felt hungry when I awoke – so perhaps a nap will be on the agenda for the afternoon :yes: . Thankfully, the autobahns weren't all that full.


Have a good one everyone!

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  • RMweb Gold

Very enjoyable report on your day out Dave. Glad you enjoyed it so much.


It is grey here and there is this strange wet stuff falling from the sky in large amounts. Amazing how short memory is - it can't be that long since we were wondering if the rain was ever going to stop.

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Morning All,


A nice report there Dave - it looked like a grand day out.


I haven't got too much on the agenda for today. I'll see how the day pans out. It looks like it is going to be another warm one though.


Have a good day everyone...

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Enjoyed that, Dave.


I'm experiencing Gate Fever today but a temporary cure was offered by SWMBO in the form of a 17 item list.

Off tomorrow for two weeks and I doubt that I'll be spending much time on the Internet.


Sun, good food, great accommodation, wonderful views etc.,.

If I feel like physical activity, I can click my fingers to a bit of Flamenco.


It's virtually a train free zone so no interesting reference pics to take.


I'll be thinking of you and hoping to return to see Don's posts.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Weather is a bit mixed here but the sun is threatening to emerge. Some great pics there Dave. Nothing quite like a bit of English countryside (even if it's this close to the the other place) for uplifting the soul. Not an area I know but certainly one I should put on my list to explore.


Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,a bit brighter weather this morning after a lot of rain overnight. Good report there Dave I would like to ride through the borders again but the chance of owning a fast motorbike is very slim and driving a zafira along the roads just wouldn't be the same.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all - just got in after yesterday's carnage that was the Army v Navy rugby match at Twickenham. I was alright till we started on the Jagerbombs.....

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  • RMweb Premium

Oh yeah, there was one question I was meaning to ask you. Did I miss anything to the end that indicating while changing lanes is no longer in the highway code? Had quite a few situations on our trip to Koblenz yesterday which suggested it may no longer be... :rolleyes:

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Note to self: Next time, when attending an all you can eat buffet, you don't have to take it literally :wacko:


Dominik - Yes, I have been wondering that. As far as I know, neither the Highway Code, not the StVO have changed. However, maybe I've missed something! :unsure:

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  • RMweb Gold

I have to admit that despite my pre-Jagerbomb optimism tracklaying is not a priority today. I can't blame it all on Jagerbombs though - Kronenborg and spicy rum and coke (another first for me) have to take their share of the blame.


Cracking day out though!

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all.

Back in Essex now! I had an uneventful trip to and from Leicester. I didn't stay long, we unloaded, I set up his computers while he unpacked everything else. He has an exam tomorrow but not much else seems to be happening after that for a few weeks.


I'd never even heard of Jägerbombs until last year when Matthew explained what they were!




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Apologies for my lateness...Had family over for lunch and it just went on and on......;)


Lovely pics and narrative Dave that made me nostalgic for all those places and girls of my youth.....I wonder what they're doing now?...


I had no idea what Jagerbombs were without Googling.


I have no idea how many you had Phil, but it seems you might be a wimp compared to this guy.....


Have a great holiday DD....See you in 2 weeks.



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I had assumed it was something young people drank.

I'd heard of them but had no idea what they were. Had to google them...


Didn't post this morning, felt like I was going to have a migraine. Thankfully didn't and the drugs kicked in in time for me to enjoy what was a spectacular F1 race.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Sun is making itself seen as I'm typing this and another warm day has been forecast. Thunderstorms but may be due from tomorrow onwards – which I guess would be good for the garden.


Have a good one, chaps... :yes:

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