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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Back to uni later today, but the course is an interesting one, so I don't think this will be a drag. Weather forecast predicts a growing chance of rain and thunder from this afternoon onwards, though if this would remove some of the pollen from the atmosphere, I'd be happy indeed.


Have a good one, folks...

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Morning All,


Looks like another good day weather wise.


Dominik - if it is the Freiburg 100, then it is actually slightly older than I thought. That would put it at around 1959-1960. The Freiburg was the top of the range B)


The remote control was an optional extra as far as I know. It wasn't a remote control in the true sense of the word (by todays standards) because it was connected to the radio by a cable!


To be honest, I wouldn't worry about earthing it, unless you know what you are doing :). I haven't got a schematic for that particular radio, so I can't tell for definite - but I would expect that due to it being a relatively late valve radio it is extremely unlikely to have a hot chassis. Therefore, it would simply be necessary to replace the mains lead with a three core cable and connect the earth to the chassis. However, given that the case is made of wood there isn't really a risk of getting a shock - provided you don't start sticking objects into the case. :lol:


That actually reminds me of a story I heard from an old friend who used to be a TV engineer. He got called to the house of an old lady who had a problem with her TV. It was an old hybrid (valve/transistor) set - and the timebase oscillator was playing up, causing the picture to roll. Before he could react, she grabbed a metal knitting needle which she plunged into the set through the cooling vents and proclaimed that when she did this, the problem went away! :O


She had seen another engineer use a trimming tool to adjust the vertical hold - and assumed she would try the same. The knitting needle slightly altered the magnetic field from the scan coils and caused the faulty oscillator to regain lock. However, the fact that she didn't get a massive shock was purely luck! He changed the faulty timebase oscillator and warned her never to stick anything in the back again! :P


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks, Robert :) . It's funny how you probably could get an entire stereo set for the price of one of those radios nowadays – after adjusting for inflation and other factors, of course.


One other thing I noticed was that the frequency scale for the UHF band as written on the radio's front appears to end at 100 MHz – I would assume this to mean there were no radio stations transmitting anywhere above that frequency fifty years ago? :blink:

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Thanks, Robert :) . It's funny how you probably could get an entire stereo set for the price of one of those radios nowadays – after adjusting for inflation and other factors, of course.


One other thing I noticed was that the frequency scale for the UHF band as written on the radio's front appears to end at 100 MHz – I would assume this to mean there were no radio stations transmitting anywhere above that frequency fifty years ago? :blink:


Absolutely - that radio would probably have cost in the region of 700-800DM when new. However, how many of todays consumer electronics will still be working in 50 years time?


You are right, the VHF broadcast band ended at 100MHz at that time - it was only extended up to 108MHz much later.

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Dominik/Robert - the key question is: will it pick up Test Match Special this summer on Radio 4 Long Wave? :)


Morning all! More gardening today. Or more precisely, more shifting rubbish to the bonfire. We have two sheds (neither in use since we arrived at the property), and one of them has been a convertible for a number of years now. They're getting demolished too, but the task's made slightly more difficult because a hefty branch of a crab apple tree has parted company with the tree and is inside the open top shed. We're going to be hiring a chainsaw today to cut that up into logs for the fire.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It is cooler and cloudier this morning.

Some of the children in this area return to school today. Matthew's uni course doesn't restart until May 9th.


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  • RMweb Gold

Mornin all, hope all are well. Few days off work so today will mainly be spent recovering from yesterday's exertions on the Mid Hants. Quite an interesting day as I got to compare the merits of two Class 5 locomotives (Black 5 and Standard 5) up and down the hills with 6 on. And the winner is - the Standard 5. Still a class act even though it's on its last knockings - I'm definitely going to miss it when it goes.


Hoping to get a bit more trackwork done on Bodge City this week although I have several must does on the list unfortunately - hopefully the enthusiasm to get things done and the time I have to do this will coincide for once.

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Guest Max Stafford

I should be in my bed now after night shift but I'm not settling at the moment. Had a bit of an experience last night just before 3am at work. If on the way to deal with the situation I hadn't paused to answer a phone call I would have missed an important bit of info. Had I not received that bit of info before dealing, there's a chance I might not have been here now. However luck prevailed and getting the info changed how I was going to deal with the situation which was resolved safely.

Ever since so, the thought keeps going through my mind of what if I'd not received the info before going to deal.

I can't tell you about the incident in detail since it's still being dealt with by the early shift but to tell you the truth lads, I'm feeling a bit freaked out right now.

I have a sense of having dodged a 'bullet with my name on it' and it's a pretty weird sensation.

I'm getting too old for this stuff! :blink:


Anyway, have a good day fellas, I'm off to have a funny turn! :wacko:



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  • RMweb Gold

I should be in my bed now after night shift but I'm not settling at the moment. Had a bit of an experience last night just before 3am at work. If on the way to deal with the situation I hadn't paused to answer a phone call I would have missed an important bit of info. Had I not received that bit of info before dealing, there's a chance I might not have been here now. However luck prevailed and getting the info changed how I was going to deal with the situation which was resolved safely.

Ever since so, the thought keeps going through my mind of what if I'd not received the info before going to deal.

I can't tell you about the incident in detail since it's still being dealt with by the early shift but to tell you the truth lads, I'm feeling a bit freaked out right now.

I have a sense of having dodged a 'bullet with my name on it' and it's a pretty weird sensation.

I'm getting too old for this stuff! :blink:


Anyway, have a good day fellas, I'm off to have a funny turn! :wacko:




Think the trick is not to think about what might have happened but what did happen. Just breathe a sigh of relief and say thank you to whatever power you believe guides your life.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Sun is shining. The workers are back at work so I have the house to myself again. Few bits of tedium to sort out then I think an excursion to the shed is called for.


Have a good one all.




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Dominik/Robert - the key question is: will it pick up Test Match Special this summer on Radio 4 Long Wave? :)


Yes it would!



Ever since so, the thought keeps going through my mind of what if I'd not received the info before going to deal.

I can't tell you about the incident in detail since it's still being dealt with by the early shift but to tell you the truth lads, I'm feeling a bit freaked out right now.

I have a sense of having dodged a 'bullet with my name on it' and it's a pretty weird sensation.

I'm getting too old for this stuff! :blink:


Sounds hairy - but like Phil said, thankfully you did get the information you required, and lived to fight another day.

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I know we are all dodging bullets every day - even if it's just driving about waiting for some lunatic on a mobile phone to miss out a bend.

However, Dave's experience seems a little more up close and personal.

Pleased that no Daves were injured during that encounter.

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Hey Dave, that must have been a bit scary at the time and I'm sure you'll reflect on it many times in the future. Like all your mates on here, I'm glad to hear it wasn't your time and very happy you're still around this sunny morning. Meant to ask, when Mrs S is in the bathroom at night, I often flick on the TV to watch a few minutes of the various reality cop shows that appear from time to time. (Every night in the case of satellite).


Carlisle often comes up in Night Cops. Has your smiling face appeared in that show? There's some pretty wild women 'oop north, with Carlisle and Darlington being the two front runners. You must meet some charming characters up there.


Respect, Dave, respect....:)


(Must be spending too much time with my kids..)

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  • RMweb Gold

York was very good, as usual Mike.

I managed to pick up quite a few 'bits and pieces' none of which I really needed and most of which will probably end up in a draw/cupboard for attention at a future date. I just can't help it. I thinkI need a list.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Dave - it's me too time all round. In your job life threatening situations are a bit more common that in some other walks of life, but knowing that and meeting just such a situation are two different things. If you can share anything with us, it might help you to unload it, as when all's said and done, we're your mates, but in reality, most of us are a bit more anonymous.




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  • RMweb Premium

Another "me too" from my end, Dave. I can well imagine things like these to occupy your mind for quite a while, and am glad you listened to your instincts – if that's what it was, as it sure sounds like it. Sometimes it is most definitely good that us humans have not yet shed them entirely... :unsure:

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Guest Max Stafford

Thanks lads. To be fair, my philosophy is generally that expoused by Phil, but I just had a lingering feeling of "B****r me, that was a close one!" about it and it just put me in a mind to consider how slender the pivots of fate can be at times. It was only the quick thinking of the caller and literally a five second window of opportunity that saved me walking right into something that could have been really nasty if not even deadly - phew! The guy who made that call will be receiving a beer from this man at an early opportunity!

Anyway, enough of the heavy stuff. Well not quite as I'm expecting a ton of stones for the garden tomorrow! :D Hopefully, the new workbench will also be on its way in time for Thursday and a decent stretch of leave!

Gordon, I'm a publicity shy individual and I like to leave the TV fame to others, but what you see on the telly is pretty much what you get up here though!

Scary scary women too! :lol:



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