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Boxing Day with my sister's family.  

Used the iPad for navigation as we found the map program shows traffic congestion.  We therefore took the toll road. Fees for this trip seem to be more than the toll from New York City to Buffalo in a motor home.


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24 minutes ago, grandadbob said:

Medical question now: My doctor(s) have been banging on about putting me on statins and I have been resisting because I've heard of bad reactions amongst two or three friends. Just wondered if any of you have been/ are on them and what problems you've had.


Like many of us I also have elevated BP. I was on a statin for a bit and it did tend to give me a dry cough but that was all. My doc switched me to something called Losartan. It comes with a long list of possible side-effects too but I seem to be OK with it. I suspect it's a case of "Sucketh-and-See" *


* (As opposed to Sucketh-on-Sea)

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I've been on statins for 11 years,  being put on them the same time as going type 2 diabetic.

 One of the side effects listed is rumblings and gas production,  this didn't have disastrous effects and wore off very quickly.

Other than that there have been no problems.

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Bob, I have no medical training and, as can be seen from my various posts, I am something of a food lover. It is almost ten years since I had a midi-cardiac event. Ever since that somewhat shocking day, I have been on statins, both atorvastatin and simvastatin and both at the 40mg per day dose. My cholesterol levels, for which they are prescribed, remain reasonably in check (under 5 overall but my doc would like them to be more like 4) and I still enjoy more red meat, cheese and cream than I perhaps should. The downsides for me were night cramps when on the simvastatin and having to avoid anything containing grapefruit. Of course by radically altering your diet, you can control your cholesterol levels but certainly the festive season is not one where that would be easy. I could do a lot more to protect myself if I was to indulge in more exercise, reducing blood pressure and risk of diabetes.


After my sermon on the dome of saint bob, what other news? We shall be a-Baldocking later this merry morning and maybe a foray into the adjacent Tess&Co will be suggested to replenish the food mountain and Her Ladyship's stock of Brancott Estate Sauvignon Blanc. Certainly I am out of the Channel Island milk that goes so well on my cereals and our green vegetables stock is non-existent. There are cold cuts a plenty to get through and the seasonal turkey broth is now ready for consumption; fresh bread has been made. The pooch (about 2% of the size of Zeus) will be brought to KZ Towers for his "holiday". I shall be looking for discounted offerings from emporia in the 1/76th scales as I got nothing in that field as gifts and I feel I could award myself some seafoam products.


Be good, be careful GDB and enjoy your day - hopefully you will feel better at the end than at the beginning.

Edited by Kingzance
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Morning, Youngest and his girlfriend departed around 6 this morning, both at work today though the girlfriend a vet was working part of Xmas day. Other half is suffering from the cough/cold bug that is doing the rounds so I have been cleaning up and getting the house back in order. The garage is like a bomb site but I will wait a couple of days as it will be chaos at the local tip.


As regards Statins its a case of trial and error until you find one that suits you, some give leg cramps as mentioned others cough etc.


As for what seems a long list of side effects on any medicine these are a case of might happen, I can remember when patient information leaflets first came into being and my mother refusing (at first) to take her heart medication because of the list of possible side effects.


The old adage of an apple a day keeps the Dr away now seems to be replaced by 10,000 steps a day keeps the Dr away!


Enjoy your day folks



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Rather grey looking sky today.

Bob, I take a small dose,of,statins (simvastatin). Initially low as it could have caused wind which would have been a problem with ulcerative colitis. Low dose worked ( without problems) so still retained to keep cholesterol into the just acceptable range. Aditi is type,2 diabetic. She is on 40mg simvastatin and has no side effects just cholesterol levels that the diabetic nurse very much approves of.


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Good morning everyone 


Well it isn’t raining, but it is very dull. I’ll shortly be setting off to t(e Trafford Centre to pick up the stuff we can’t get locally, or rather we don’t like the local alternatives. But I’m expecting it to be full of numpties looking for cut priced bargains, so I don’t plan to be there long. Sheila will not be accompanying me so I definitely won’t be there long. I’ll return via the butchers and collect the weekly meat rations and a pastie for my dinner. 


Sheila has been on statins for well over 17 years now, when she was diagnosed as being type 2 diabetic. Over that period she has had 2 or 3 different ones, none of which gave her any real problems. 


Enjoy the day, back later. 

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. I could have had a lie in this morning but I was up at 07:30 to catch the weather forecast only to find that the breakfast program had finished and there was football on the box! I can't give an opinion on statins as I have never taken them but I am glad that I'm no longer on the BP medication as the one I was taking, Ramopril is the same one that caused my brothers medical problems and is a likely cause of my kidney stone. Fortunately my cholesterol levels are very low so I've never had to take statins. I will be contacting my niece about my brother, there was no change when I last spoke to her so no news is good news. I have had a slight cold over the holidays but it hasn't turned into man flu but it keeps hanging on.  Waiting in now for a parcel that should be delivered before 12:36, why that time I don't know but Royal Mail's e-mail quoted 08:36 to 12:36.

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I suppose as I take medication that requires frequent thorough blood tests, any side effects of other medications causing problems  get picked up quite quickly. 

Edited by Tony_S
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Bob, I've been on statins for about 18 years with no problems. In fact my bew GP recently reduced my current ine (atorvastatin) from 20mg to 10mg so it's obviously doing it's job.


Anyway 2 shutters are now undercoated on 1 side. In between 1 and 2 Beth and I went for a nice walk round the fields.  The hunt could be heard about a mile away, shooting merrily.  We watcged a herd of 9 deer grazing peacefully just out of their sight. The eventually disappeared into the forest. Lovely to see.



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I have steadfastly refused to take Statins as:


1  My cholesterol levels are perfectly acceptable

2  The idea being peddled is .. Statins do great things.. yep but do I really need them?




3  a few friends have ended up on Statins. These changed their moods totally (and not for the better!)  and two of them stopped taking the statins.


Strangely enough.. no one mentions the mood changes BUT when I talked to two GPs they did say this is one side affect that they keep fairly quiet about.


I need to get rid of more of my tablets .. new years resolution has a plan for this!





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Morning all . .

I've been on 80mg  Atorvastatin since my heart attack 10 years ago...

apart from cramps occasionally in back of shins an forearms, I've not had a problem.


Dull, grey, occasional spots of rain and . . . .quite warm . . . I may  sally forth toe the shops later.


'ave a gudd'un.



Edit  :-

3  a few friends have ended up on Statins. These changed their moods totally (and not for the better!)  and two of them stopped taking the statins.


Strangely enough.. no one mentions the mood changes BUT when I talked to two GPs they did say this is one side affect that they keep fairly quiet about.


That hasn't affected me. . . . . . I've always been a miserable aard g!t.






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I've been resisting Statins for years - I went to the doc a couple of months back as I was becoming concerned that going up stairs was becoming an issue.


Did a full blood check and ECG - nothing amiss - went back to see the doc as super nurse at the surgery had told me I had failing kidneys (why did she do this, I thinks she likes the sound of her own voice and worries people - so far me and my wife with separate visits).  Anyway at the second visit was told the result was from several years ago and the latest results were fine (because Kidneys cycle and a blood test at the wrong time can give misleading results - read this on the Google).   Doctor said he would get me a running ECG (on a treadmill) to check my heart one more time, then called me on the phone about 10 minutes later as he wanted me to do another blood test as the last one didn't (amazingly when you're talking potential heart issues) include Cholesterol.  


Anyway since that discussion I've discovered perhaps that some of the sensations I have been experiencing may be the result of Chocolate biscuits - ones for the partaking of whilst working.  It seems that said biscuits are causing reflux and giving me issues so cut them out.   Must say since over doing it with chocolate at Christmas some of the feelings have returned so a good sign it is the chocolate at the root of the issue.


Also I have done two 5k jogs of late without issue so perhaps I am not as ill as I feared, tomorrow an outdoor 5k, lets test that reaction to cold air again. 

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