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1 hour ago, AndyB said:

The "queue" started here long before they got near regular desensitisation flights in the work'so Hunter. 

The sickie is sat on a slowly spinning turntable and is then told to move their head forwards, backwards, to the left, to the right....and repeat. For about 45 mins each session. The curtain is down so there's no visual cues. And that makes it a bit stuffy in there too. The sickie is asked to give a rating of how they feel and over a few weeks they'd tolerate longer and longer sessions. 

The general rule was "You boff, you clear it up".

Was also used to test the effectiveness of antiemetics.




I was a part-time Flight Test Engineer in days gone past, mainly in Rotary Wing but did  have a short spell in the ATP.

The only one I barfed in was a Sea King, in fog.  Was given a bag JUST in time.

The Radar Operator was none too pleased as I was sitting about 3 feet away from him at the time.....


edit:  It's when full-time aircrew pull the "cold vegetable soup in a sick bag trick" on anyone hitching a joy-ride that things get spiteful.  Knew a Wren once that admitted to pulling that stunt on the cross-channel ferry in rough weather.  It cleared the Bar in no time, apparently....

Edited by polybear
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30 minutes ago, Happy Hippo said:

Did you buy the paper first and then decide it was safe to eat in 'spoons, or did you eat there and then think, I'd better get some extra papier, just in case?


23 minutes ago, petethemole said:


I didn't have the Chili....


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4 hours ago, Kingzance said:

New Daddy Farrall has history in that respect and certainly other teams exploit that personal vulnerability. There were many decisions made by Ben O’Keefe in order to keep the game live but the consequence in my view was that far too much niggling provocation was allowed - acts perpetrated by both sides! As for tactics employed you are spot on and, when Wales chose something slightly different, the game opened up for them.

Yes, just a bit easier when you are playing against 13 men.

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15 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:


Primary cause of death on the certificate may read "Frailty of old age" or simply "Old age".  It seems that more often than not this is the secondary cause with a medical condition of some sort being the primary cause and the frailty of old age not being favourably disposed to making a recovery.  


We took the train into a very cold, wet and breezy Twickenham after lunch and walked back by way of several charity shops and a rather nice Italian-style coffee shop run by an Aussie.  The best coffee I have had in the area bar none, a full-sized cup for a flat white (when most in the UK serve that in a smaller one) and still cheaper than the competition.  


And of note in a couple of the "second-hand" shops supporting various charities were supplies of toilet rolls.  Definitely not second-hand though.  Who would think of dropping into Sue Ryder or Oxfam for such things?  

Yes..why do they serve flat whites in small cups here??


My other half volunteers at a Sue Ryde sorting place in Leeds. Some of the items they receive are nearly as bad as used toilet paper...



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The ref yesterday needs to get a grip of "offside" particularly at rucks and mauls... standing in front of the back foot seems to acceptable... and playing advantage on after the  team gaining the advantage has moved beyond the gain line before stopping the game just leads to frustration. Line outs are a joke...why bother with scrums...rugby isn't like it used to be....



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2 minutes ago, Barry O said:

why do they serve flat whites in small cups here??




I have yet to receive a definitive answer; of those coffee-makers (baristas if you prefer, though many are no more a barista than the bar-tender in 'spoons is a sommelier) I have asked the response is simply "that's our training".  Apparently if one requires a full-sized "flat white" one may ask for a double-shot latte which is not the same thing.  The crema should differ and a latte is sometimes (always in some countries) served in a glass not a cup.  

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6 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:

Morning all,


I didn't realise that among his past jobs AndyB seems to have found employment with a modern version of the Inquisition subjecting folk to various sorts of torture under the guise of 'desensitising  (and you can read that word more than one way). 


It's not torture if you've tried it yourself first. :D

I might write down a list one day of all the experiments I volunteered for.  As a 20 -30 year old you have an inate sense of being indestrucable. That's not to say sometimes it wasnt a tad painful.


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4 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:

... supplies of paracetamol have been erratic for several months past in Tesco

I wonder where your preferred brand was manufactured? A stunningly large percentage of 'generic' medications are manufactured in the PRC with some in India.


I remember reading or hearing something about low stocks due to lost productivity in China since the lunar new year.



Satellite observations note much cleaner air quality in the PRC since the lunar new year. Petrol prices have dropped due to lower recent demand in the PRC.


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Relative to the spread of COVID-19 in the USA.


There are now 470 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the US with 19 fatalities. This is a small number compared with the population and "normal" seasonal influenza case load.


Fourteen of the fatalities are clustered in a nursing home in Washington.


Having said that, what is truly staggering is that these cases are now in 30 states! Testing is still ramping up.


It's worth noting that the first fatality was on February 29. The first reported case (not at the nursing home) was on January 20. The geographic spread of the disease in the last week has been meteoric. Hopefully this will not be followed by a similar spread of fatalities. Given what we've been told about transmission modes there is no single patient zero in the US.


As of Sunday evening, now 521 cases, 21 fatalities in 33 states and the District of Columbia.



As of Sunday bedtime, 564 cases in 34 states and DC.


The increased confirmed cases is as much to do with increased availability of test kits as spread of the disease, but both are factors. Either way it is ramping up quickly.


Edited by Ozexpatriate
Sunday evening update
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Afternoon All

I've just had my quarterly script 3 months worth of paracetamol + about 80 left over from last month and there is a dozen rolls of #rse wipe in the cupboard should last a couple of weeks.

I've only just surfaced today I've got man flu and feel poxed, I managed to watch the Rugby I could have done better things had I felt better it was carp for the first 60 minutes I reckon that

game was fixed How did they beat us then lose to the wooden spoon keepers there was no power in that punch, Saturdays match wasn't much better as Baz says the ref was hopeless.

Anyway I'd better try and cook some food for dinner. :superman:S.T. Arvin-Marvin :biggrin_mini2:


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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Nipped down to Tess Coes today, still plenty of people laden with loo rolls going out the door. At least they found some paracetamol to put on the shelves so I bought a couple of packets, not stockpiling, my supplies were running low. Now its time for dinner, be back later.

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Heading towards the M25 along the A127 at lunchtime someone gave me an opportunity to test the Evoque brakes. They just pulled out of a line of traffic leaving at a slip road and occupied the lane I was in. Not close enough to trigger the AEB system but a lot closer than I liked. The brakes seem quite good I am pleased to report. Otherwise a quiet trip to Enfield and back. MiL was very pleased to see us. Our Nephew Josh and his girlfriend came round too. He is a locum GP at the moment and Bianca is a practice nurse. Bianca’s family are in Modena so we heard all about life there at the moment. MiL was quite cross that Aditi’s sister had bought her a quantity of tinned carrots as a standby in case they can’t visit her or take her shopping. Apparently MiL hates tinned carrots. Aditi said keep them so as to keep her sister happy and return them to her when all this Coronavirus stuff is over. 

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Tony. If you get an invite to Modena then "go". Well, maybe wait till the current problems have abaited, of course. Lovely little city; I lived there for a few months in the mid 90s. 

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13 minutes ago, AndyB said:

Tony. If you get an invite to Modena then "go". Well, maybe wait till the current problems have abaited, of course. Lovely little city; I lived there for a few months in the mid 90s. 

We do have an invite if ever we are passing. We met Bianca’s parents last summer when they visited Josh’s parents in Enfield. Bianca’s family are originally from Romania but became Italian citizens.


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Evening all, busy old day without too much exertion as last nights party went on past midnight, something we are not used to these days lol. Drive over the hills to Aberdeenshire, most of the snow has gone at lower levels, a nice 9 degrees in the sun, muggadecaff in the garden centre and spent some garden vouchers on some new secateurs and bits for the greenhouse, now have an urge to go prune things, sure it will pass if I try hard enough. No muddling done for a while, so maybe get some done tomorrow and give the locos a run round to keep things in working order, I told SWMBO it is not that I want to play, I actually have to...…………….don't think I fooled her though.

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frustrating day trying to pay for my DBS update.. typical they are doing an site update.


Faily tired so ..time for some sleep I hope.


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