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  • RMweb Premium

I will as soon as MrsB decides which way she wants this shed to point, wish she hadn't seen how easy it is to move. It still needs felting and filling and I am back to work on Tuesday after a Carlisle excursion tomorrow.

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Guest tony graham

Off out on the bikes today too.


Lunch is made (what was leftover from the BBQ that Max, myself, my wife and Abi the dog never managed to eat) and is in the panniers ready to go. May not go far today, maybe just a quick Carlisle to Annan on the old road and then back via a hostelry for some light refreshments....


The question is though, is it a suntan cream day?

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  • RMweb Gold

I stil haven't done much, apart from eating breakfast. I don't even have to plan lunch. While I was playing trains in Lawford, wife and child went off to meet some relatives in London. They didn't want me to miss out on the food so rather a lot of food was sent home for me.

I've also had some photos sent to me by my nephew. He has just passed his final medical exams in London but is currently doing a hospital placement. He is in a hospital in Dharamshala. He had intensive Hindi lessons from his Gran before he went but apparently a lot of Tibetan is spoken there as it is the town where the Dalai Lama resides. However it isn't the language that is causing my nephew problems, he seems to have been targeted by a troupe of mischievous monkeys that think it is amusing trying to prevent him getting into his room.



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Bloody awful when that happens, Tony................I sympathize with him


One of my cousin's won a foot race across the Gobi Desert a couple or three years ago just before he left the Army. This is the same maniac who walked/ran from Liverpool Street to Colchester after missing the last train.......


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening All


Sorry that I've been absent for a few days, but one of Mr Microsoft's updates came along, and wouldn't download, and was stopping me from using the computer. 30747's nephew was visiting, and he is a certified Microsoft engineer, so he was able to shortcut everything and get me running a lot faster than I cojld have done myself. ERs has been a 45156 free zone until tonight. Also been a bit busy with day to day things. Oh yes, and the plywood, MDF and 2x1 for the baseboard are all still where they were last week - in other words, no timber has been cut (again).


So if I may, I'd like to add my take on recent events - firstly, belated birthday wishes Dave - my virtual cream cake must have disppeared with the restore - or was that the reason for my PC to go wrong - virtual cream on the hard drive. Sounds like Gordon's surgery has been successful, and I am very pleased to hear of updates - Back to the big traverser now?


Also, I too was cynical about the big do in London on Friday, but it was so unlike previous similar events that I had to watch, and it was, in fact, quite a magnificent event. Seeing them depart for the marathon drive to Clarence House in the Aston Martin with William driving was a very strong and personal statement, and I really think that in a lot of ways they did cock a snook at the crusties who normally organise and regulate State occasions.


Very windy today, but very warm with it, which is quite strange, and the wind Easterly as well. Went to a Car Boot this morning (no rolling stock worth speaking of) and it was quite amusing watching the stallholders chasing their wares across the field!


Hopefully will touch bases tomorrow.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Good evening All

Sorry that I've been absent for a few days, but one of Mr Microsoft's updates came along, and wouldn't download, and was stopping me from using the computer. 30747's nephew was visiting, and he is a certified Microsoft engineer,




The latest batch caused a few problems on my PC but I fortunately managed to sort out a solution without having to be certified!





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  • RMweb Premium

I'm now unwinding on my bed with some music in my ears...with Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov's "Capriccio Espagnol" playing at the moment. Sure is nice after a round of railfanning in the afternoon... :)

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Morning All,


Yes Dominik - you are right. It is quite chilly out there. I walked out to the garage this morning and contemplated going back to the house for a jacket. Still, in the end I didn't bother on the theory that it will warm up later on.


It was rather a strange journey into work today. I wondered if the traffic would be heavy as the school holidays have ended, but the traffic was actually very light. One poor woman had managed to park her car in the ditch in the middle of the forest. Amazingly enough, it was on a completely straight bit of road so maybe she fell asleep at the wheel. Still, someone had stopped to help and so I carried on past.


I am actually in quite a good mood this morning. Hopefully today will oblige in going well!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, bright and sunny today a bit windy too. Todays task rounding up DD1's posessions, computers and other digital equipment and taking them to Carlisle. Strangely when I was at poly everything I needed went in two panniers and a rucksack!

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Guest Max Stafford

Strangely when I was at poly everything I needed went in two panniers and a rucksack!


It must still have been a lot if you had to enlist the GWR to shift it! ;)



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Beautiful morning down here, now the wind has eased considerably.


Found the problem with my trackwork yesterday, which will be resolved today. Lack of care on my part meant the outer curved rail had crept inside the 16.5mm gauge measurement when measured across to the switch rail. Not by much but sufficient to bind up long wheelbase chassis such as an 8F. Some minor tweaking with the soldering iron and one is now fine. Just shows familiarity brings sloppiness and clearly my mind must have been elsewhere when these were put together. The problem only came to light with long fixed wheelbase stock, but so much better to resolve it now before they are sited in their final position.......:)


Enjoy the last day of your holidays guys. All the best....

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