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9 hours ago, Happy Hippo said:

Plenty, but not a Robert.




Muddy Pool

Oi you're not supposed to show pictures of layouts...

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6 hours ago, Barry O said:

Notice Kingzance hasn't been around since Saturday. Hope him and his family are ok.



IIRC he made it known he was more than disenchanted with some of the one-sided "nonpolitical" innuendo on ER, and I can't say I blame him. It's bad enough having to deal with some of the nationalistic clap-trap.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. It seems I will have to venture out for supplies later, bread in particular. The bakery in Tess and Coes is still operating but the bread slicing service is understanderbly suspended. they do offer some ready sliced but that quickly disappears so I have to resort to the breadknife, this has resulted in doorsteps rather than slices. Hopefully there will also be some eggs to be had but I'm not holding my breath. 

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  • RMweb Premium
3 hours ago, AndyID said:


IIRC he made it known he was more than disenchanted with some of the one-sided "nonpolitical" innuendo on ER, and I can't say I blame him. It's bad enough having to deal with some of the nationalistic clap-trap.

That is one heck of a "junp to a conclusion". If he was dissatisfied that much he would have said so.  If you don't t like it you can always go silent?



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Good morning everyone 


The sun is shining and the sky is blue, with just a few white clouds about. Breakfast has now been consumed and I’m shortly heading to the cellar where I will turn over the inner door and give the back of the door it’s first topcoat. After that there are no firm plans, but a short spell in the garden or workshop is the order of the day. However, this afternoon I plan to make some almond scones, this is a new recipe I haven’t tried before and one that Sheila spotted online the other day.


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later. 

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4 hours ago, AndyID said:


IIRC he made it known he was more than disenchanted with some of the one-sided "nonpolitical" innuendo on ER, and I can't say I blame him. It's bad enough having to deal with some of the nationalistic clap-trap.

I certainly think that "political" postings on RMWeb are very much a minefield and I don't envy AndyY and his mods one bit. However, at what point does a point of view become political? Somewhat of a dilemma, I agree - but I would like to offer a viewpoint.


Let's take government subsidies for British OO Modelling (no such thing, of course [alas], but it will serve as an illustration). Now I might say that the Government should not support British OO Modelling, but allow the quality of the products and the service determine the fate of any company, The Stationmaster (Mike) - who I take at random as my counterpart (apologies Mike) may argue that the Government must subsidise British OO modelling or risk being flooded by cheap far eastern products made in sweat shops. So far, so good - a difference of opinion, but not what I would call "political" Even questioning or challenging each other's point of view need not be "political" (ME: I think that it is inappropriate to pour tax money into small companies whose output only benefits a small number of Britons - is that fair?. MIKE: But if you have an absence of Government support, British jobs will be lost to the Far East, is that fair?).


Where it gets "political" is when people start getting personally insulting ("you're delusional", "you're evil") or worse: wishing one's opponent ill ("I hope that iD's steel knees rust", "I hope the Stationmaster's nose explodes"), indulging in Schadenfreude (an all too common, and human, failing) or telling outright lies ("most British OO Modelling companies are owned by a few, big, Swiss companies" "people making OO models in the far east are paid under starvation wages" And for me, the most awful aspect of modern political discourse is not just that many are utterly vile towards their political opponents, but they cloak themselves in a veneer of indignant self-righteousness to be so.


British political discourse has always been robust, but when members of, or supporters of, any political party start actively wishing that their opponents come down with a very nasty and devasting disease, then it has gone too far. Furthermore, not only does it reflect badly on those people hurling such invective, but is hardly an advertisement for the political philosophy or party those people are championing... And this is true all across the political spectrum.


Personally? I can see distinct advantages to the democracy as originally practiced in Athens: all citizens, over a certain age who have completed military service and are property owners. Thus requiring all voters to be citizens, to have served/given something to the country, thus being old and experienced enough to make informed decisions and through being property owners have an interest in creating benefit for the country as a whole (not just their own little "in-group"). Of course, Athenian Democracy was flawed (Churchill famously said "democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time"), but as a political experiment re-introducing Athenian Democracy may be wiser than extending the vote to 16 year olds! Could work!


Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Sane




p.s. again, Mike, my apologies for using your nom du web

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Thank goodness Chrisf has at last got some baked beans with sausages into stock.  i think I can now safely admit that I always try to maintain a small stock of said comestible by making sure that my stock never runs lower than 3-4 tins and during the prelude to what I (rightly alas) predicted would be a season of all out nutcase panic buying I very gradually biuilt up my stock level by buying a couple more tins each week.  I hasten to add that at that time I appeared to be one of very few people buying them as a new tray appeared on the shelf at more than weekly intervals. Once the panic buyers hit they vanished of the shelf within a couple of days, like all sort of other things peopel never usually bought.


I haven't got a clue why we haven't seen KZ among us in recent times and am hoping that he, or his family have not been stricken by the wicked lurgi.  Over the years people have come and gone from ERs for whatever reason they chose and it is perhaps not for us who are still here to pass judgement on their motives for doing so especially as in some cases they simply didn't visit becaudse they didn't have the time to do so.



In the meanwhile the buriers of cables are on the last leg on the other side of the road with some final bits of cutting back existing tarmac around their new excavation which i can only presume is to give their new black top something to 'key' to by adding a bit of width in places?   They also took some delivery of some proper green cable pipes down the road yesterday so I suspect they will be using those where they have to go under the road - obviously from that the code has not been changed to pink, whatever their ambition.


Another sunny day and getting warmer by the hour.  Have a good day one and all and stay safe.

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As there are only 300 known virus cases in Norfolk out of a population of 860,000 I risked going out gloved up and masked.


Traffic heavier than I expected but then I don't know how heavy it should be at this time. 


Bank first, no queue, when I went in, two arrived behind me, one Cockwomble decided the appropriate place to stand was in the single person doorway, till the member of staff on patrol duties told her to move. 


Then Tes and Co,  a very short queue,  a policewoman stood with the entrance control person.  So something must have happened.. 

Lots more one way signs,  plus strategically placed moveable sales stands blocking short cuts.  Everything thing wanted, got,  no gaps on the shelves. 


Then to the  doctors to post the prescription, through letter box as normal when closed, though they were open of course.  They have put up a tent in front  of the window they are using to serve prescriptions ,  problem. It's square so only two can stand in it at safe distances if its raining. 


It's warm out there I need to find my summer coat.


And so to today,  when the Muggacoffee is consumed,  time to sit in the sunshine and sand a keel... 

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