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1 hour ago, polybear said:

Assessments?  And what a waste of space they are.

I was screwed during pay rise time about five years ago

Having to put up with annual performance reviews / assessments can be better than the alternative - unless of course you are financially ready to retire.

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2 hours ago, TheQ said:

The new structure means every other bloke in engineering has a different boss in the USA,  so instead of one USA boss needing to come over, there will be several.

This is a trend I have long observed. Despite the fact that my old office was located at the corporate headquarters, in the department where I worked there were around eight to ten employees, none of whom were co-located with their direct supervisor.


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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  • RMweb Premium

IIRC PolyB is about to retire?  Time for a bit of fun......


I had all that assessment crepe as a civil serpent in my last role before retirement, I actually wrote them as my boss was a Police Inspector and had no idea.... as long as I delivered what he wanted (I did) then he was happy to sign anything!


In other news, HB to Chris (already wished elsewhere) and it is once again windy on Fraggle Rock.

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2 hours ago, polybear said:


Assessments?  And what a waste of space they are.

I was screwed during pay rise time about five years ago - when I asked why, they were coming up with complete and utter b0llox answers, such as:

1. Strives for a high quality output, sometimes at the expense of timescales (Me:  What about that urgent job you wanted half-way thru' the first one?....)

2. Needs more exposure to document writing (Me: I do what you tell me to do...)

And after chasing this all the way to HR, enquiring as to why these issues had never been raised before - giving me the option to correct their cobblers or apply corrective action, the HR response was:  "Your previous Assessments were being done wrong".  Again, total b0llox - they just wanted to lay the blame on my boss - who had no input to my pay rise and didn't agree with it - and told them so.

HR wouldn't budge on the pay rise (cos' the money would've gone to some Graduate in the first place, and I was being screwed purely to balance the books).

When I asked the next step in the process they were somewhat taken aback.  Their response was (and I use the exact words - not in writing unfortunately):

"Well, you could always use the formal grievance procedure, but you should think carefully before going down that route"  T0ssers.


I pondered doing so, but my Boss then tells me that "...they're Sh1tting on me now"

"Why?", says I

"Because they say I did your Assessment wrong"  (Subsequent Assessments have all been the same, including those by a different Boss - although Boss No.2 doesn't buy me a Bacon Roll, as Boss No. 1 did - prior to retiring last May)


So I let the matter drop, at least outwardly.  All I can say is there's more than one way to skin a cat ;)



I had a couple of conversations like that over the years, at one I suggested to the HR person they might write down I also had a tendency to violent outbursts that can seem out of control at times. I didn't notice anything being written down, but I never had another such meeting again...………………..

A perhaps more suitable ploy would be to have a chat with your GP and get a sick note for 28 days, that'll fix 'em.

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Where has all the time gone? Its almost 9 and I've done nothing of what I intended to do today.

1 hour ago, grandadbob said:


On the plus side this afternoon's doughnuts had more jam than I have ever seen in a doughnut in my life, it was flooding out!


I hope you didn't think you'd had an accident.

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1 hour ago, polybear said:

Any suggestions gratefully received, however....


There's always the old acrostic poem routine. I've also seen it done in the form of a very polite letter that spelled out a very impolite message.

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Good evening and apologies to The Stationmaster for not having an interim halt on our journey to Didcot yesterday at Root One. I believe another visit to the same place is anticipated when the weather improves and, after mentioning it to one of the group, we will leave earlier and take some comfort sustenance there (sorry for the lapse into Simon & Garfunkel lyrics). Tis veritably cool here tonight, particularly when walking to and from the Camera Club meeting, but too windy for frost - no spaniels were harmed in the making of this post!

Thank goodness I am out of the corporate treadmill, something that I believe is even worse in the state sector. I got out before politically uncorrect reprobates were forcefully re-educated and previously I had a fair share of run-ins with HR. Ultimately, their errors cost the company quite a bit and meant I could wind down in my own time by being a consultant. My biggest customer? The firm who had previously employed me! Nice work if you can get it. Why is it that most organisations spend so much time cutting back on staff and employee benefits yet have an ever burgeoning HR department?



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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone 


The weather has been a mixed bag here today, rain for most of the morning, with a bit of hail just after dinner, but we had wall to wall sunshine all afternoon. However, I’ve spent most of the day with the soldering iron in my hand and today I managed to complete another 12 point control board and another main relay board. I now only have to build 2 main relay boards and 4 point monitor boards and then they’ll all be done. In between all that I’ve had to re-tune the TV and the digi-recorder as there was some overnight maintenance at the Winter Hill mast and during the late evening NEWS we were advised of the need to re-tune, it only took a few minutes, but it’s been so long since I’ve had to re-tuned either, that I think I spent longer trying to find out do it! I also took advantage of the sunshine and removed all the cable ties that secured the bins together, as I needed to put 2 out for collection tomorrow morning. Other than that it’s been a pretty uneventful day.


Like many, I also had to go through the ‘annual assessment’ programme, both myself and my boss knew they were a load of sh!te and we went through the motions every year. I always met my targets and always got an ‘average’ score, it worked for both of us. Funnily enough, we were both of the opinion that for every person who scored above average, they’d be at least one who would score below average, looking at the figures released after each round of assessments, it always seemed to back up our theory. 


Goodnight all 

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Assessments aren't really the work of HR. They are really the work of Finance exerted through their handmaidens, HR. The big clue is that, in most companies, annual assessments just happen to coincide with the annual budget cycle and are frequently weaponized as a means to reduce expenses.


Proper assessments should be continuous and monthly, at the very least. They should also be brief and they should not require managers to invent a load of complete cobulars to justify whacking perfectly good employees. But managers don't want to lose their jobs either, so we they tend to comply.

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