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  • RMweb Premium
3 hours ago, Debs. said:

1- Have you perhaps, been watching it during the pre-boiling phase?:dontknow:

2- Have you not been watching it sufficiently lately?:scratch_one-s_head_mini:



John's clearly in his element, now. 

That was a typo, now ammended from off to on.

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Spent what seemed like half the day in the loft dragging various boxes and bags labelled 'Christmas stuff' or 'decorations' out of spider infested recesses. The end result is that SWMBO has done a sterling job decorating the tree and it now sits in the living room with its little lights sparkling looking very cheery. I got to assemble the bits of the (artificial) tree prior to its decoration, stick the cards up and wield the vacuum cleaner as bits of tree, tinsel etc. fluttered to the floor. Just a few edible goodies to make and a sum approaching the national debt to be spent before all is ready for the invasion of the horde family. Definite hints, not to say warnings, have been issued that I have to get into 'Ho, ho, ho' mode by then rather than 'Bah, humbug' if I want to enjoy some of the luxuries I have become accustomed to such as sleeping indoors.  


High point of the day (well, evening) was escaping to the workshop whilst SWMBO was glued to the haunted fish tank watching strongly go prancing.


Must go and practice being cheery but just to get me into the right mood I'm going to have a small libation of some Tamnavulin I bought this morning.


Have a peaceful night, afternoon, morning or whatever you are currently experiencing.



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  • RMweb Gold
5 hours ago, Kingzance said:

That was a proper "Oh Sh!t" moment Neil! I don't have pictures of things like a rod through a crankcase but somewhere I do have a few pics of a VLCC with its deck ripped open from No3 to beyond No5 centre tanks. I must look them out.

I'm putting further details of that incident with an explanation on the "ships" thread for those interested.

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  • RMweb Premium
4 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:


Perhaps it was Andy's subconscious "statehood for Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands" campaign. They have a certain appeal at this time of year.


How much snow are you getting in the Idaho panhandle today? 


Should have been 53, what about American Samoa. We visited there in May and the lical taxi driver had some very interesting things to say about the Statehood debate. Apparently the Samoans annoy the Americans by being avid Rugby fans whenever the other Samian team is playing.


Anyway back from the repas. A geat eveni g has been had and an ample sufficiency of red falling down water.  Bon nuit a tout.



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Good evening everyone


We were awoken about 5:30 this morning with heavy rain blowing hard against the bedroom windows, this window faces west. When I went into the bathroom at about 9:30, the wind had changed direction and the rain was blowing against the bathroom window, this window faces south. As a consequence of being woken earlier, we had a bit of a lie-in this morning, so I didn’t get to post as it was a bit of a rush before I went to pick up Ava, who was spending the day with us. Ava was duly collected and when we got back home, we set about making a tray of rocky road, a task that Ava always enjoys, not to mention the fact that she also likes ‘cleaning out the bowl’ afterwards.


After that she sat and watched a film, her choice for today was ‘5 Children And It’. Vickie and Ian came round to collect her mid afternoon. They stopped for an hour or so and we all enjoyed a cuppa and a chat. Whilst Vickie and Ian we’re here Mike telephoned, he and Sarah should have been coming round for a takeaway, but had to cancel as Sarah has a bad cold and didn’t want to pass it on. As it happened Sheila didn’t really fancy an big meal, so I had a quick rummage in the freezer and I found some lamb kofters, so we had them and a small portion of rice instead.


Thankfully, Sheila isn’t interested in strictly come prancing, so we caught up on a bit of recorded TV as we opened a bottle of Shiraz.


Goodnight all. 

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5 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

Two oxen, a lamb, and two mentions for a donkey.




Have you run into a carol The Gentle Donkey?  By David Ouchterloney, who used to be a well-liked organist in Toronto. There are a  couple of recordings of it on the net, and we used to sing it at our carol gatherings.



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6 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

Should have been 53, what about American Samoa. We visited there in May and the lical taxi driver had some very interesting things to say about the Statehood debate. Apparently the Samoans annoy the Americans by being avid Rugby fans whenever the other Samian team is playing.

American Samoa is different from all the other possessions (Puerto Rico, USVI, Guam, and the Northern Marianas Islands) in terms of citizenship jus soli (birthright). Samoans are US Nationals, but not US Citizens. There is a case in Federal Court right now over this, asserting that (under the 14th amendment) they deserve full citizenship like those born in the other territories.


Polynesians are a hot commodity in American College football right now, and many of them are subsequently in the NFL (along with Aussie punter kickers). Americans football fans are usually quite curious about Rugby.

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Good morning one and all


It had to happen, I suppose.  I walked into the shop where I bought my last pair of cords, saw none on display and asked an assistant.  The gormless look he gave me must have taken some cultivating.  Debenhams was not open at that hour of the morning so I caught the next bus to Tesco, there to try my luck.  There I found a pair of ordinary denim jeans which not only fitted me perfectly but was a size smaller than the one I was wearing.  Bonus!  I had had enough by then and deferred the search for new trainers indefinitely.  I will have one more look for cords on Monday and may try mending the pair I’ve got later today.


Tomorrow I am due to see Professor Oncologist in late afternoon.  Just how late I will see him is a good question, for punctuality is not his strong point.  It is of course far more important that he tells me what needs to be said.  My PSA level has been more or less stable for three years so my luck is bound to run out sooner or later.  What better time than four days before I go to Switzerland?  On Tuesday evening I will dine sumptuously on chicken and mushroom pie at the LCGB’s take on Christmas dinner.  I was supposed to be at Area Group on Wednesday night at a member’s home but it is over-subscribed and in any case it is a bit tight for going away the next day.


On Friday last week I bit the bullet and booked my Sidmouth tickets while I had the money in the bank, however fleetingly.  Some may disagree but I reckon £479 is good value for a week’s season ticket, two extra concerts, camping permit and bus pass.  Although I am now over 70 I can still rough it with the best of them.  A week’s spartan existence in a tent helps me to appreciate the creature comforts of home!  The coming fortnight is an antidote to that, for the hotels in Interlaken and Chur are of a higher standard than I would choose for myself.   This in turn raises the question of the accommodation I have reserved in Dublin at the end of June.  It’s at Trinity College and may well be of a higher standard than I recall from when I was a student, 50 years ago.


Best wishes to all



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9 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

Two oxen, a lamb, and two mentions for a donkey.

Perhaps some turkey chili, in addition to the curry? 


I'm also a big fan of turkey sandwiches the next day - with cranberry sauce. This year I bought some "holiday jam" of figs, cherries and cranberry. Perhaps I should roast myself a small turkey breast and make sandwiches?


Unless your dinner guests are very abstemious, it's hard to imagine even a large bird providing for you over a whole fortnight.


I find the Christmas mélange quite fascinating with all the layers of different traditions and even blurring of the Christian tradition itself. 


While I do not personally profess an option and there are many conflicting points of view, I've seen scholarly evangelical Christian literalist opinion (sorting through literal differences in accounts) suggesting that the visitation by the Magi occurs not in the manger scene in the proximity of the birth but sometime perhaps within the first year. (This is consistent with the story of the slaughter of the innocents being focused on those aged two and below.)  Events like circumcision (at 8 days) and the purification at the temple (after 41 days) all occur before the appearance of the Magi.  


Apparently Greek versions of texts use the term brephos (unborn/newborn/infant) at the birth and paidíon (small child) during the visitation by the Magi. An oikian (house) is referred to as the location.


Also interesting is the use of the word kataluma (guest house / room, rather than inn) in Luke, substantially altering the "no room at the inn" narrative to "no space in the guest room". Luke later uses the word pandocheion (inn) in the Good Samaritan story. 


(I'm not trying to project any belief here, I just find the details of Christmas traditions fascinating.)


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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Ey up!

Awake at silly oclock this morning..no chance of getting back to sleep so some articles read and a mugarea has been brewed. Her indoors has now gone back to sleep so if her mugatea goes cold(ish) then I will be forced to drink it.


Early music group here this afternoon. Numbers depend on who has had snow overnight. None here but it did chuckitdarn for most of the night.


So my day will consist of tidying up, more wiring, making tea (yorkshire puddings have been requested) and a bit of eyelid inspection.

Time for my mugatea...

Have a great day and positive thoughts to all who ail!


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Morning All


Have had to skip a few pages that I still need to read to get caught up, and hope to do so later today - probably this afternoon as the kitchen ceiling still needs finishing. 


Meantime, can some kindly soul here direct me to the doghouse, as I am well and truly in it here as I managed to book tickets for the local amateur pantomime for the wrong date due to a mistake in navigating of their website, and booked for last Saturday instead of yesterday - compounded by me not checking the tickets.  Hence many many brownie points need to be earned.  Still had to go to Lancaster anyway.


Meantime, here's some festive cheer from one of my YouTube favourites.




Regards to All


Edited by 45156
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30 minutes ago, 45156 said:

Morning All


Have had to skip a few pages that I still need to read to get caught up, and hope to do so later today - probably this afternoon as the kitchen ceiling still needs finishing. 


Meantime, can some kindly soul here direct me to the doghouse, as I am well and truly in it here as I managed to book tickets for the local amateur pantomime for the wrong date due to a mistake in navigating of their website, and booked for last Saturday instead of yesterday - compounded by me not checking the tickets.  Hence many many brownie points need to be earned.  Still had to go to Lancaster anyway.


Meantime, here's some festive cheer from one of my YouTube favourites.




Regards to All


Not quite the little Brenda Lee that I grew up with Stewart but far, far better than some of the "seasonal carp" that is pushed towards my lugg'oles whenever I venture out at this time of the year. And what is it about women wearing red clothing, be that in the adverts alongside RMWeb or around and about, that raises my interest levels?


It has rained and blown in NEHerts throughout the night so a somewhat broken level of sleep was achieved. Similar to the report from our Henley correspondent, this house's electrical demand has shot through the roof as various twinkling and steady state devices now occupy almost every plug in the bl@@dy place - bah, humbug and pah, all rolled into one! The steely focus on such matters throughout daylight hours meant that a trip to raid the shelves of that grocery partnership that boasts two greens in its latest logo didn't occur. I did offer to do a lamb stew tonight (not letting on that it would be a navarin of lamb) but was resoundingly corrected that stews are ONLY made with beef! At least the Y list celebrities dancing is over for another year, as is that programme dedicated to Z list celebs sitting around a camp fire but what she will now impose upon me as we sit of an evening is yet to be determined. I could of course choose not to sit in the lounge with her but I am already accused of having a severe case of anti-socialness.


The sun is breaking through, time for another mugger methinks. Best to all, later...

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