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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Finally caught up with my Farcebook despite their pages being a right PITA, user friendly they are not. Now to catch up on the rest of RMweb.

Edited by PhilJ W
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Mick (NewBryford)

Some years ago, I checked the Amtrak site for some friends who were visiting and wanted to go to Boston after Toronto.

IIRC one option was taking a train to Buffalo, then the Lake Shore Limited to Albany where it would split and they would have to get on the bit that went to Boston. (LSL went Chicago to New York/Boston.)

There was another option of taking the next train out of town towards Chicago and transferring someplace (in Indiana?) to a train back to Boston.


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  • RMweb Premium

It's cold,  clear skies,  but wet,  it has been raining..  Ben is happy,  he's realised I'm not going to work... 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from the former colliery site.  Laura has left for work and Rachel is giving young Emily some breakfast. I'm about to have breakfast. Not a lot on the agenda today. The females are heading to a mums and tots swimming session later and I have one or two DIY type jobs to do.  


Chris, glad that the lurgi is retreating.  Rick, hope the joints behave.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Just a quick check in as I'm off to LASAR soon, and all posts have been read and rated.


Chrisf, glad the lurgi is finally on the wane - Rick, hope you're not in too much pain and that the house of fun is fun.  And of course, greetings of the generic variety to everybody else.


30747 waiting for her lift to work- back another day.


Regards to All


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Morning All,


It's a foggy morning, and the temperature is hovering just around freezing.


I am slightly later on parade this morning due to an accident closing the road on my way to work.  So I guess I had better get on!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit grey this morning but dry and Arthur Itis is not predicting any dampness. Not a great deal to do today except to wash a few pairs of jeans as I'm down to one clean pair. Washing them isn't a problem but finding them space indoors to dry can be tricky what with sheets and other items vying for space and the weather being too risky to chance putting them outside. Thats it for now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone 


A dull start here too in the northwest of England and no rain at the moment, but as the ground it still wet, it must have rained quite a bit last night. Not a great deal planned for today other than working on the component layout for the circuit I was working on yesterday. 


Enjoy the day, back later. 

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37 minutes ago, Barry O said:

Half past six in the afternoon. Sat outside with the local cicadas making a racket. Still in the mid 20s and a nice glass of cold wine  to hand. All is well..just hope the snakes or spiders don't get us!!


On some tablets to kill off ed cold


Reading rhe comments on articles in the Australian is far more entertaining than the Times...



Wine and tablets, proper breakfast, as long as you're not the driver...…………………………..

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