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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning has dawned with light cloud and the odd blue patch with cloud building. Muggertea has been drunk, yet to decide today’s level of Meh but I hope it is lower than yesterday’s.

I haven’t mentioned CowboysRUs recently as there has been absolutely no progress on the nearest blockhouses fishtanks apartment blocks, the interiors of which remain exposed to the elements as they have since erection nearly six months ago. I wonder if it is in the builder’s plan to add such a method of ensuring the residents live in a humid environment, of course at some no doubt exorbitant extra charge? I only mention that as other structures are receiving some attention from a variety of workers blessed with a fair range of Anglo-Saxon tongue whose discussions drift across the morning breeze. They are certainly loud enough to drown out the screams of any plants being stressed. As shop shelves are now generally stocked with sufficient Brussels Sprouts, the massed screams of a choir of brassicas may be a thing of the past for this year.


The day’s plans are gradually being revealed to me by SWMBO. I fear that it will be more than just “stringing up some outside LED lights”. I hope to catch up on other external lighting tasks down the road and preparing the wood store for its restocking. Decorations (yet to be put up) in this household have to be down by 12th Night, i.e. bedtime on the 5th - or at an earlier time when SWMBO has become fed up of them. 


Be good and stay safe all, here’s to improvements where necessary and in whatever forms they may take.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning if a bit breezy. In the article about plants screaming there was a possible explaination in that the cells that hold the plants water also contain a minute amount of air that vibrates when any changes take place. As some insects and even mammals such as bats can hear them makes me wonder if the purpose is to tell them if they are under attack from insects. For example if a plant is attacked by aphids it sends out a message that predators of aphids interpret as 'dinners ready'. Thats it for now, be back later. 

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  • RMweb Gold
1 minute ago, 81C said:

Tony that is the way you put the blade in north to the front like north lights on a roof, a draw saw has the blades the other way round . Simples :biggrin_mini2:

Being a somewhat simple and old fashioned person, I simply felt which way the teeth faced to know which way round to fit the blade in a hacksaw. Jigsaws are a different matter, normally cutting on the stroke that pulls the blade towards to gearbox but you can get ( and I do keep) reverse-action jigsaw blades for delicate cuts where you don’t wish to mark the surface and you can’t cut from the underside.

A S Tickwhitler.

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  • RMweb Gold
28 minutes ago, 81C said:

like north lights on a roof,

Northlights were once considered to be an essential part of an artist's studio to avoid the effects of direct sun in their painting. 
The person who thought hacksaw blades pointed north went on to be a chef.


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  • RMweb Gold
32 minutes ago, Kingzance said:

Being a somewhat simple and old fashioned person, I simply felt which way the teeth faced to know which way round to fit the blade in a hacksaw. Jigsaws are a different matter, normally cutting on the stroke that pulls the blade towards to gearbox but you can get ( and I do keep) reverse-action jigsaw blades for delicate cuts where you don’t wish to mark the surface and you can’t cut from the underside.

A S Tickwhitler.

I must have been really good at the theory for engineering and woodwork O levels as my practical projects were terrible. Practice did not make perfect, in my case it made things worse. I was quite good at forge work, hitting hot metal was my best skill. The only option choice at my school was art or woodwork. Neither teacher wanted me. The woodwork teacher finally had no choice as the art class would have had too many students. 

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  • RMweb Gold
4 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

I must have been really good at the theory for engineering and woodwork O levels as my practical projects were terrible. Practice did not make perfect, in my case it made things worse. I was quite good at forge work, hitting hot metal was my best skill. The only option choice at my school was art or woodwork. Neither teacher wanted me. The woodwork teacher finally had no choice as the art class would have had too many students. 

I always had something of a practical bent Tony, possible going back to my parents giving me a second-hand Meccano set one Christmas. That was a present that got used endlessly over several years.
My first secondary school was also the local Tech College and so had grand facilities for wood and metal work plus technical drawing which, as someone who could never draw a person unless it was in the style of LS Lowry, I was able to practice all those topics. When Dad’s job required a move, the new school was geared much more to languages, the classics, art and rugby. You could do either woodwork or metalwork and, as my experience of machining metal was clear to that school’s staff, I was asked to follow that route and was immediately tasked with making blanks for that year’s GCE O-Level students’ metalwork exam. I haven’t used a lathe since leaving the sea many years back.

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  • RMweb Gold
2 minutes ago, Kingzance said:

I haven’t used a lathe since leaving the sea many years back

Being able to use a lathe was one of the skills we were supposed to leave school with. Also the use of mechanical calculating devices and basic electronics (thermionic emission devices, the characteristics of). In the early 1960s the government had decided the country needed more science and technology people. We studied German as the educational establishment thought that would be the common language for scientists and engineers. It was quite a broad curriculum at school as it was normal to sit 12 exams, at O level, or if they thought you might not pass at that level, CSE. I did use a lathe a few times after leaving school, but I suppose playing with a CNC lathe to help Technology teachers doesn’t really count. I did have a whole summer of paid lathe work making bolts and rivets in an aircraft factory. The sales director told me I could have a bright future there and could become a toolmaker. I disappointed him saying I had to return to university.

Aditi as a student was told she didn’t have the aptitude to be a checkout operator at Caters supermarket one summer. She got a job in a cake shop which she was definitely suited too. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon awl, 






Yep today's plans were disrupted by a Ballcock which decided to leak,  this is for the toilet in the bathroom which is above the electrical cupboard, so something had to be done. 

As we have low water pressure,  then once the Ballcocks was obtained,  and tools prised from their repose, then once things were loosened,  it was just a case of opening the bath tap to stop water coming out of the Ballcocks mounting.  The actual swap went well,  considering I suspect the old one is from 1984.


I enjoyed  woodwork and metal work but my second secondary school which was the first in Scotland,  did not teach either. This in combination of a different spread of lessons meant I was unable to continue when I moved on to my 3rd secondary school which was in Inverness. 


Since then a major sort out of items collected for various tasks,  house,  sailing and muddling , these had accumulated near my chair in a box. 


A cheese and onion toastie is being consumed,  along with a Muggacoffee.  This will be followed by taking Ben the sand boy Collie to the beach.


On return,  it's bills to pay, cheques to write...



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  • RMweb Gold

Jig saw blades are termed up stroke or down stroke, up stoke are the standard use ones where as the down stoke are for cutting kitchen work tops and coated panels 

you can see where you are cutting these blades have a tendency  to wander of their own accord so it's best to use the correct one's, you don't need to turn the work

just buy the correct blades unless you are a tight #rse. :biggrin_mini2:

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