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  • RMweb Gold


Lack of care on my part meant the outer curved rail had crept inside the 16.5mm gauge measurement when measured across to the switch rail. Not by much but sufficient to bind up long wheelbase chassis such as an 8F. Some minor tweaking with the soldering iron and one is now fine.



I had similar trouble with a 2-4-4 locomotive on a slightly out of gauge piece of track. Hitting the track with a centre punch and 1lb hammer seemed to do the trick.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hitting the track with a centre punch and 1lb hammer seemed to do the trick.

Gordon didn't say anything about actually turning the soldering iron on. He just tweaked it a bit.

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Guest Max Stafford

Good evening chaps. I'm glad to see that you've all been using your days productively.

For my own purposes, today I have planted all the Livingstone Daisies and Cosmos that I've been growing from seed over the last month and I've sorted out some other bought-in plants. This afternoon, Abi and i went to Powfoot beach near Annan where we had a 3.5 mile run along the sands, actually sands, mud, conglomerate and some seaweed with the return leg head on into a constant 20 mph wind. Man, it was tough on the way back, but I stuck it out and Abi ran and ran with an enthusiasm not often seen these days. I notice though she has a slight limp on her offside front paw now though and as I can see no cut, I assume she's had a sprain or pull. Otherwise she's perfectly happy though, so I'll leave it until the morning and get Rachel, my vet, to have a look if it hasn't eased.

I was going to go into the new, improved shed for an hour but this chair feels very comfortable just now. Maybe I should just look at my books instead!



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  • RMweb Premium

We have now returned from the blasted North, that wind across the M6 was more than any 20mph Dave the Zafira had a lean in the gusts. The panniers were the motorcycle type, back then I proceeded at speed on a Kawasaki 500 over the hills to Liverpool. It was a two stroke 500cc three cylinder engine wrapped in a Meccano frame that if ridden hard managed 15mpg...

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Guest Max Stafford

I've been staring at my ironing for weeks but it's still all wrinkled.



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  • RMweb Gold

What domestic chores have I done today? Not a lot really. I removed the dead cherry tree. I then searched and tidied the airing cupboard looking for an old table cloth that I used to use on the dining table when it was in railway modelling use. I couldn't find it the other day and somehow weathering powders (rust and soot colours) got on the table and carpet. As I couldn't find the old tablecloth I went shopping for a table protector. Then we had a trip to the garden centre for a new cherry tree. Somewhere in that list, Robbie had a run around the local fields while I ambled along. It was windy enough to make Robbie's ears look like windsocks even when he was still, not that he is still very often.

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Morning all......:)


Been up since 2.30, which has been the norm since my op 10 days ago. Currently weaning myself off the huge doses of morhine that I've enjoyed for the last six months. It completely screws up your sleep and I've been pottering around in the middle of the night for some time now. Hopefully I can get some more sleep soon, so night all, I'll see if I can get some winks again.....

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Gordon – I can well imagine how lack of sleep must be getting at you, having known the feeling myself...though for different reasons.


In any case – it's rather overcast this morning, though sunny weather is in the cards for today, according to the forecast. We'll be off for a birthday party on Saturday, which will see us in Koblenz.


Have a good one everyone...

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Morning All,


It is a nice and sunny, but chilly morning here. Still, the sun does put you in a good mood.


Sorry to hear that you are having trouble sleeping Gordon. I can imagine what that does to your feeling of wellbeing.


I don't mind ironing too much, as long as I have something reasonable to watch on the TV! My work shirts need ironing, so I might as well iron everything else at the same time.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all, again......:)


Managed another couple of hours sleep, so that was a blessing. Still have that cold wind although the sun is up and it looks like another bright day. Just as well as we've got a replacement door company here again today to try and sort out the back door they made a mess of a few weeks back. It's slightly complicated as it's a stable door (split into two halves) and try as they may they couldn't get it to hang square last time. In the end they made such a mess of it, the top half and bottom half would not align properly and as such the locks were very hard to operate. In the end, I insisted they take they whole frame out and fit another one, which is why they are here today.


Just hoping they don't mess this one up as I'm not sure what the options are then.....

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Morphine is interesting stuff. Works very very well when you need it, but difficult to leave when you have to.


Morning all! Really not a fan of going back to work today - it's been nice working three days of the last eleven...


Finally back to see the neurologist tomorrow morning. It's taken long enough with appointment cockups and them trying to make appointments in places I physically could not get to without a car...

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Morning all, a bright sunny day wish I felt the same. Gordon could you vary the time you take your doses and see what happens?


Difficulty is Mick, is that it is the slow release variant that I'm left with. This is only taken twice a day at 12 hour intervals, so whilst you can steal a bit of time each day, there is a knock on effect into the next day. At the moment I'm around the 07.00 mark which gives the second dose at 7pm. I can't suddenly move it to say 4am as that would then only be 9 hours after the previous night. I've managed to stop the liquid version after a week. It will just take time. At it's peak I was taking 260mg a day. I'm now down to 60mg, which is probably too much, too soon and of course it may be my body craving for more that is waking me each night. I'm determined to stick with it if I can, as the sooner I am off it, the better I will feel.


Having said all that, I was glad of the pain relief at the time. I just need to see it through and accept it's not an instant cessation.

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Interrupted sleep is a very difficult experience with which to cope.

I've had it on occasion for a whole container full of different reasons, from back problems to SWMBO's thrashing about in her sleep.

Once I'm awake I seem unable to just lay in bed - mostly because my back stiffens up overnight and I need to stretch and loosen up.

By the time I've visited the bathroom and had a drink, I'm starting the day at 4am - and feeling dozy by mid afternoon.

Not every day - sometimes I lay in until 6am.

So, I have every sympathy for those afflicted.


We've had a device installed in the attic which circulates fresh air throughout the house and ameliorates any condensation problems.

The engineers suggested that we had the option of 'scenting' the flow of air by inserting an air freshener type thing in the outlet grill.

We did this yesterday and about 2am SWMBO awoke with some sort of allergic reaction which threatened to close her throat - very frightening.

All appears well now (apart from a sore throat) and the offending 'scenting' devices have been ejected.

We now have scented dustbins - and another night of interrupted sleep.


Just another night in the DD household, this time with the addition of the 'king cat jumping from a great height onto my blox.

Thank you for listening.

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I'm glad I don't have a cat... And at least when I'm down at my parents' their dogs are shut in the utility room overnight (mainly to prevent them triggering the burglar alarm).


Back to work today, not that I feel much like it... Still, only another 30 years till I can retire on a full civil service pension (until they change that of course)...

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My preference is that the cat (although very charming as cats go when she is not savaging me) is outside at night where she can ravage the wildlife in freedom.

However, SWMBO has alternative ideas.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Cloudier now than earlier this morning.

I'll be off to the local model railway shop later to collect a caboose I "won" for £2.99.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Bright one again. Very tricky all these bank holidays you know. The only days that are different are bin days and with the added holidays they keep moving! Perhaps the government could cancel all bank holidays to make it easier for us retired folk.


Glad to hear you are slowly getting off the strong juice Gordon. Soon be back on the red laughing water.


Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Still off the air at home as the quick fix on the laptop didn't work long term, and I'm waiting for a neighbour's son to come round later in the week to see what the problem is.


Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me - another birthday nearer retirement. And STILL no timber cut for the layout, but there will be. I actually tidied the garage out with a view to making the baseboard build easier, and in so doing found all the stuff that I had mislaid and bought replacements for - also all the fittings for the garden table, which we lost, and which meant we constructed it using a few bodges. No doubt that will be yet another jon that 30747 wants doing and "you'll have all the time you need for the layout once you retire" - some chance!


Regards to All


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