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Watch stopped play,  it changed time zones on me and I thought it was later than it is. 

The missions aforesaid,  were completed, a little filling is required before bilge paint is applied. I would have done the filling if I hadn't packed up early. 


Providing the paint dries in this decade,  the toolbox  may be revealed in photos at a later date.  Though I fear like in a certain hobby,  photos may be cruel.. 


Ben the waiting Collie will be taking us for a stroll after this muggacoffee.

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1 hour ago, 5 C said:

I think people have realised that New Year celebrations are a rip off and prefer to stay at home and as noted elsewhere, blow the money on a load of fireworks.


It never ceases to amaze me that people pay money for a "ticket" to enter a pub on new year's eve, only to pay them even more money for a drink, often at jacked up prices.....

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6 hours ago, Barry O said:

I have just read about Santander. My only experience of them was sorting out my late FiLs money. They were absolute garbage..losingaerwork, handing out incorrect i foormation and generally causing grief to all just when none of the family needed it. And it took a while for them to cough up. 


Day to day might be fine but.....


Of course if you go on line you can check out your bank balances, spends etc very quickly and safely most of the time, most banks.








I tend to agree with Baz regarding Santander. One has to remember that Santander UK was never a proper bank (as clearing banks used to be) but was a conglomeration of two UK building societies.


Whilst I was Membership Secretary and (for a short time) Treasurer of a certain railway society the society's banker was Santander with all the money held in two passbook accounts for which no statements were issued. He who held the passbooks had access to the funds. It got even more bizarre when I tried to get my name on the list of authorised signatures and Santander advised that they had no record of the existing authorised signatories - they had lost or could not find whatever information there was.


As Membership Secretary I had to deposit the renewal cheques at  the local branch of Santander which involved queueing to get to the counter and then waiting ages whilst the cashier processed each cheque separately. Paying in at least 20 cheques at a time It took ages. They did introduce a deposit scheme where the cheques could be put into an envelope and dropped in a box. This system did not last long as not many people used this service and it was withdrawn....


Having banked with Barclays since 1964 (when I did a summer placement and then having worked with them for 18 months in 1965-66) I opened a Society Account at Barclays and was able to offer society members the option of paying by cheque or using internet banking.... and about 50% started using internet banking.


Despite having spent most of my working life roaming around Asia I always maintained an account with Barclays. OK, there have been a couple of screw-ups during those odd 50 years mainly when I returned to the UK and moved my offshore account onshore, everything has gone smoothly. For some reason I just regard Barclays as "my" bank. They even put me on "Premier Banking" status last year even though I don't meet the current qualifications for such status.




PS: writing the above reminds me that I've not claimed my pension benefit of  £3 5s 4d per annum for the 18th months I worked for Barclays.

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36 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

The one chap I shall never forget appeared out of the ash on a once-forested hillside. Wearing just a battered and blood-stained singlet and cotton shorts he might have been 75. He was exhausted. Emotionally, physically. He fell into my open arms in tears. He wasn’t insured with us and didn’t think we could help him. His words still bring tears to my eyes. “I’ve lost everything .... the house, the cars, the boat, the shop, the wife, the kids ...... all gone .............  “


I couldn't even begin to imagine what I'd do in such a situation.  Somewhat bemusing to note that the Wife and Kids came after the cars and boat, however.

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Happy Easter, yes new year's day and Easter eggs on sale.

Great way to eat between pubs in Toon Town, especially helping my other half ease the pain after she slipped on the frosty pavements and that's not even after many hslf pints


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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,


Finally got here after spending as much time today on fault 522 as I have on RMweb - having 'Gold' access I have alerted the management through our particular area.  Looks like server land needs a rocket up its whatsit ,or  maybe one landed on them last night?


Rather surprisingly, or not, most of the local artillery seem to have run out of ammunition by midnight - what a bunch of drongoes, there were not even half dozen explosions or fizzles of anything after 23.59 .  And Charlie the cat was scratching to get out of the back door by 00.15 so obviously he knew it was all over.  His mum obviously didn't know it was all over and spent the night completely vanished to we know not where although she was definitely indoors - somewhere or other and possibly tunnelled into the toilet paper mountain as she couldn't be found under any beds. She of course presented herself for breakfast punctually - for all three of them.


Tonight we have 'sausage toad'. (i.e. toad in the hole) for dinner, when his lordship returns from Great Cockcrow land then perhaps a quiet evening preparing for the arrival of three score years and twelve on the morrow.   Enjoy the rest of your evening/day.

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5 minutes ago, The Stationmaster said:

Evening all,


Finally got here after spending as much time today on fault 522 as I have on RMweb - having 'Gold' access I have alerted the management through our particular area.  Looks like server land needs a rocket up its whatsit ,or  maybe one landed on them last night?


Rather surprisingly, or not, most of the local artillery seem to have run out of ammunition by midnight - what a bunch of drongoes, there were not even half dozen explosions or fizzles of anything after 23.59 .  And Charlie the cat was scratching to get out of the back door by 00.15 so obviously he knew it was all over.  His mum obviously didn't know it was all over and spent the night completely vanished to we know not where although she was definitely indoors - somewhere or other and possibly tunnelled into the toilet paper mountain as she couldn't be found under any beds. She of course presented herself for breakfast punctually - for all three of them.


Tonight we have 'sausage toad'. (i.e. toad in the hole) for dinner, when his lordship returns from Great Cockcrow land then perhaps a quiet evening preparing for the arrival of three score years and twelve on the morrow.   Enjoy the rest of your evening/day.

I've been locked out every few minutes since lunchtime, and then like now, back on again.

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All my; Contents I follow, settings seems to have gone up the swanny overnight. I've spent most of the afternoon trying to set it back as it was, but all I can get is New Content, and therefore a whole page of Post from Threads I have no interest in.


Has anyone else had the same issues please?


Can anyone re advise me on how to re set my Contents I follow settings?

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4 minutes ago, Andrew P said:

All my; Contents I follow, settings seems to have gone up the swanny overnight. I've spent most of the afternoon trying to set it back as it was, but all I can get is New Content, and therefore a whole page of Post from Threads I have no interest in.


Has anyone else had the same issues please?


Can anyone re advise me on how to re set my Contents I follow settings?

Looks like I've just done it, Fingers Crossed.

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7 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

Morning all from Estuary-Land. I thought the 21st. Century began with the year 2000 so today should be the first day of the roaring 20's.  If it isn't then what was all the fuss about 20 years ago?  Perhaps its because of the change over from BC to AD, when we went from 1 BC to 1 AD. Should there have been a year zero inbetween? I will leave you to ponder that while I catch up on the rest of RMweb.


Yes, it's because there was no "year zero". Strictly speaking the 21st century started in 2001 and that means the third decade of the 21st century doesn't start until 1/1/2021 and bringing this up is a good way to start a punch-up in a pub ;)

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Evenin all.

Back home and there was a cordial invite to a bowel screening on the doormat.

I was pleased to learn that whilst the enema is taken before you set out for the clinic, so too is the resulting tsunami dealt with at home. The traffic over to G'ford can detain one unexpectedly! :wacko: :help:

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Done sod-all today apart from a trip down to Tess Coes for the papers. All the Christmas stuff is reduced but one can only suffer so many mince pies even at 20p for half a dozen. Found a couple of items in the 'bent boxes/dented tins' shelf including for a few pennies a box of biscuits with only a torn corner of the box. Also a couple of soft toys that I intend to give to my friends terrier dog and a chihuahua that they are caring for. The soft toys had been attached to some chocolates but the chocolates had disappeared. I wonder how long the soft toys will last?

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1 hour ago, Andrew P said:

I've been locked out every few minutes since lunchtime, and then like now, back on again.

Its been very slow over the holidays. Some other forums and Farcebook have also been slow. It was particularily slow at noon when the last New Year celebrations occured (in the Mid Pacific) but since then it seems to have behaved itself.

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12 hours ago, AndyID said:

(BTW, if this Century started on Jan 1, 2001, why doesn't this decade start on Jan1, 2021?


8 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

Century began with the year 2000 so today should be the first day of the roaring 20's.  If it isn't then what was all the fuss about 20 years ago?  Perhaps its because of the change over from BC to AD, when we went from 1 BC to 1 AD. Should there have been a year zero inbetween? I will leave you to ponder that while I catch up on the rest of RMweb.


1 hour ago, AndyID said:

Yes, it's because there was no "year zero". Strictly speaking the 21st century started in 2001 and that means the third decade of the 21st century doesn't start until 1/1/2021 and bringing this up is a good way to start a punch-up in a pub ;)

Like many things our calendar is full of bodges and inaccuracies and arbitrariness. A seven day week makes sense for a lunar calendar - where months all have 28 days, but not a solar calendar. Having seven, 31 day months, six, 30 day months and one 28 day month (29 this year) is just silly.


Then of course there are the naming of the days - a strange melange of Roman and Norse; and the naming of the months - Roman Gods and offset numbers where the ninth through twelfth months are based on the numbers seven through ten. (It's not like they ran out of Gods for the Julian calendar, particularly with the elevated status of Julius and Augustus.)


The solar solstice drift of the Julian calendar (leading to the Gregorian calendar) is understandable though the remedy (excepting the centurial years as leap years unless they are divisible by 400) is none too obvious.


The biggest mistake of course is the calculation of year 1. Even today there is no consistent scholarly agreement as to when it should be (somewhere around 1BC - 6BC, probably 4 BC). Add to that the fact that at the time the numbering was reset to Anno Domini (originally imagined in 525 AD) the mathematical concept of zero was unknown in Europe. Plus there is the complication that the medieval counting of the year began on March 25 (Lady Day / Annunciation) instead of the next January 1. (From a medieval perspective the year we think of as the 2,020th year of our Lord began on March 25 2019*.)


* Assuming I don't have the head-spinning offsets wrong.


The French tried to fix it in the tyrannical first republic, but while I'm a big fan of decimal currency and the Metric system, I'm not putting up with a 10-day week thank you very much.


The calendaring system which I think is the most workable, is Tolkien's fictional Shire Reckoning. It contains 12 months of 30 days arranged in 52 weeks of seven days with a bonus day at Midsummer which does not have a day of the week. Leap years contained an extra midsummer's day (Overlithe). This has the nice benefit that each date always falls on the same weekday. There were two Yule days with the new year beginning on 2 Yule (22 December).  As the first day of the week,  2 Yule is always a Sterday*.


* Star day, honouring the stars of Varda.


Happy second Monday in the month of Afteryule!


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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  • RMweb Gold
1 minute ago, PhilJ W said:

Its been very slow over the holidays. Some other forums and Farcebook have also been slow. It was particularily slow at noon when the last New Year celebrations occured (in the Mid Pacific) but since then it seems to have behaved itself.

‘Talking of Facebook I have recently contacted one or two members thereon. Originally it was in order to see the video of those numpties with the 8x4 baseboard.  I noticed there are quite a few other members of ER also on Facebook and so I may fire out a few more  requests.   

This is purely because I would like to think I could still keep in touch with friends here  if anything ever happened to RMweb. Unlikely I know, but on past experience and with recent goings on.........


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