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Early Risers.


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Good morning everyone 


Late out of bed this morning, but I'm going to spend most of the day outside again. I'm going to make the most of the current sunshine, although there isn't much more I can do until I can take the rubbish to the tip. 


Stay safe, back later. 

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Chris, many years ago I created a strawberry planter out of an old composter. The composter was made up of plastic rings and the bottom ring containing the hatch by which the compost was removed had disintegrated. I used the remains to make the planter which was two feet high and the same diameter. I then filled it with compost and planted a dozen or so strawberry plants. It continued to give a good healthy crop until I moved house. Glad to hear Mrs. GDB is on the mend, hope it continues.

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55 minutes ago, Rugd1022 said:


A slight smattering of it hereabouts half an hour ago, most odd. Sunshine and fluffy clouds now, good old England!


Herself has dusted off our breadmaker and the house is slowly filling with the aroma of its contents, lovely. Amid the surreal quietness beyond the front door (even for a Sunday) and the dripfeed of awful news from all corners of the globe, in a strange way life sort of bumbles along. It has to really doesn't it...? My brother and I both being drivers on the big railway are still working pretty much as normal, sister no.1 and her chap are both working from home, sister no.2 is a cook at her nursery so still has to go in. Cousin no.1 is an NHS administrator down in Kent so has to be there to keep things moving for her hard working staff, her older sister / cousin no.2  and her hubby are both in the music biz in London and work from home as normal. They became grandparents last week so it's all go for them in a different way of course.


Stay safe all and don't forget to wash behind ya lug'oles...!

Rather dark clouds appearing here from a vaguely north direction. As Aditi has relatives (and friends) in many other countries we are in receipt of lots of news. Also we are aware from the doctors in the family about how  the current situation varies across England (don’t have any medical relatives in other parts of the UK!). 

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Afternoon awl is it is now.


Yesterday was indeed spent doing some of the G word. A vigorous raking of the lawns is as much exercise as I've done in weeks and the slight muscle soreness I felt this morning was proof of that. Washing and assorted housework also done but sadly no muddling.


I decided to venture out to the local Aldi earlier to give the car and its new tyres a run since they haven't turned a wheel in nearly a week. There was no queue outside and plenty of parking spaces. A quick whizz round to pick up various bits I usually get from there and a short, socially distanced queue at the till. As a singleton, I'm a basket only shopper and as is the norm, deposited my basket at the usual place at the start of the conveyor once unloaded. I began decanting the purchases into my bag as usual until the cashier told me that I couldn't stand and pack there. I was rather non plussed and asked what I was expected to do. The security guard brought me over another empty basket so I could fill that and take it to the packing bench. Quite what the difference between that and my bag or indeed a trolley was I don't know. I clearly wasn't the only person caught out by this new process and while I don't have a problem with it, some signage might have been nice.


Yesterday I had an ear worm. A line in a song from late summer 1978 popped into my head. Maybe it was triggered by the impending clock change or a subconscious desire to be back in a time when life was less complicated. The result can be seen over on the "Recently/currently listening to" thread.


Regards to awl.

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4 minutes ago, The Lurker said:

Greetings all from Sidcup where today we have had rain hail and snow. Good old British Summertime!


Mrs Lurker is still coughing, mainly at night and is a bit breathless at times. No raised temperature but she has had herself taken off the rota at school for 2 weeks; it’s now we find that someone had used all the paracetamol in the cupboard but left the empty packs there. It will have been Elder Lurker as my drug of choice is ibuprofen (but won’t be if I succumb to the Covid 19). I will visit a pharmacy tomorrow to pick up a couple of packs.


the rest of us are still well and Mrs Lurker is continuing to do the normal Sunday things; the smell of a roast is currently permeating the house.


stay well all 


Dry cough or wet cough?  Bill

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Sun, hail, sleet and now sun again all in the last hour but still cold. I will have to venture out for milk and bread tomorrow, and I'll try to get some fresh fruit and veg. Now to tackle Farcebook, be back later.

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Back again, having duly done the paperwork, so the next session of that will be Wednesday with a bank print to be obtained on Tuesday after a trip to Lidl where we will try to get there quite early to avoid any possible queues - as we are both really early risers (I therefore in more senses than one), getting there for 7.30 to 7.45 will be no great hardship.  We are normally wide awake and are often up and around by 6.30.


Then the painting of the gates was done, one person thanked us profusely for his jigsaw, and at least one other was taken, by person or persons unknown, but this is why we put them out - they're not our sort of thing, and we've got upwards of 60 Wentworth puzzles anyway which will do us a lifetime.


GDB - glad the missus is starting to recover - sounds like she might have had a dose of seasonal flu, though with the medics in their current situation, you'd be luck to get a diagnosis.


Back tomorrow probably quite early.

Be good, and stay healthy.





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Afternoon awl, 


It's snowed , hailed,  rained, windied,  and currently the sun is shining .


Some filling, pointing done on the inside of the garage till I ran out of the correct stuff,  I may see If our local hardware shed has some, its a small Norfolk chain...  Only a few hundred yards from TES and Co where I have to venture tomorrow.   Not panic buying but it is a long list to reduce the number of visits .


After that it was sanding the inkle loom and keel,  the loom got another filling after,  the keel is ready for fitting the keel bolts and skin. 

However there is still a long way before the garage is windproof,  and it was darn cold in there with the wind whistling through the gaps over coming the heater. 


So I made for the MhRC,  much making like Slartybartfast,  as I made the roads / walls down to the pier. 


Just answered a email that's running round our MRC,  basically how are you and what are you doing to survive...


Food is on its way.. 

Bye for now..

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I have ordered a few bits and pieces for the layout. I didn’t want to be a nuisance but retailers seem keen to assure me they are working safely. I won’t be expecting next day delivery! Our posties usually share a van, park it in our road and take bags out to surrounding streets. They aren’t allowed to share a van now so I suspect that will affect things. They are still being expected to deliver junk mail though. 
Aditi got her exercise walking to the post box. She has cut lots of sudoku puzzles out of newspapers to send to her Mum. 


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Ian’s post about the lack of aircraft promoted me to have a look at Southend airport’s arrival and departures website. Everything cancelled except for a flight from Bucharest. I wonder if this is the one of those organised to bring in agricultural workers to pick produce that will otherwise rot. 90000 needed according to newspaper reports. 

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  • RMweb Gold
39 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

Ian’s post about the lack of aircraft promoted me to have a look at Southend airport’s arrival and departures website. Everything cancelled except for a flight from Bucharest. I wonder if this is the one of those organised to bring in agricultural workers to pick produce that will otherwise rot. 90000 needed according to newspaper reports. 

Looking at Gatwick there is one departure an hour, the rest have 'enquire with airline' and no gate shown. A few more landing but nothing like normal and North terminal is due to shut.

Edited by roundhouse
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