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  • RMweb Premium
2 hours ago, BSW01 said:

I had to go to Sainsbury’s this morning to get some leeks and courgettes for the soup I’m making.




As you can see, I went into full panic mode!


Lucky you got out with all those leeks.  Three of any item is the enforced limit here.  Four-packs apparently counts as one item meaning you are allowed 36 toilet rolls if you buy three 12-packs.  If you can find them, that is ......... 

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1 hour ago, Tony_S said:

I think Aditi made ginger and courgette jam a couple of years ago, We had a lot of courgettes that year. 

SWMBO loves courgettes. I do them “dirty” (Minds out of the gutter you lot. Dirty means cooking directly on coals or wood) on the bbq. Sliced in half, olive oil, seasoning, and cooked on the coals until the skin blisters. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Just got back from the shed doing some work. Other half is on a video conference with work so me sitting waiting for her ot finish then we go loo roll and food hunting.


In the meantime I have been reading on FB posts by various bars that we know whihc are closing and have laid off staff, others trying to stay open with precautions in place hoping that they dont go bust as any Govt support will be too late by the time is received. Apparently one bar has sais that they wont get any rate rleief till about 6 weeks after the govt decision has been sorted so will be way too late  for them. AT least one bar in deepest Cornwall has closed for good by the sounds of it but at least the proprietor is working for the present at a brewery.


I feel so lucky that I dont have to find much work at present or travel into London. Some ta my old workplace are allowed to work from home but those on sites in central London are still having to commute into work.

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8 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:


Now that the woodturner's in, I'm on my own for the duration. Today's commute was 14 seconds, no to bad given the traffic.


Just going to comment on some student work.


Tut! Did we add to, too and two to the list yet?


and where, pray tell, is the woodturner going to be kipping?

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  • RMweb Premium
59 minutes ago, AndyID said:


No doubt requisitioned from a former client.

You might very well think that but I couldn't possibly comment.   Brace and Bit's were once a favourite article of the burglars trade. I once recovered one but lost the lad who dropped it one freezing night on an old railway line in South Leeds.



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  • RMweb Gold

We made it into Sainsburys with no queues. fresh produce stripped bare except for loads of bananas. Guess what we were after.


Frozen food non existent apart form ice cream, same with bread bar a few rolls.


We got a few items that we were after but none for mum as her local stores had no bread at all nor hand wipes etc. that a neighbour went to get for her. Nephew has arrived safely form Manchester. Trains were very quiet so little risk of any cross contamination.



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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Same thing in Tesco this lunchtime, empty shelves but a Model Railway magazine was in as well as some other none modelling magazines so if I have to self isolate I've got plenty of reading material. The sliced bread stodge aisles were stripped but there was plenty of in store baked unsliced varieties. Had my main meal when I got back, chicken and chips as I had to make room in the fridge for new purchases and that was nearest its use by date.

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  • RMweb Gold
4 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Same thing in Tesco this lunchtime, empty shelves but a Model Railway magazine was in as well as some other none modelling magazines so if I have to self isolate I've got plenty of reading material. The sliced bread stodge aisles were stripped but there was plenty of in store baked unsliced varieties. Had my main meal when I got back, chicken and chips as I had to make room in the fridge for new purchases and that was nearest its use by date.

Someone has taken the magazine aisles in our Sainsburys, its disappeared!!

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  • RMweb Gold

Evenin' each,


7 hours ago, BoD said:

Enjoy your decorating, Bob.


Ha! Warren,  I have never/do not and will never enjoy decorating. It does get done occasionally but I have to be in the right mood which is very rare. Nothing, repeat nothing that Management can do, say or even threaten will change that. Ever! In fact the more she goes on about it, the longer it takes. After nearly 50 years of wedded strife bliss she does know this but as the leopard cannot change its spots neither can the She animal resist saying something. On this issue 'tis like water off a duck's back and I am resolute and will not back down.  :no:

Anyway I haven't got sufficient materials and it has been suggested by those who advise those in power that I should stay indoors for 12 weeks so I can't or shouldn't go out to get some as it's not essential to our survival.


So there!

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  • RMweb Premium
27 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

Did I see someone on here with a virtual model railway show? If so could you please point me to the link? I have a colleague with two small sons who may appreciate a diversion.


I put it on here from Facebook but it appears to have been 'pulled' for some reason. It was for a virtual show replacing Ally Pally and only commencing at 10 am 21/03/20. Kernow models are working on a virtual show at the moment but they are not ready yet. Perhaps we should ask Andy Y if a virtual show could be organized either here on RMweb or in a broader format. 

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  • RMweb Gold
4 hours ago, Ian Abel said:


Jemma shopped for us, as she needed groceries also, and we took Whitney for a walk while she was running her errands. She managed to get her cell phone replaced, which was something she was worried about, so we are back in communication that way at least :O

What does she need a cell phone for? Has she been very naughty?


Over here we only have cell phones if we are serving time at Her Majesty's Pleasure.


As an aside, I get my new mobile phone on Monday.

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  • RMweb Gold
37 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

Did I see someone on here with a virtual model railway show?

Apart from the lack of odour and rucksacks, I thought RMWeb was a virtual model railway show.


I get interrupted and sidetracked just as much on here as I do when I bump into various ER persons in person.

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