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1 hour ago, Dave Hunt said:

The best (or worst I suppose) postal experience we ever had was a few years ago when a friend who lived in Spain rang us up and during the conversation said, " I didn't know you were going to Australia again." We told her that we hadn't been there for three years and asked why she thought we had been recently. "Because I've just received a postcard from you posted in Sydney", she said. It had indeed been posted in Sydney but three years earlier!


Goodnight all.




It wasn't unknown for Christmas cards to be delivered a year (or occasionally more than one year) late in the UK. With the huge increase in mail over the Christmas season, some mail sacks weren't used from one year to the next, and the odd card could lie in the bottom of stored sacks till the sacks were brought out again for use the next Christmas.

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Just now, AndyID said:


I accepted a job in the US without even having been in the US but that wasn't a problem as we had extensive experience through watching Laurel and Hardy, The Marx Brothers, The Cisco Kid, The High Chaparral, Perry Mason and Kojak.


Excellent preparation!

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I lied yesterday. The laundry wasn't finished until today.

We have a collection of community post boxes in the Village. There's usually no problem except when the postie gets vacation.  She told me once that when she has to cover another route, she does it early, in the light, as she feels safer in the Village than other places.



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16 hours ago, 81C said:

Don't you just love Solicitors you get an email from them stating please see the attachments, what bloody attachments.:banghead: 

I learned early on with these wonderful people not to rely on their e-mail abilities, and insisted that everything be done in the more traditional way, and I would call at their offices to collect and deliver if really urgent, or to have them sent by 1st class post - worked for me.

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Mooring Awl, Inner temple Hare, 1094/684


An odd night sleep I fell asleep an hour early and woke up 2 hours early, so there were several periods of sleep on the sofa.

The above is caused by a pain in the neck and my left arm (elbow to wrist) . I don't remember doing anything to annoy my left arm.


Less head waggling today at work as I have 27, 1 G ohm resistances to measure, so they sit on the desk in front of me.. That's reference, two  new resistors, reference, then deliver those two the section that wants them. then reference, 21 resistors in a box, reference, that one's my build up box so I can, next week, calibrate some 10 and 20 G Ohm resistors. That should keep me occupied.


Not Driech this morning as it's too windy, it was however drizzly and warm ish.

Ben the I'm Staying in Bed Collie didn't even look out of the door to decide if he wanted out..


The heater for future boat work has arrived, hopefully I'll give that a go tomorrow, It has been tested however and seems quite effective.


Some thoughts on hinging the toolbox top Led me to decide on Pivot hinges (Knife hinge in the USA), So I started looking up buying some and then... I realised I was looking at some I've already got in stock, A search party will be sent out some time on Saturday..


It's almost time to head towards the forest of G Ohms,


Time to Check the company Spam first.

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Morning, still dark outside but I know it's not raining...yet. Decided a couple of days ago it was time to change the pc given its age and other reasons, hmm it must know as yesterday it had in human terms a major heart attack,, followed by a stroke and various other complaints!


Took me ages to fix it and get it behaving, the need to change has been reinforced and has moved up the priority list,

Otherwise all is well or will be when we return from shopping , at least it's food shopping!



Enjoy your day



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As it's December the radio stations here have taken the cue to start pumping out the usual "holiday" tunes. I was skipping through the stations on the truck's radio and one of them was playing the attached. Not my usual sort of music but this is very clever and so well produced.



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14 hours ago, tigerburnie said:

Tell them you are going to another company, I bet someone gets straight back to you(I think I would anyway, can you imagine what trying to claim from them might be like)


And tell Mr. Mercedes you'll think very hard before buying one of their cars again.  That should sort it....


12 hours ago, Dave Hunt said:

There's a happy bunny residing in North Hipposhire today - me! Took SWMBO to Stoke station this morning for her departure to Leatherhead where she is staying until Monday for some grandchild adoration baby sitting therapy duties leaving me with only a few minor domestic chores. The rest of my time as a bachelor will be divided between mod***ing and going to the Manchester show until Monday morning when I have to take Dad for a hospital appointment before picking up the wanderer at Stoke. The word bliss springs to mind.




I'd suggest a rapid and total Comms failure, else air traffic are sure to divert you onto other tasks not mentioned prior to departure....

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To quote the Good Place. Thank Fork it's Friday. (If you haven't seen it, it is one of the better American comedies on at the moment. You can't swear in the good place so it is all fork, shirt, ash, beach) 

What a shirt week this has been. Still coughing up internal organs. No sign of relief. Run out of weapons grade codeine and can't get a refill without an actual appointment with the quack. Can't get one of those until next week as they are overrun with other plague victims. Bunch of ashholes. 


PH your experience with Canada Pest is far better than what we used to get in yyc. Rumour was the sorting office was overcapacity and mail often ended up in Vancouver or Edmonton for sorting. Never ever got anything in under 5 days. UK parcels averaged about 18 days as for some reason ours all came via Montreal instead of Vancouver. That in itself was a pain as "model" on the customs form got translated there as "art & sculpture" subject to heavy import duties. Spent many hours in the Harry Hays building in yyc with a box of trains trying to explain they are scale models and under the same no duty category as toys in order to get a refund. Our "home" parcel delivery went like this. Small > super box, Medium > local pickup post office. (in a 7-11 like you but the desk was only open mon-fri 9-5) larger > Purolater depot by the airport. (140km round trip for us)  By comparison our Royal Mail depot is open 07:00-17:30 mon-fri, 08:00-16:00 on sat, and even open 08:00-13:00 on Sundays. 


enough beaching about the past. Time for coffee and more time wasting meetings with morons. 

Enjoy the day, have a great weekend. 

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Morning All


As usual, apologies for absence due to pressure of other matters on and off the laptop.  And of course generic greetings, as a lot of water has certainly passed under the ER bridge.


For music afficionados among us, this popped into my YouYube suggested plays, and I took a listen to find one of the most incredible renditions of Neil Young's "Harvest Moon" that I've ever heard - what a voice that girl has.



I got it suggested because of a viewing of another version from a channel I subscribe to - see if you agree with me that they are both in their own way incredibly good covers



LASAR this morning so back tomorrow.


Regards To All


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