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It seems that the advertising related reformatting has settled down now that the software update is complete. Yesterday the Wheeltappers thread list page width was reduced with a very wide column of advertising placed to the right.


Advertising banners at the bottom seem to be much larger, but happily the banner after the first post on a regular thread page seems to have gone away. I hope this is permanent.


Gold members should be spared the external advertising.

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I hope those celebrating Shrove Tuesday, Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras, Carnival / Carnivale or any other pre-Lenten festivities enjoy their celebration. 


I did see that Carnivale festivities in Lombardy have been cancelled on account of COVID-19 concerns. New Orleans Mardi Gras parades resulted in two fatalities in the last week or so. As a result of the most recent fatality, 'tandem' floats were banned for today.


Personally it seems incongruous to me to observe Mardi Gras without also observing Ash Wednesday and Lent, otherwise it's just an another day, but the same could be said of any holiday. Pancakes do sound good, but I'll skip today.

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  • RMweb Premium

Be off to our Shrove Tuesday pancakes in  a little bit and the Ash Wednesday service tomorrow. After the service, the Pastor wants all of us to go to a local restaurant (with the ashes on our forehead) , I am looking forward to that.

Edited by J. S. Bach
to correct a spelling error
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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone 


We left home just about on time and arrived at the hospital just after 9 o’clock. Sheila was seen quite promptly and she passed all the eye tests with flying colours. Sheila was then given a clean bill of health, told that she no longer needed to use the eye drops she’d been given and told that she wouldn’t need to go back to the hospital again. She was however referred to the corneal section of Manchester Eye Hospital for further investigation of her FCED (Fuchs Corneal Etherial Dystrophy). We set off for home and we’re back for about 10:50, in plenty of time for a mid morning brew. 


Once the tea had been drunk, I set up the soldering iron and fitted the link that was missing in one of the point control boards that I’d identified yesterday, it was then tested and packed away with the rest. After dinner I started testing some more point monitoring boards. Hear I’m pleased to say, I scored a 100% success rate. 


Goodnight all 

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32 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

Wouldn’t fit in my garage, well not with the train set ...

A question of priorities then? Not to mention finances.


As much as people gripe about the cost of model railway equipment, it would be difficult to spend as much. My back of the envelope sums suggest that it would take around a thousand locomotive models so it might be possible. Unless of course you built a bespoke home specifically to accommodate a model railway. The price of a home built to accommodate a large railway versus a smaller home might readily equate to a Bentley.

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17 hours ago, leopardml2341 said:

What sort of resistance would you be looking for, and how far apart do you have the probes?


You bash nails into the wood. It's important to measure the resistance on the inside of a recently split log. The outer surface of a log that's been standing for a while can be much drier than the inside. Here's a link that explains how to do it including information on the resistance of various tree species.



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  • RMweb Gold
5 hours ago, pH said:

"Carnival" has the same kind of history. The word derives from the Latin for 'goodbye to meat'. Mardi Gras is the day before Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. Carnival happens around the same time. They were celebrations in advance of the penances to be done during Lent. Penances involved giving things up, often rich foods, so stocks of these foods would be used up immediately before Lent, so that they would not spoil during the coming forty days. (Other vices are also often practised, as these too  may be given up for Lent!)

I came across something years back which suggested there was a practical reason for Lent because at the time at which it commences it would be likely that the over winter food stocks would be running out and also it would be senseless to start slaughtering animals during what was basically the likely period of offspring being born and requiring to suckle.  Thus milk supplies were in any event likely to be reduced as well as stocks of other things running low.  Thus the idea was that it gave time for nature to recover although quite why it would include eggs seems  rather odd because hens were not likely to stop laying (unless there was expected to be results from the cockerels' activities).  However there don't see to be any contemporary references to this idea so maybe it was one which foundered due to lack of firm evidence? 

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