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5 hours ago, Tony_S said:

Our friends in Connecticut had strictly “indoor cats”.  They allegedly would have been coyote snacks if left outside. 


True - there are 'Cat missing' posters regularly put up around here. 

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10 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

This sort of thing has never been about productivity or communication, but all about status and the need to establish authority and to control people (even though a recent study from Harvard Business school not only showed that open plan/hot desking/cubicle farms are actually counterproductive and decrease efficiency/interaction/productivity). This, like many bad business ideas, comes to us from the US. Oddly enough, for a supposedly egalitarian country, the Americans are incredibly sensitive to the pecking order within a business. Office/No Office, makes decisions/not allowed to make decisions, parks near the front door/parks at the back of the parking lot, etc., etc.  I remember an instance when our newly promoted head of department (for the European affiliate of an American company) moved into a corner office without explicit and specific permission from HQ in New York. To say that this ruffled a few American feathers further up the food chain in NY is an understatement (and don't get me started on a US Company - Swiss Company joint collaboration on a project that I took part in, suffice to say that decision making in the Swiss Company was pushed down to lowest possible level [i.e. at the level of the people doing the work] whereas our counterparts in the American team had to push decision making up the food chain... Needless to say this resulted in delays in decision making when (far too often) the senior VP for this or that couldn't be found [a.k.a. "no available slots in his/her schedule"] and the Swiss team had to sit around and twiddle our thumbs as we couldn't progress without "buy-in" from the US team....)

Jobs, Musk, Zuckerberg, Gates, etc. may all superficially pay lip service to "an open and progressive company culture" - but you don't see them hot desking or having to negotiate for a "quiet space" in order to get work done/have a confidential meeting. And as for the American mantra of "profit at any cost...."


Before I retired I worked for several US corporations in the US. Three of them were actually acquired by European companies during that time.


That generally made things worse.

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6 hours ago, Tony_S said:

Our friends in Connecticut had strictly “indoor cats”.  They allegedly would have been coyote snacks if left outside. 


As we discovered. I heard it but it's probably just as well I didn't see it.

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I was a bit miffed last Sunday when I switched the TV on to get the news/weather only to find that they'd moved it from its scheduled slot to an earlier time. The same this afternoon, I switched on at 6:40, the scheduled time expecting the news only to find that it had already been broadcast. To make matters worse the program that was on in place, a repeat of an old 'Mastermind' program could easily be put on at an earlier time even if it made the news a bit later. 

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7 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

Breaking news, a cat has been found to have the coronavirus. If it was a dog it would be bad enough but how do you isolate a cat? Best thing would be to distance yourself from any animal.

Now we really have a problem!  It is likely most cat people will ignore any potential infection and and carry on as normal:unknw_mini:


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1 hour ago, AndyID said:

Three of them were actually acquired by European companies during that time.


That generally made things worse.

With my most recent employer that was my experience as well. The acquiring company was German.

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12 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

I was optimistic that might still be possible and would not entirely give up on the possibility though we need to see a peak in case rate. We are not there yet. With some increased testing (still not enough for everyone) the confirmed case rate is increasing rapidly right now.


COVID-19 seems to have burned through Wuhan in about 4 months - depending on when you start counting. Here in Oregon we are a month or so in. The Oregon Health Authority formed their incident response team on January 21. Our first local case occurred on February 28. The first of several escalating executive orders was issued by the Governor on March 8. I can see some relaxing of circumstances by the 4th of July, but admittedly that's a hopeful outlook.


I have that dreadful feeling that we may be discussing this very point in October:(


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6 hours ago, roundhouse said:

Two car dealers have moved all their cars off the forecourt.

Automobile manufacturers have a adapted the new normal very quickly with their advertising.


Many major manufacturers are offering deferred payment terms (I've seen 120 days) along with remote buying and home delivery in their television advertising. 


I don't know what is like "on the ground" for the car dealerships. I expect most of their sales people are at home, but the service departments are open. I imagine, like many consumer businesses, seasonal results would be down.

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To cap a day spent mostly waiting for responses as I "work" to get things changed for the client, in true MinneSNOWTA style, we've now been issues a Winter Weather Advisory.

It's raining now, but the advisory is from 9PM tonight until 9AM Sunday, wet snow expected 1-5 inches locally and winds gusting to 35mph.

Not sure exactly where we'll be in the path of the weather but right now looks like we are probably going to be in the midst of it if the current track continues!


Batten down the hatches, it's going to be wine-o'clock rather soon IMHO! :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Baby Shark joins the fight against COVID-19 to encourage kiddies to wash their hands.


Click. If you dare. Thar be ear worms!








(Passed onto workmates for their annoyance)

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Day of relative rest, went for walk am them did some paperwork in the afternoon and an hours modelling this evening. Was feeling a bit better earlier but after listening to Steven Nolan and Five Live things have gone down hill. Much thinking needed as how to operate pharmacy next week. Me thinks not much sleep tonight. 

How easy will it be to train people up whilst maintaining a 2m distance ? 

How can I show a new delivery man the ropes if he has to be 2m away? Train him up using a stretch limo?

Got to laugh. ( haven’t you?)

good night


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