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  • RMweb Gold

Is Ian Abel’s absence a planned one?  Or simply that he is not at work.  I know Robert said he wouldn’t be here until after the hols.

i hope the explanation is as simple as above.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon,  Awl,  you may have noticed I was missing this morning,  actually it was the tablet that was missing,  it was up by the bed and I wasn't waking SWMBO. 


Is it lack of mojo,  is it the joint pain,  or is it something else,  but I find it increasingly very hard to get going these days. I have to push myself to get out there knowing it needs to be done. Once started I'm OK,  but I don't keep going for as long as I used to.. 


By the time I was getting ready to venture outside,  Ben the alarm clock Collie decided to wake SWMBO anyway..


This morning I've built the basic top doors,  they are now glued and screwed, hinges mounted as a single piece to be divided later. 


I also filled the bits required on the boat,  so that stops play as everything is now setting. 


Ben the impatient collie is awaiting a long patrol,  it will be to the Beach as the battle of the Somme continues outside,  the pheasants are losing both to the west of us and the North.. 


Time to. Put the boots on. 



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  • RMweb Premium

Back from the beach Awl,  water quite rough today,  and even though it's almost high tide because it's neaps there was still a fair amount of beach. Though occasional bigger waves brought water up higher as a photographer with tripod etc found out. He was stood back to the wind when a wave got his feet wet... 

Muggacoffee time.. 


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1 hour ago, TheQ said:

Is it lack of mojo,  is it the joint pain,  or is it something else,  but I find it increasingly very hard to get going these days. I have to push myself to get out there knowing it needs to be done. Once started I'm OK,  but I don't keep going for as long as I used to..


Self motivation to do stuff is getting harder for me too! During my time in Switzerland, I had no less than three late starts due to oh, WTF!


1 hour ago, Happy Hippo said:

This household mixes Prosecco with Orange juice to make a form of Buck's Fizz, which was known by it's Spoonerism.


Some fellow travellers did something similar!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good evening friends,


I attempted to post something this morning from my tablet - it didn't happen for whatever reason. Tasks to do today included hosing the outside of both cars to remove mud and gifts from pigeon. As I struggled and eventually gave up trying to get my wellies on, a full clean of both was not undertaken. Various boxes, cut up Norwegian Spruce, used packing materials and other seasonal detritus loaded into one vehicle and deposited on the son-in-law's bonfire site. There is more to do still but tomorrow is another day and once done, it will make access to the world of that which we mustn't mention on here accessible once more. A quick trip over to the farm meat place happened as they have just cut up a couple of nice porkers. Various chops, liver, kidney, heart and eggs (from their chickens, not pigs) acquired for the next couple of weeks. We had one of those Veganuary offerings tonight in the form of a "planet friendly" pizza. I have no idea whether it was made years ago or not but it tasted like the cardboard tray on which it was packaged - an experiment we shall NOT be repeating! Herbie the energetic at night dog was walked (twice) in the hope we could tire him enough for him to sleep through after yet another disturbed night but lo and behold, his owners appeared at around 19:30 so a proper night's sleep may be possible - unless of course SWMBO continues to snore and rumble like an idling Paxman Valetta diesel.


I will close noting that I am thankful for living in the coldish damp isle accurately described by GDB and that many of us must be hugely sympathetic to those suffering from Victoria to Queensland. I have family there but thankfully at the moment they are not under immediate threat although my late mother's sister, a venerable 95-y-o, is probably affected by  the airborne particulates, even if the fires themselves are somewhat remote from her. Best wishes too to other ERs who are suffering, may your tribulations diminish. Having enjoyed a rather nice Milanese style coffee, it is now time I poured a couple of fingers from the offerings of The Linkwood Distillery.

Edited by Kingzance
tryping again
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  • RMweb Gold
14 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

I was just about to express that very thought, GDB. This side of the globe hasn't really got it yet.



We thought the 2018 Saddleworth and Winter Hill fires were bad at 9000 acres total. The scale of the Australian fires is truly horrific. 


Edited by TheSignalEngineer
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