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Guest Max Stafford

Plenty of us around today. Abi is still lame so she's off to the vet at 11:30. More cloud around today and the extreme wind of late has eased off somewhat. Conditions look right for some workshop activity today!

I'm enjoying my time off hugely. My only task today is to pick a new bicycle. I signed up to the Cycleplus scheme at work. Effectively you lease the bike from your employer with the option to purchase outright after a year. Various options exist and mine was for £350. The mandate arrived on Saturday, so I'll go off and pick one today. Looking at a hybrid road/trail type for when I don't feel like Lance Armstrong!



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  • RMweb Gold

Happy birthday, Stewart.


Dave, I hope Abi is OK. Robbie went lame once as a grass seed punctured one of the webs on a front paw which then became infected. As well as the medication to deal with the infection the vet gave us some antiseptic that apparently tastes nasty to dogs to stop him licking the sore area. Of course my dog loved the taste!



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Guest Max Stafford

Happy birthday Stewart. Skipping through the thread earlier I missed the big news, so have one on me pal!



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  • RMweb Gold

Belated birthday wishes from me too, hope it was a good one.


One of the things I do appreciate about my job (and there aren't many) is the freedom that goes with it - basically a large proportion of Hampshire is my office, together with the autonomy to run things as I see fit. We do get left alone as long as things are not going wrong, this, together with the fact that a lot of our 55 fresh water sites are in some really pleasant locations makes it very bearable on a day like today.


Some of the views from, or adjacent to, the sites I visit:











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Guest Max Stafford

Phil, I suppose we're in not dissimilar positions vis a vis freedom to roam and nice surroundings although I envy the lack of people involved in your average working day! :D


Bike picked up today as predicted; it's a midnight blue Trek hybrid with 21 gears, rigid suspension and intermediate tyres.

Only trouble is, I'll need to upgrade my small shed to store these lovely bikes securely!


I haven't really done any modelling today as I've been keeping an eye on Abi - apparently she has injured her shoulder muscle and will be on light duties and meds for a week or so, with a further week under my observation so she doesn't nobble it again. Having done something similar with my calf last month I can sympathise, but she'll miss her big walks. Still, it's not for long. (Afterthought; that's about three months in 'dog time', so not that short for the poor girl!)

As far as the workshop goes though I did put up a gutter today which should alleviate the standing water problem I had at the front during wet weather. In time, I'll connect up a water butt to help with irrigation of the plants in summer.

This break has been exceptionally good for getting 'strategic' jobs done.


I might remove the weathering from my car tomorrow! :lol:



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Rather chilly this morning at just above 2°, but it is to be warmer later on. I'll be off for some courses again.



I might remove the weathering from my car tomorrow! :lol:


Dave – do you have any special technique for that? :blink: :D


Have a good one, lads...

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Morning Dom et al....:)


Been doing my night shift once again, but this time put to good use. My hard drive crashed some weeks ago and for various reasons the replacement didn't arrive until yesterday....(City Link, Royal Mail and Bank Holidays)...:(


Installed XP yesterday, but no bloomin' drivers, so just spent the last two hours systematically installing all the latest drivers. Seems I now have a picture on my desk top, but still a ton of updates to do. You would have thought plug and play would have improved so much by now that this process would all be automatic, rather than manual....


Getting there...:)


Have a good one!



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Morning All,


Lovely pictures Phil - Thanks for sharing. Especially the first one of the collection - that really has something about it.


As Dominik said, it is pretty chilly here this morning. On my drive though the forest, the temperature actually got down to -0.5°C :O


Having said that, there was a mackerel sky and a beautiful sunrise which made up for the cold!


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all! It's not as warm as it has been, is it?


I'm off to see the neurologist this morning, finally. Hopefully I'll get the all clear and can go back to driving etc.


Not that I have a car any more, or need one.

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Some super pics Phil. Loved the converted station with the old coach in the garden. Where was that one taken?...


Meant to ask if anyone else watched 'Exile' on BBC over the last three nights. I have to say it was superb. The best three part drama I have seen in years. Brilliant acting from John Simm and Jim Broadbent was outstanding. Even had a stirring for Claire Goose, which made it even more enjoyable...:)


It was worth the licence fee on its own. If you missed it, it's still available on iPlayer. If you like a decent plot with a dark and mysterious story line it's well worth downloading.


Bloomin' brilliant.:)

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Bright one again. A new bed is being delivered today by one company and the existing one is being removed by another. Having got both companies booked to arrive in the right order what's the chances that the new bed arrives first? In between these activities I might well cut some timber for a lighting rig for Waton.


Stirrings Gordon? You must really have cut back on the Morphine!




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Morning all!


Gordon - yes, I was watching 'Exile' too, Jim Broadbent was superb, and John Simm too. I came into it without having read a synopsis or knowing anything about it and assumed it was a "traditional" Alzheimer's drama but was surprised and hooked. I'd definitely agree, watch it on iPlayer if you didn't see it.


Bright and sunny in Edinburgh this morning, not sure how warm it is though...

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Guest Max Stafford

Morning all. Still bright and sunny in these parts. Had tea and bacon rolls at the garden table. Time to feed Abi and administer her medicine then I'll take her out for a short walk. Right now she's dozing in the conservatory after scrounging bits of bacon!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Still off the air at home, due to laptop problems, and no time to investigate them.


Thanks for the good wishes for my advancing years - much appreciated. I actually had a very quiet day as I was at work for most of it, and managed to even finish late on my booked time, so got home later than expected. Still not imbibing as I am still unsteady on my feet, and can't afford to have an alcohol assisted stumble.


Lovely day here again with bright sunshine, albeit chilly.


Glad to see that everybody seems well - loved the photos of your "office" Phil.


Regards to All


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