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  • RMweb Gold

Fantastic news Gordon. Surgeons like to get patients up and about as quickly as they can now especially if they think you are likely to obey any guidelines.I've been on the patio today cleaning all the weeds out of the gaps. It was laid down about 18 years ago and I didn't know about all those membranes that stop weeds growing through then.

I've got one of those Patio T-Racer things arriving tomorrow, you'll be able to relay advice from your expert to me if I get confused



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That's a surprise, Gordon.

Are you having any other major surgery this weekend?


I know they like to clear the hospitals as much as possible over holidays for a number of reasons but that was fast!

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Wot, you mean old airy ardin?


I expect Mike posted that in a Scottish accent, which means that he would have to repeat it for us Southerners to understand it.


Actually, despite 16 years in Scotland I've yet to pick up the accent. I still sound North Eastern (England). :)


Good news that you're home so soon Gordon! Hope Mrs Gordon has wheeled you in from the patio now it's dark.


Thanks for the fog lights warning earlier, BoD. They were needed driving to Glasgow this morning and may be needed heading down to Durham tomorrow night...

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Guest Max Stafford

Gordon, that's excellent news. Home's better for convalescing anyway. Nice, clean environment and decent food.


Been nice being off this week with the lovely weather. I'm not in until 5PM tomorrow, so I'll get a decent part of the day to carry on with the ongoing improvements. Today I laid chippings along the outside of the shed and all is prepared for the big ballast drop next week. I've also moved one of the bookshelves to the conservatory in preparation for the new workshop bench's arrival. Any suggestions for a nice plant or two to occupy the top of the bookshelf? South facing aspect so it gets lots of sun!

I have the chance of a garden table and chairs from a friend so it looks like things are coming together well. I also squeezed in a 2-mile run and later Abi's evening walk. We're both sitting back and relaxing now! :)


Good luck with your T-Racer Tony!



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"Any suggestions for a nice plant or two to occupy the top of the bookshelf?"

Books and plants don't mix too well, Dave.

Especially if you over-water.

Maybe a flowering cactus?

I thought Supergordon may have been posting overnight but I expect he's been cleaning out his pond or something.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Looks like a fog free morning although it may well roll in with the tide. Daughter went inland yesterday and said sun was baking the pavement, here it was cold and damp.


What are the next steps Gordon?

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Morning All,


Judging by the clouds this morning, it looks like the weather might change towards the late afternoon - but at the moment it is nice.


There is a mediaeval market today in Mainz, so I think I will be heading over there with the little guy.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all!

Wouldn't like to speak too soon, but it looks like yet another hot day blink.gif

Off to have a haircut later (well, more than one!) - might be able to nip in to Hobbycraft to get a few bits too.

I think I'll start off the day doing some coursework - I'm quite far behind still...

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Morning guys....:)


In all fairness to the hospital, I pushed them to go home. An opportunity arose, so I took it with both hands. I am still in pain, but not from the nerves down my legs. This is purely from the opened muscles and disturbed joints. I guess it wil take another week to start to improve. I've been given some gentle exercises to do, but it is a strain just getting up or lying down. I suspect the vast quantities of morphine that I have been taking aided me to come out so quickly and the pain would have been a 10 rather than the 5 at present. I'm sure it has been successful though and after all, it's still very early days.


I suspect being in you own home and you own bed will make convalescence a more speedy process.


Thanks again for all you wonderful support and messages of goodwill. They really have been appreciated.....:drink_mini:

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  • RMweb Gold

In all fairness to the hospital, I pushed them to go home.

Why does that not surprise me? You had better follow their other advice then, you silly old goat. *


* I'm on my phone so don't have a winking smiley to go here - but the gist of the message still holds true!!!!!!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It is a very pleasant morning here.

I'll be having a quiet morning until the patio cleaner arrives (Amazon tracking reports that it is out for delivery on a van from Romford).



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, good to see your up and doing already Gordon. The sun is shining again and showing the kitchen windows need cleaning, I think I need to apply for an extension to my holidays so I can fit in all the jobs that need doing.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Bright one again. Dog walked, coffee drunk now what? SWMBO has taken herself off to the shops(!) so I appear to have the house to myself for the morning. No list so I suppose I will have to make my own mind up what to do!


Go steady Gordon. Leave baseboard construction till tomorrow.




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, baking hot already today. I really feel for the call out guy at work, demand for water must be astronomical.


Spoke to Gordon yesterday, I think he's going to leave the baseboards till Tuesday :)


I've been to Tesco already, got the tribe coming round for lunch / dinner (depending on what time it's ready) tomorrow so had to stock up. I gave the house it's annual clean yesterday so today I'm doing - nothing :rolleyes:


Have a good one, and to our follicly challenged brethren, don't forget the factor 50 on top of the head....

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  • RMweb Premium

The following is to be read in a Scottish accent (I left Scotland over 35 years ago, and still have it as broad as ever)

Morning All


See what happens when you take a day of not checking in? Gordon gets home - which is excellent news indeed. It is true that you only really start to get better when you get out of hospital. It really is good news, though, and as long as you rest and don't start working on the layout again (or anything else like work round the house) then you should recover pretty quickly by the sounds of it. There is the temptation at home "just to try something", and I can from experience say that it's not a good idea.


Turned a bit cloudy here now, and it was hoying down with rain last night.


And here's me stuck at work until half four tonight, so my long weekend is badly broken up. Also got a bit of laryngitis, which is not good for somebody who works all day on phone calls - we shall see if we get through the day.


Happy Easter regards to all


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It is absolutely lashing down in Glasgow just now.


I'm not sure that that makes me feel better - it's getting darker here, I may go back top bed for an hour (it's about 8:10am here) as I've already taken the dog for a walk ...............Hope it improves for you!


Best, Pete.




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  • RMweb Premium

The disadvantage of leaving hospital, of course, is that you don't get waited on by cute young Nurses. ;)

When I was an in patient these were in very short supply - the day staff nurse was normally Paul, the night staff nurse was Charles, and most of the other staff were of the distinctly middle aged variety. The physio was not so bad, but had the strength of an Amazon, and the only young lady I saw was one of the doctors who liiked like she had just stepped out of primary school.


Afternoon all! Pete, it's not tropical everywhere in the UK. It is absolutely lashing down in Glasgow just now.


So what's new there, then?

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My goodness it's hot out there!


We've just come back from the Mediaeval market and very good it was too. However, the temperature is up at around 26°C which is ridiculous for the end of April. This summer is going to be a killer if this keeps up.


I must admit I am rather looking forward to tomorrow. Lent will be over, and it will be time for an ice cold beer :drink_mini:

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