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  • RMweb Gold

Morning - one more night to do then call out over. Red wine will be drunk.


Off to get a hair cut in a minute, haven't decided which one yet...I only get economy cuts twice a year, so quite a lot to come off. Bags of it will be on sale in RMMarketplace from about 12 noon, grey highlights already in, very reasonable.


Not that there are those on here who need extra hair....are there? <_<

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Appointment disappointing.

It was to see a Consultant about my back problems.

I am conscious that many are worse off than me but sometimes it doesn't pay to be 'manly' about such things.

I think he was slightly jaded from seeing scroungers (just my impression).

No treatment offered but an appointment again in eight weeks (what for?).


This was NHS so it looks like another trip to the vaults to get a Private assessment.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all.


I'm been to Chelmsford this morning. The car passed its MOT. I opted for the while you wait MOT. It was quite nice waiting. Receptionists kept offering coffee and biscuits and I read a crime thriller. Having read all the Scandinavian crime books that Aditi likes this was a German crime novel (translated fortunately).


Not really doing much today. I did do some soldering yesterday. I was fitting a decoder into a Liliput railcar and managed to break a little springy connector so I had to solder a piece of wire to replace it. I'm glad I did as I noticed that one of the capacitor connections was touching the chassis. It wouldn't have mattered in DC but motor connections to chassis are not a good idea if they are also connected to the track with DCC.



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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all. Late on parade today (as it were) due to waking up late (after watching a 'horror' movie) late last night and also due to the fact that I have been doing the upholstery this morning for my chair. I'm really pleased with how the chair is turning out so far, not much more to do now. Then when I've finished all the associated folder work I can get on with the layout extension. Less than 20 days to get the layout finished till my show!! blink.gif

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Very late on parade today, and absent yesterday, due to another (expensive) vet's visit - also just managed to escape a serious snarl up in St Helens when a disused gasometer )the big one you can see for miles) started to emit black smoke, resulting in a number of closures and evacuation of some residences. I just got away in time, it seems.


The news about the dog's ears is VERY encouraging, and almost all the tissue has shrunk back, her hearing is returning, and the vet was over the moon about her progress.


Also I managed to get a parking fine cancelled for a pay and display non-sticky ticket which blew off the dashboard when I shut the door - it had the thickness of a fag paper!


Got to shoot now, as I'm due in training five minutes ago.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

The news about the dog's ears is VERY encouraging, and almost all the tissue has shrunk back, her hearing is returning, and the vet was over the moon about her progress.


Nice to read about the spaniel ear improvement.

Robbie has been especially bouncy for the last two days. He hasn't shown much interest in dog toys for a couple of years but has been running around with plant pots recently so I bought him a bright purple dumbbell shaped chew toy yesterday. He has been playing like a puppy again. Perhaps it is something in the colour that has affected him.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Still pitch dark outside, but the birds are beginning their morning symphony, which is nice :) . One course in the afternoon, after which I'll meet up with some friends for dinner. Wonder if I should take tarte flambée again, as I've always done at the place thus far?


Have a good one...

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Morning All,


It is another nice day here. Somewhat chilly, but an otherwise rather nice Spring day. Hopefully next week will be similar as the little guy is on School holidays and so I've got a weeks holiday too.


Oh well! Onwards and upwards.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all...:)


Hope you are all fit and well and looking forward to the weekend.


Had a result yesterday. I had to return the faulty pond pump under warranty, so packed up the old one and took it down to our local sub Post Office. Surprised to find the whole package weighed in at 14kgs and they wouldn't take it. I'd have to take it to the main Post Office in town. With parking only in Car Parks this would mean a walk of a few 100 yards or so, which is out of my range, so I returned home to check on the web what the options were.


Parcel Force was £21.59 but I found this site for a broker who offered several major carriers at very good prices.




They offered 4 carriers, collection from home and a charge of £9.35 on TNT UK Express.


They are coming today, so all in all a good result.


Certainly worth looking at if you have a good size parcel to send.

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Good morning.

Another "Cloud on the mountain" day. which means otherwise a clear sky, but possbly windy.

Enjoy your break Robet. Any prospect of progress on the layout?

Good luck with progress on Calshot, Jam.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

I had an early start this morning as my wife wanted to go to the station. I'll be meeting her in Enfield tonight as we are taking her mother out this evening with other family members. It is MiL's birthday.

It is raining gently (or heavy drizzling) here.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, dozy as anything today after my last (cr*p) night on call. It's been a busy week, the portents for the summer are not good as demand for water was up this week and the system creaked badly.


I'm hoping to finish my double slip over the weekend, this has been as difficult to make as anything I have done before. However I'm nearly there and I think it's going to work.....sort of. As with all my other home made trackwork it's a darn good job that the prototypical track I'm trying to emulate is very rough and run down!


Apart from said d/slip I'm planning a weekend of....nothing. Red wine will be drunk, tv sport will be watched and that's about it. Whatever you are all doing, have a good one.

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It's been a busy week, the portents for the summer are not good as demand for water was up this week and the system creaked badly.


Doesn't sound too good Phil.


What's the reason for that? I know the media would like to have us believe that it is all down to a creaky infrastructure and leaky pipes - but has rainfall been that low recently?

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  • RMweb Gold

Doesn't sound too good Phil.


What's the reason for that? I know the media would like to have us believe that it is all down to a creaky infrastructure and leaky pipes - but has rainfall been that low recently?


Nope - I'm bound to keep shtum over detail due to a whistleblowing clause in my contract, but basically it's down to starving the business of cash over the last twenty years or so.

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Morning guys.

Todays news from Gotham. Very nice here this morning!


Terrible weather in the lower Mid West and deep South today, 4 reported dead in Thunderstorms. The threat today down there is from "microbursts" - a little known effect of big thunderstorms and often confused with Tornados but they are straight line winds caused by severe downtrafts usually at the leading edge of the storm. Here's a video of a microburst - watch out for the telegraph poles snapping in half!






Usually in high wind events such as this (and Tornados) it's the debris that kills you....


My Mum used to reassure me in the UK that Thunderstorms can't hurt you!


Best, Pete.

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Evening all, occurs to me I forgot to check in this morning! Thank goodness it's the weekend!


Just been looking at Gordon's Eastwood Town thread, looking forward to seeing progress on this once the back's returned to full strength.


Scary footage, Pete...


[edit: and for more scary footage, have a look here if you've not already seen this: Car crashes through level crossing barrier]

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As you might expect, I am no longer toothurty, but my mouth aches where the tooth was. Came out a lot more easily than the bottom one on t'other side did though - that was a ######, still partly in the gum, painful as anything, and had three roots pointing in different directions...

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Morning All,


Another nice Spring morning here - I think a bike ride into town is in order.


Scary videos this morning. The micro-burst is bad enough, but the level crossing video is unbelievable :O


Nope - I'm bound to keep shtum over detail due to a whistleblowing clause in my contract, but basically it's down to starving the business of cash over the last twenty years or so.


I understand 100% Phil - I wondered if it was something like that though.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


I don't have to go to work on Monday and the weekend feels much more relaxing already. Strange that, I normally try not to think about plans for the next week until Sunday afternoon but it must always be in the back of the mind anyway. Not this weekend though, all I have to do is worry whether or not I can get some track layed or whether a list will appear instead. I can cope if that's all I have to worry about.


Enjoy your weekend folks.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,bright sunny day so far up to Carlisle to pick up DD1 and her computer and a trip to shanghi shanghi for lots of chinese food then home hopefully in the daylight. Phil that would be post privatisation dividend payouts then?

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