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  • RMweb Gold

Doctors and Nurses - how retro. I seem to remember playing that as a child. And regarding how GDB managed to inflict a need for dressings, I use a device with diamond coated sprung steel fingers and a decent hand guard to sharpen my tools. Stop that smirking at the back.


I/we survived yesterday in a less damaged state than the honourable member from Sutton it would appear. Having allowed SWMBO to follow a certain Essex boy's recipe for cauliflower cheese to go with our turkey, his glazed carrots (good) and spuds (also good), I agree with others that we can easily understand why his catering empire failed. Eight plus dog arrived around 2:30 when they had been kicked out of the pub (yes, that includes the 7 year old twins, the 9 year old challenge and the sometimes moody pre-teen plus their parents, No1 grandson and son (who couldn't resist a swift couple). The one course they managed was over by around 3:45 with everyone admitting they were flup. Presents then followed, much excess being in evidence from all sides and no I didn't get handkerchiefs, socks, underpants or anything that could offend our Awl-seeing (hope you're getting better ma'am).


The pudding course was served around 5:30 when guests had digested sufficient of the main course to make room. Most guests departed by 8:30 and said they had had a good time - only if they indicate that they want to repeat that next year will we know for sure. Some telephone calls were then made, a few were sadly to people who had less of a positive day than us. We then settled to watch a suggestion from Son on the Netflix channel called "Friday Night Dinner". All three of us enjoyed it so it does bridge the generation gap.


It was Pissinitdarn when the village fun run was due to start, I'm not sure how many masochists there are in the area. I prefer to remain in the warm, dry confines of KZ Towers. Son-in-law has taken two grandchildren to the new White Hart Lane as he got three tickets and seems to be giving up on Arsenal - No2 grandson refused to go as he remains a die-hard gunners supporter. When they get back, we will once more provide sustenance for them all. Meanwhile, daughter is packing the necessary for their ski break on which they depart tomorrow, leaving dog with us.


Although I am unable to post the link on here due to its format, I will leave you with a description of a 20sec video about preserving the secrecy of elements of Christmas that was sent to me by my son early on Christmas day: 
A young girl wanders into her lounge to see Father Christmas placing presents around the tree. Her expression changes to one of happy surprise as she says "Santa!". He chuckles and responds "No witnesses" before pulling out a small pistol and shooting her.

On that festive note, I shall disappear to grab another cupajava.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

As Phil mentioned it has stopped raining. I thought it may have started again but it is the spray from a neighbour power washing his mountain bike. He is also muddy so I suspect he has already returned from a ride.  I think we are heading off for a walk soon, not somewhere muddy though. 
I can’t imagine we are going into any shops. The newspaper had been delivered so no need to pop in to collect it. Since she has retired I handed over responsibility for dealing with the newsagent to Aditi. I found any transaction , even paying my bill to be so chaotic a process I would leave feeling quite stressed. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


Another lie-in this morning but we were up earlier than yesterday. There's not a lot on the cards for today, we did think about going for a walk, but the rain has put paid to that idea. Sheila is planning to do some ironing, so I'll have to think of something else today, ooh, what could that be I wonder?


Enjoy the day, back later



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GDB I hope you have have a no claims protection personal insurance similar to cars!


I would say fingers crossed but probably not a good thing to do at the moment.


Luckily the rain is keeping me clear of any potential injury with the tree loppers so sitting it out in the pub opposite other half’s mums. 


They have a nice xmas ale plus Harvey’s Old so I am happy but will have to safely get back across the road for lunch shortly.


Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all. And it's a damp one here today. The relaxing day I hoped for started with a snooze and lie in till about 8.30. Mid morning saw me assembling a small laser cut kit. A pint of Hogsback TEA accompanied this. 

A tradition started by my parents was that Santa Claus would leave a present for each person balanced  inside the Christmas tree itself, which would be opened on Boxing Day. This was just in case us youngsters felt it was a bit "flat" the day after Christmas. Our youngest has just started to root around, nosing for his tree present. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Nipped down to Tess Coes lunchtime for the papers, bread and milk. Didn't need anything else and the locusts had already emptied the shelves marked 'reduced to clear' anyway. Just had a bit of eyelid inspection and now tea is brewing, be back later.

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Christmas greetings all from a Sidcup which has been grey and wet although the rain did not stop us from getting out for a walk earlier. The day itself started with a cooked breakfast and moved through bellinis on to an excellent meal cooked by Mrs Lurker and MiL. Just when we thought we could never eat again, cheese and biccies appeared. Today has been less indulgent;l leftovers and salad and chips! The jungle book is largely being ignored on the telly at present! The in laws are arguing over the crossword in one of the red tops- apparently “Blixen” was the name of the reindeer’s. Who’d a thunk it?

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  • RMweb Premium

Ey up!


Junior Herbert  has been, eaten, drunk  slept and now has gone back to his abode.

Dr Eldest Herbert is going home tomorrow courtesy of her indoors.

I have done notalot today. Great!


Shopping yomorrow after that..it is, as Roundhouse says..beeroclock.


GDB..just hope that the thumb is ok.


Positive thoughts to all who need our support at this time.


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  • RMweb Gold

Andy, we had that last night about 10.00. It stopped when I hollered out of the back door something along the lines of "What f###### silly moron is letting off fireworks at this time on Christmas Day!" I think it's a new family a few doors away round the corner  who also have a yappy dog that is left in the garden for long periods and doesn't stop barking. Very soon words of advice will be given about that as well.


Peace & Goodwill to all men etc. :rolleyes:



Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold
10 minutes ago, Andrew P said:

Now we have senseless morons letting off Rockets out the back of our Road.


Not your normal Woosh Bang, but loud enough to actually feel it through your feet indoors.


Wife and Dog are petrified.

Give the dog a cuddle.

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