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Good evening everyone 


Whilst we were baking, Sheila had put a Kate Bush CD on for us to listen too. Ava was asking quite a lot of questions about her and was intrigued at how young she was when she started to record her music. So after we’d finished baking, Ava and I decamped to the living room and sat and watched a documentary that I’d recorded several months ago, she thoroughly enjoyed it, I think we’ve now got another Kate Bush fan.


Vickie and Ian called mid afternoon to pick Ava up and as usual they both stayed for a drink and a slice. We chatted for quite some time before they all set off for home. 


Tonight’s tea was a chicken curry, a nice easy meal as I’d taken the sauce out of the freezer last night, so all I had to do was fry the chicken and then add the sauce. It was served with some saag aloo and naan bread, we didn’t bother with rice tonight. This was washed down with another glass of red before we settled down and watched some more recorded TV.


It’s currently chuckinitdarn at the moment and tomorrow there is a 50% possibility of the same, it’s fingers crossed that it isn’t, as I’d like to get the desk drawer fronts cut out if the weather holds off. 


Goodnight all 

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2 hours ago, BSW01 said:


Whilst we were baking, Sheila had put a Kate Bush CD on for us to listen too. Ava was asking quite a lot of questions about her and was intrigued at how young she was when she started to record her music. So after we’d finished baking, Ava and I decamped to the living room and sat and watched a documentary that I’d recorded several months ago, she thoroughly enjoyed it, I think we’ve now got another Kate Bush fan.


A few years ago (actually many years now) I was staying at The Royal Angus in Birmingham. I got on the lift and Kate Bush and her entourage joined me. I suppose I should have asked for an autograph.

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We went out this morning with blue sky in the south. While we were negotiating seats at the coffee shop that didn't stare at the sun, it went under cover and the rain started. After, we drove to the mall and parked under cover for our walk. By the time we drove home there was a puddle across our two lanes of the road anda depth limited by the curb (or kerb) at the side. Village ponds looked up by a foot or so. We didn't go out again and temperature is expected to plunge overnight (currently 1).


Tried to watch show on Indian railways but couldn't take presenter so watched Clegg and his friends instead.


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Mooring Awl,  inner Temple Hare, 

I awoke at 1:00 thinking it was much later,  staggered down stairs,  settled in,  and once the PVR had booted up realised the time.  Since then I've had a couple of hours sleep,  but not that much. 


Plans for today,  unload art stuff from the landrover into the mobile home for SWMBo to sort while keeping an eye out for muddling supplies. 

Sand and paint those bits of boat I had intended to do yesterday. See how sticky the toolbox is, if not too bad bring into the house to dry. 


But first

time to roll over and try for more sleep. 

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8 hours ago, PeterBB said:

If they cannot guarantee the latest SMETS2 then cancel. If it is one of the 'old' ones and you change your supplier you will have to pay for the 'new' one as the 'old' one will probably not respond appropriately.

I did a long time ago!

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2 hours ago, pH said:

A really unusual 'Special Weather Statement' issued by Environment Canada for the central Interior and southern Interior of BC, covering tonight and tomorrow. An extremely cold Arctic air mass is moving south and "Temperatures will plummet to values not seen in years". With the wind chill from strong winds, temperatures will get down to between -30 and -40C in central BC and -30 in the south.


Here on the coast, we're expecting snow - up to 20cm by Sunday afternoon in some areas close by.

Seattle too is bracing for snow. Brian in Gig Harbor mentioned this the other day.


So far the prognosticators don't believe the deep cold from the Arctic air mass will make it this far south, (though we are on the edge of it) but may set up for snow here on Wednesday. We will have low altitude snow (around 1,000') tomorrow. Mountain snow has been very heavy.


As yet the lowest temperatures forecast for Portland are in the -4°C range mid-week and much will depend on the direction of a low pressure system off the coast of Oregon which may bring a small amount of snow (2cm - 8cm) or possibly 15cm depending on how it moves.

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No snow here in North Hipposhire, it's just 6 C, very wet and generally 'orrible. Didn't find much of mod***ing interest in Hobbycraft yesterday except for large sheets of 5mm foam board at a couple of quid each. I re-did my control panel labelling and varnished it without mishap so at least something was achieved.


Too yucky to venture anywhere at present so another muggocoffee calls. Have a good day all and I hope the lurgy doesn't persist Chris.



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Today is my last complete day of freedom as the new contract starts tomorrow. That said it's a fairly gentle introduction as I'm immediately flying out for a three day conference and don't have to be at the airport until around 1pm tomorrow.


Washing, ironing and packing will be the order of the day along with sundry other domestic chores. May even risk a stroll round the park or a gym trip if the weather holds up.


Regards to awl.

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Good morning,


Muggertea No1 made and downed. The winds around my neck of the woods are currently in excess of a sustained 30kph and will remain so until later in the afternoon. Such winds are before any ERs or other RMs have visited St Evenage’s ‘spoons. Clouds are dispersing rapidly. It has been chukkinitdarn for a few hours so the local roads will need carefully negotiating - unless of course you own a large SUV, in which case the idea seems to be to displace as much water as possible by driving through it at a rate of knots. 

I am hopeful of making an appearance at CMRA late morning with a small leather bag containing some muddling groats and will be directing some of my attention at any purveyors of miniature deciduous style trees. I shall take an opportunity to fill the non-pannier tank of SWMBO’s chariot at Costco if I get there too. Meanwhile, The Boss will be sorting out the contents of our winter sports hold-alls and no doubt deciding that she needs to acquire various new products to enhance her stylishness glamour bulk. It will of course fall to your lowly scribe and Sherpa to carry the bags.


Best wishes to troubled, missing and suffering members and to those regular contributors who may grace us less frequently than of late, you will be missed and hurry back!


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11 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

What is the average daily mileage for a commuter on the IOM?  One wonders what the cumulative cost would actually be?


As Tip O'Neill (47th US speaker of the house) sagely pronounced, "all politics is local", but this is pretty funny. 




Michael, the cars in question are noted to all travel from Ramsey to work in The Big City Douglas, so a round trip of about 40 miles, including a climb from 10 feet asl to 1500 feet asl, and back again, in each direction.  I presume these things have some form of regenerative braking, but it is a winding, steep road. Most folk work in Douglas, as the capital and financial centre.  As the power they are using is paid from Ramsey Commissioners household and business rates, it doesn't go down too well in the town, especially as they are expensive vehicles and the people who can afford to buy them are more able to pay for their own fuel than the lower paid folk driving in an old petrol Fiesta. As we have a small population there isn't a great deal of money to splash out around the towns (even less where we live out in the sticks!) so this is seen as sufficiently significant to get annoyed about.  As an example streetlights go out at midnight and don't come on in the morning due to energy costs, but they get to charge cars for free, as an example of why folk are getting annoyed.  The free road tax is just being done away with here for them.  Not sure if the UK is doing this also? (Michael not sure if you are aware but we have different law here to the UK - we're not part of it!). 

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