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  • RMweb Gold
10 hours ago, AndyID said:

There's a flock of around ten or more turkeys taking the berries off the barberry bushes outside my window. They do tend to carp all over the place but I don't have the heart to shoo them away.

Did you miss out a letter by any chance?


After all it is coming up towards Thanksgiving, with Christmas to follow.

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  • RMweb Premium

Just a quick visit to have a moan about the number of cars being driven without being cleared of ice this morning - saw at least four while walking Lily and on my short walk to the Drs  - most had at least tried with the windscreen, but one Audi was being driven (and very badly) with only two tiny portholes, one on the windscreen and the other on the driver's side window - perhaps the driver didn't need to turn right at any time of his journey (probably not).

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Morning, proper parky out there today, I'll be glad when the sea freezes and these polar bears move out of my garden pond...……………………………………………..

Off out for lunch with a pal, so lots of muddling blethering may well occur, stay safe and warm(where required).

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning yet again from Estuary-Land. That is the enter key, so now I can connect my new computer to my printer.

3 hours ago, BlackRat said:

Morning all...........generic greetings to one and all.


So all this worry about CO, CO2 etc etc etc........what happens when the next big un goes off?


By this I mean mother natures own way of adding to global warming.........


Think Krakatoa, Mount St Helens, Vesuvius etc etc etc.




54 minutes ago, BlackRat said:

Good news re the global cooling then!


There's nothing to worry about after all........ ;)


And if we get a massive rise in the sea level......I get an ocean side house.........win win!! :jester:

You forgot Yellowstone, if that goes up its goodbye everything.

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1 hour ago, Coombe Barton said:

The cooling effects of any volcanic eruption only last 3-5 years. This only a small factor in general warming, and not really significant. However the aerosols are more likely to be acid, so dilute sufurifc acid rain is on the cards after an eruption. And that, of course, helps nether land nor ocean.

Although of course if we had a major series of volcanic events, the cooling would be serious - but I doubt events like those that formed the Deccan and Siberian traps are on the cards in the near future. The volcano that had the largest direct effect on humankind's survival is believed to be Mt Toba, which blew its top around 80,000 years ago, creating a serious bottleneck in the genetic chain, at least for those not descended from sub-Saharan Africans.


Interestingly we have never worked out what the tipping points were for ice ages - and the interglacials (or perhaps intraglacial would be a better word to describe the warm period). By some accounts we're due one of those too. And the cynics in the 80's (when global warming started to be touted as a fear) point out that those preaching doom from warming were the same who had been preaching doom from the coming ice age.  In some ways, we had better hope that warming is solely a result of human activity, and not just an add on to general global warming, because if it is the former, we can, in theory, do something about it. The best thing would be to stop having children in such profusion. But that does not seem  to likely either.

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  • RMweb Premium
14 minutes ago, Stubby47 said:


Didn't think I'd get such serious reactions...:scratchhead:


Another thought for the day:

Why is there only one Monopolies Commission ?

groan button..:rolleyes_mini:

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  • RMweb Premium
5 hours ago, TheQ said:

Actually when a big one goes off we get global cooling, as the chuck so much Carp into the sky it reflects sun back into space, and blocks it getting the the ground..


Plus it stops aircraft flying for miles around, meaning they don't dump whatever they dump into the atmosphere either.

Much to my neighbours' pleasure when several years ago (Iceland eruption?) they were on hols in the Caribbean  at the time and couldn't fly home.  How gutted were they?  Not a lot....


3 hours ago, Stubby47 said:

My workdesk keyboard has both an unmarked enter key and an Enter key...




Me too - on an HP keyboard

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  • RMweb Premium

One volcano to really worry about is Iceland's Laki volcano. In 1783 it erupted and  a poisonous gas cloud drifted over the UK killing at least 30,000 people (and countless numbers of animals). The population then was around 7.5  Million, With todays 65 million  that would be 260,000, concentrated in the areas hit..


A further 200,000 people died in France, the Low Countries and northern Italy. In Iceland itself 25 per cent of the population was wiped out.


The major Icelandic fissure eruptions, as this was, are known to historians took place in the 930s, 960, 1227, 1340, 1341, 1477, 1724, 1783 and 1975.



Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Gold

When I was a lad doing my many years before the mast (although technically as a member of the steam and grease department, I was actually behind the masts), we were discharging petrol at Honiara on one of The Solomon Islands when there was a 'quake. It felt VERY strange on a ship, particularly as I was down below at the time but the real issue was the panic stop of all cargo operations as the jetty between us and the shore collapsed. Luckily, nothing ruptured as there could have been a major conflagration but we did test the boilers' safety valves as they couldn't cope with the sudden loss of demand.

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  • RMweb Gold
17 hours ago, AndyID said:

berries off the barberry bushes outside my window. 

I had never heard about barberries before today. However they were mentioned in an Iranian recipe on my Twitter timeline this morning.

Barberry appears to be Berberis. I haven’t seen any berries on our shrubs though!

Edited by Tony_S
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Speaking of Enter keys, there are usually two on a full sized keyboard with numeric keypad, known to me as Return (as in carriage return*, like a typewriter, the big one usually near the backspace) and Enter (usually bottom right of the numeric keypad).

Some software produces a different action from each. For example, Adobe InDesign does a new paragraph from Return and a column break from Enter.


* For our younger readers, here's a carriage. When it gets all the way to the left, it can be Returned to the other end to start the next line:


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  • RMweb Premium

Ooh we have lots of berberis thunbergii purpura,  I've just looked it up and they say it is edible..  SWMBO will be informed..  We have lots of berries.... 


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