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On 23/01/2020 at 14:01, Ian Abel said:

I can confirm for those who were asking, the Delta announcement made her quite happy, though she did mention that some of the senior captains are getting silly amounts in the region of $50,000 AFTER TAXES! :O :O.


How's this:


"In comparison, the starting salary for captains at German rival Lufthansa is €144,000, which rises to €170,000 with additional flight hours and profit sharing. Top-level captains earn a fixed salary of about €240,000, rising to €285,000 with the additional pay benefits."




- that equates to $314,298 before tax......


A nice little earner, I 'd say.....

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Work finished for the week, beer and food consumed - all is well with the world; hope it's the same for all ERs.


Min mi bed and expecting to be surveying the inside of mi eyelids soon.



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I'm always very happy that captains make good money, don't want him/her upset at 30000'  Give 'em what they want!  Which means I'm in a good mood, always better after rising late -  elevens's become twelves's and lunch is at last over at 2.15 local time and most of my correspondence has been attended to. 

Time to relax!:happy_mini:


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Evening awl,  just back from. The MRC where millennia of erosion to place in a few seconds due to the application of a large rip saw. About 37ft of hill top eroded rapidly, leaving behind minor hillocks which look much more appropriate. 


Another club transportable unit to entertain both members and the public is just about complete,  discussions are taking place about what to keep a bunch of mostly OAPs busy with next. .  It will. Be a Picard railway...eNgauge... 



6 inches



The keel problems have been solved,  the problem was caused by having lost 6inches from the length of the keel (span) during the many iterations of redesign. This was realised just before endex at work today,  the restored 6inches gives room for about 30kg of ballast,  and puts the trim tab pivot  behind me rather than up my......... 

Adding to the span means the keel is thicker,as the aerofoil width is 12% of the span  which will make it more stable and give room for wider spaced keel bolts. Both added width and length,  mean I don't have enough timber to construct the core of the keel tomorrow. 



Muggachoccy has been consumed,  so I bid you awl goodnight... 

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Last night just as I was getting to sleep, the downstairs smoke low battery warning alarm sounded!

Why do they always go late at night?

So out of bed I gets, unplugs the duff battery, puts duff battery beside the telephone and then goes back into bed. A new battery was fitted after breakfast. 

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Good evening everyone 


My various shopping trips this morning were all successful, I even managed to secure myself the very last pastie. 

After dinner I finished making the fruit tea loaf I’d started last night and then sat and read a couple of model railway magazines, as there wasn’t really enough time to do any soldering, but I’ve got all day tomorrow for that. 


James and Amelia came round for tea, which was nice. We hadn’t seen them for a couple of weeks so it was great to catch up. 


Goodnight all


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4 hours ago, JohnDMJ said:


After another day of "I'm 75 years old and I've decided to build a model railway" (no, I'm not making it up!)



I'm 72 and 12 months ago I started to build a model railway (well, MPD). Since it's all handbuilt I'll be lucky to finish it by the time I'm 75! Mind you, I do have most of the locomotives already built.


Survived the invasion of the Muddy Hollow gang today, chiefly by bribing them with chocolate biscuits.


Have a quiet and peaceful weekend all.



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8 hours ago, Happy Hippo said:

Wot you need is panniers.


You can get them in green if required:D.


Or diesels.


Also available in green and a multitude of other colours.

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4 hours ago, JohnDMJ said:

Good Evening!


After another day of "I'm 75 years old and I've decided to build a model railway" (no, I'm not making it up!)




We get plenty of those as well!






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3 hours ago, polybear said:

- that equates to $314,298 before tax......

Doing some quick sums, assuming a tax rate of 30%, (I'm guessing here) a bonus of $50k (after taxes) which is equivalent to two months salary, comes out to an annual salary of about $430k, so if accurate, those senior Delta pilots are doing very well indeed.

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14 hours ago, leopardml2341 said:

Another thing I've done since Ch*****as is tried, and generally succeeded, to drink more fluids. Trouble is, more in = more out......


I believe that's called the trickle down theory.

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Morning (I think!)


Probably a bit more eyelid inspection to go, though.


3 hours ago, Dave Hunt said:


I'm 72 and 12 months ago I started to build a model railway (well, MPD). Since it's all handbuilt I'll be lucky to finish it by the time I'm 75! Mind you, I do have most of the locomotives already built.




But you know what you're doing!


3 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:



I ask out of ignorance, is that a bad thing? Are septuagenarians awkward customers?


Surely it means more business for someone?


Once upon a time (when a Hornby Collector Club member) I would see lots of letters from people along the lines of "I've returned to the hobby after many years" or "my wife thought I needed a hobby and bought me a trainset" etc.


It's not septuagenarians per se, more the older 'first timers' new to the hobby, more the second type you mention!


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