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1 hour ago, newbryford said:


Here's a question.


Say a golf course is owned by one person (ie, a proprietary club as opposed to the more numerous member-owned clubs). Can that open space be used by the owners family for their daily exercise? 

The golf course is within a few minutes walk, so no unnecessary car journey involved.


If yes - then is there a problem if said family members happen to knock a few balls around with sticks as part of that exercise?


Just wondering?







I guess its easier to ban everything than have a whole lot of (however seemingly logical) allowances and exemptions.  Here at least that seems to be the theory despite many example of seemingly ridiculous enforcements popping up each day in the media.

Overall though everyone here is doing it with good grace - the coverage on the news each day from Italy, Spain, US and now sadly even the UK is showing what the alternative might be.


If closed off beaches are our biggest problem right now then we are going pretty ok in comparison -we went through enough stress and heartache with the bushfires.

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I heard from a customer in Romania who, being over 65, was confined to barracks except between 11:00 and 13:00 when carrying suitable ID and an Afir Davit, could go out for 'local exercise, essential shopping or collection of medication'.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning from an overcast Surrey.


A good day in the shed yesterday building the high level line. All timber brackets fabricated and fixed in place. Today should see all the remaining timberwork completed, cork laid then continue laying the track received from Fraggle Rock. Really looking forward to running stock continuously round.


We had our beer free day on Monday so the mini keg form the local brewery was opened yesterday evening and will be emptied today once I have finished using any power tools.

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33 minutes ago, AndrewC said:

I think this is the quote you were looking for: I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.


Moaning all from the borough that has become a boring black hole of boring. Still feel crap and spending around 12 hours a day in bed. The rest is either working or cooking. I just don't have the energy to do much else. I'd love to be playing trains prototypically operating a sophisticated scale model recreation. That ain't happening until I spend at least 8 or 9 hours clearing and finishing the new floor in the shed. 


Building works next door continues. Really getting on my t*ts now. Some of the roof tarp has been removed on what was supposed to be a small dormer section to a loft conversion. Nope, it is a full 2nd story 10m² extension as well as a loft conversion. Ball park guess is the whole thing will exceed 40m³ which would require planning permission. The roof overhang of the extension and dormer appears to extend beyond the property boundary and over my roof. The shared chimney stack has also vanished without a party wall notice being issued. Time to call building control methinks. Maybe UKBF as well as I'm not convinced the builders are completely kosher. 


Day 2 of SWMBO's furlough. Wishing now I had put a lock on the office door. Hard to concentrate when I'm so used to having the house to myself apart from the cats all day. 


Oh well. Enjoy the day. I need more coffee. 


Blatant promotion: with the lockdown my usual coffee pusher has closed. We've now found a local small roaster called TortoiseTom. Lovely coffee, decent price, and free shipping over £25. 


Generally, I think that we are over-regulated with regard to building work. So it is odd that people get away with such monstrosities when it comes to loft conversions/extensions. The London skyline is being completely ruined.

Taking down a shared chimney stack puts both properties at risk if not done properly. So you are more than within your rights to involve Building Control.

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45 minutes ago, AndrewC said:

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.

Thanks for that. It was hiding in the remote dark squishy parts of my memory, but I knew it was there. The Salmon of Doubt if I'm not mistaken. Brain usually goes first to the HHGTTG canon for Adams references.


It always reminds me of Jerome K. Jerome


I like work; it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours. 


"Procrastinators of the world unite! Tomorrow."


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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Morning, cooler and a bit more cloud, but the fierce wind that made yesterdays bike ride less than comfortable has subsided, hoping for postie to deliver more plants for the garden pond so the G word may well come to the fore, have a good one all...………...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Greetings from sunny Essex. Forecast to be 23C or thereabouts later. A lovely day for a trip to the patio. A friend rang yesterday. He had just returned from New Zealand. They had arrived at Auckland airport, checked in their hire car and it was the day the lockdown began. Their flight was cancelled and they had accommodation in a small hotel provided by the airline. It was nine days rather than the “could be a month “. 
Today is bin day. I know our garden waste bin will have been topped up by neighbours and I suspect the bottle box will be too.  
Parcels are due to arrive. Amazon have despatched our printer cartridge by RM special delivery from Dunfermline rather than their own courier network. Other packages seem to be due today too. I think we only get post on alternate days now. 

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53 minutes ago, Joseph_Pestell said:

Taking down a shared chimney stack puts both properties at risk if not done properly. So you are more than within your rights to involve Building Control.

Especially if the stack is still connected to the fireplace below and used when the weather turns inclement.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Weather as Tony reported but I wont be out on my patio very much as the pollen count is way up, even more so than usual.

3 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Morning All,

At the risk of sounding misanthropic (no, tell a lie, I am misanthropic) COVID-19 could have been an opportunity to “wash out the gene pool” - behaviour like this, by cockwombles like those, should be a prelude to the application of Darwinian principles to those *&£#@ (I hesitate to use the term “people” here) who - even in healthier times - are the grit and eggshell in the great cake-mix of humanity. Unfortunately, this strain of coronavirus has a motto akin to those of some of humanity’s more gung-ho military units: “kill ‘em all, let God sort ‘em out”

All black humour aside, I think that the cosmos is deeply unfair - seemingly protecting the moronic/selfish/inconsiderate/criminally-inclined/anti-social from the consequences of their own actions, whilst the good, the innocent and the blameless get caught in the fallout of such £&*#@ actions. (I would not wish this disease upon anyone, but sometimes, sometimes.....)


Mind you, I can see a solution here: (dons “Captain Misanthrope” spandex outfit, puts on black hat) why not allow these *&£#@ to ignore the lockdown - just have them obtain (with minimum fuss) a permit to do so and thus issue them with an ID card upon which, in big, bold, black letters it is written I AM ALLOWED TO VIOLATE THE LOCKDOWN AS I HAVE KNOWINGLY AND VOLUNTARILY AGREED THAT SHOULD I BECOME ILL DUE TO MY ACTIONS I WILL BE DENIED ANY AND ALL MEDICAL TREATMENT. Anyone violating the lockdown without the ID automatically gets 3 months in prison (given the number of *&£#@ out there, there would be good money to be made building prison camps :diablo_mini:) And require that Goggle, farcebook and twatter to keep track of them for the authorities (they are already tracking us, might as well put the tech giants to good use)




Off to unleash the Wolfpack


Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Sane


On Farcebook yesterday was what looked like an official notice from HM government stating that lockdown was to be suspended for Easter for certain categories. It was when I read those categories that I realised that it was a spoof as the list included cockwombles, the brain dead, imbeciles etc. Its now been withdrawn almost certainly because it looked 'official'.


1 hour ago, grandadbob said:

Good morning all,

Sunny start again here and a fine warm day is promised.

Yesterday the pack of meat from Scotland arrived when promised and is now residing in the freezer.

Today I will be visiting The Shed, not so much to enter it but to surround it and start painting it with preservative. This will involve using a stepladder at the gable ends, one end in particular hasn't got a lot of room so I'll need to be a bit extremely careful.

The Boss has volunteered to help but I never let her anywhere near a paintbrush as the first  (and only) time I let her assist many years ago she dunked the the brush into the paint right up over the handle. No, it wasn't deliberate, she really wanted to help and still does but I've only  got a limited amount of white spirit (and patience :banghead:) She has decided to sit in the garden and watch with the first aid kit ready.

Have a good one,


You forgot that bit Bob.

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