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18 minutes ago, newbryford said:

John -  from your last blog - I hope you do not mind me quoting.


now I have the memories of our time together and that’s far, far more valuable


Sincerest Condolences.



I have only just accessed the internet since earlier today 

John, please accept my condolences. Memories of times spent with a loved one who has gone are as you say valuable. 

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1 hour ago, Stubby47 said:

John, absolutely the blog should become a book.


If I may, can I suggest you continue writing your blog, as you document and catalogue Sandy's work. Even if just for your own sake, I think it will help.

Thank you.


Sandy's work involves the non-conformist meeting house of Kerrier and Penwith, some 300 of them. I'm thinking that it may be deposited at Gwennap, at the Wesley Chapel in Bristol, at Oxford Brookes University Methodist collection or the one in Manchester. Or all of them.

Many of the photos show decay over the years.

One of the most elusive was the one on Market Jew Street, Penzance. We only discovered it by going round the back of Primark (?)

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John, my deepest condolences. I have no better words to offer that to just echo what has already been said. 


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Good morning one and all.  We are almost in the cold light of day and John will need strength now as much as he ever did.


I spent much of yesterday searching fruitlessly for three frets of etched nickel silver.  Wouldn't you know it?  After far too long I might just have the confidence to start turning them into what the manufacturer intended and I can't lay my hands on them.  Conventional wisdom suggests that if I stop looking for them they will turn up.  That sounds like an old wives' tale to me but if I have looked everywhere I appear to have no choice.  The process of upending crates on the kitchen floor and replacing the contents less untidily did yield a few secrets.  Does that cardboard cube really contain the Grace Petrie mug that I put in too safe a place to find it after the Cecil Sharp House gig where I bought it?  Yes it does!  It is decorated with a couplet from her song "Black Tie" which for reasons that are about to become apparent you will not hear on the radio: "The images that f*cked ya were a patriarchal structure".  My first cuppa of the day tastes fine when drunk from that mug!


I am now the proud owner of a 3 2 litre slow cooker.  Thanks to a couple of vouchers that I came close to overlooking I paid £9 for it, much better than the £20 list price.  The £11 that I saved went on a recipe book full of interesting ideas that I am looking forward to exploring.  It will be a few days before I do so because a conventionally cooked beef casserole needs eating first!


It's an esrly night for Chris tonight because I'm off to the Uckfield show in the morning, entailing breakfast in London, a relatively undemanding train ride and a series of purposeful strides to the station at stupid o'clock.  I have a meeting note to write before all that which for reasons previously given did not get done yesterday.  What will happen today to stymie that one?


Best wishes to all



Edited by chrisf
Got the size of the slow cooker wrong!
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Morning All

Stay with it John we are all here for you.




I'll be out the front door soon off to Gold Day at Pendon .


Enjoy your day :superman: T.R.Ainnutt :biggrin_mini2:

Edited by 81C
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Good morning all,

Dull here with sunny periods, heavy showers and thunder all possible today.

I'm sorry to be missing the Pendon trip as something else has got in the way but hope Bob, Mike et al have an enjoyable day.


19 hours ago, Tony_S said:

I would lay the track across the flap, ignoring it completely. Check the trains run.  Then insert brass screws touching the track either side of the join, solder the track to the screws and then cut the track with a splitting disc. Then sort out electrical connections. 


Tony, that is near enough what I've been doing although I've been connecting the droppers as I go along and testing each piece of track works electrically.  I think my main problem was the Flexitrack as it has to curve immediately before and after the flap and I couldn't get it right so I've now reverted to some rad 3 & 4 Setrack for this bit. Coward's way out possibly but I wouldn't get a much bigger radius there anyway.


Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all,


Departing soon and at least the rain has stopped - for now!


Baz - I believe the technical description was the Late & Never Early Railway. (but I'm showing a degree of bias there as the others obviously dragged the North Eastern down to their level.


Have a good day one and and all.   And John try to keep busy - it can help a bit to fill the empty moments.

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An interrupted night (well, more so than usual thanks to downpouring) has left me with a reduced urge to rise so I allowed SWMBO to beat me to the kettle. We remain hopeful that today will see the completion of the sale of the old place which will the allow us to clear a large debt and claim back a significant wedge of money that HRMC insisted we paid them as we then owned two properties. It also means we can claim back overpayments from our once Local District Council (who seem to be wasting it at a furious rate as they head towards being dissolved and replaced by a unitary authority) and from our electricity supplier. Whether any of the savings will be directed into Railway modelling remains doubtful as SWMBO has “plans”.


Version 5 of the Sports Club rebuild plans were submitted last night to the scrutineering team and I have a few days free before I will get any responses. I think we are making progress towards something that will comply with the guidance / directives of various sporting bodies and be effective and affordable. I had been so focused on completing them that I had not picked up the terribly sad but not unexpected news from Leicestershire. Coincidentally during the early afternoon, I had chosen to listen to (amongst other pieces) RVW’s variations on a Theme by a Thomas Talis - a piece I know much loved by John and possibly Sandy.


The refrigerator is somewhat empty so I suspect a trip to a certain supermarket will be ordained. The Swiss coffee emporium should be delivering a load of capsules later and we may be visited by the cavapoochon. What, you may ask, is that? A cross between a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, a Miniature Poodle and a Bichon Friese - nice little mutt as handbag dogs go but it has melted SWMBO’s stern stance against dogs somewhat. We have started and may continue to dog sit, to go alongside the extensive grandchild sitting duties already scheduled regularly.


The sky is a pale blue, the nearby builders are seeing how many discharges of their nail guns they can effect into the roofing timbers before they completely split them and an abundant range of Anglo Saxon vocabulary is drifting to us on a light to moderate breeze. They installed some “Velux” style roof lights yesterday and chose to nail them in rather than screw the carefully fitted integral mounting brackets to the timber frames! Ah well, these are “only social housing” so you can’t expect better I suppose.


Make the most of your day, I shall attempt to do the same!

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