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16 minutes ago, tetsudofan said:

Popped into my local out-of-town Sainsbury's for the weekly shop this morning, decided to pick up a copy of the Railway Modeller 70th Anniversary issue and plonked it in my trolley. Got to the checkout and was told I could not purchase that copy as it was not recognised by "the system". The copy was duly confiscated.


Customer Services got involved and said there was no way that I could purchase the magazine despite it being on the shelves for sale...… The system does not know it, you can't have it.


Sent off an email couple of hours ago and just as I started writing this posting got a call from Sainsbury's apologising for the problem and advising that the magazine should be on their system and available for purchase within the next couple of days...…. Think a walk up to town tomorrow to get a copy from the local WHS and pop into Starbucks afterwards is called for!





My reaction would have been to have left the entire shop on the checkout and walk out. Plus a few expletives for good measure. 

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Just getting warm again..... We've been stuck outside due to a false fire alarm..


The false fire alarm was caused by the security lock eningeer, we're getting an all singing all dancing new system with different cards .. Expect more people to be stood outside when they can't get in..


The major system has just been put on cross check... I'm not hopefull, as the Boss has taken tomorrow off.. (he's laying a patio). I've discovered the certificates for the High Ohm resistors are a pile of...... Luckily it's a full sloping shoulders job on this, I just do the measurements and hand it over to the guy who made the New certificate templates.


Shortly I'm heading for a big orange shed for a couple of beams to reinforce the trailer, then fighting my way across Norwich to the other side to go visit my Sailing compatriot..




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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Blowing a hooley outside but at least its dry at the moment.

2 hours ago, tetsudofan said:

Popped into my local out-of-town Sainsbury's for the weekly shop this morning, decided to pick up a copy of the Railway Modeller 70th Anniversary issue and plonked it in my trolley. Got to the checkout and was told I could not purchase that copy as it was not recognised by "the system". The copy was duly confiscated.


Customer Services got involved and said there was no way that I could purchase the magazine despite it being on the shelves for sale...… The system does not know it, you can't have it.


Sent off an email couple of hours ago and just as I started writing this posting got a call from Sainsbury's apologising for the problem and advising that the magazine should be on their system and available for purchase within the next couple of days...…. Think a walk up to town tomorrow to get a copy from the local WHS and pop into Starbucks afterwards is called for!





I would have told them not to worry as I got a copy from Tesco's*. In fact I buy most of my magazines from Tesco's and sometimes the same thing happens but instead of refusing to sell the magazine they take another magazine with the same or lower price off the shelf and scan that. If someone wanted to work out my hobbies from my purchases in Tesco's they would think I'm into knitting and snowboarding as well as model railways.:jester:*Or whoever is their main rival locally.

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I've finished my coffee now so I suppose I should get up but I'm in no hurry. It was -3C last night and the geraniums got clobbered.


Bright sunshine now will  soon warm the house and I'll probably have to open a window later.


Digital motor indeed! How do you like this digit Mr D? Mind you some folks have quite a problem understanding coreless motors too. Wink wink nu........

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A lot of sorting and databasing has been done.

Excellent mushroom soup (home made) and Welsh Rarebit provided for lunch.

Many thanks Gabe. 

Those of a BR SR persuasion .. there will be items available to buy either direct or via Ebay later.


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5 hours ago, Stubby47 said:

Many years ago a friend of my mother was driving up the main street in Prestatyn - which for the most part is one way.


She arrived at the top T junction in the r/h lane as she was turning right.


An oaf who wanted to turn left in to the street stopped right in front of her, got out and proceeded, in a very loud voice, to berate not only my mum's friend, but all lady drivers in existence. After a few minutes of suffering the barrage of abuse in silence, the friend calmly pointed to the very visible No Entry sign beside the gentleman's car.  At which point he shut up and drove away...


During my last year in Petersfield, I witnessed two c0ckw0mbles exit the car parks and turn the wrong way.


The first met with a double decker bus in the narrower part of the road; guess who won the argument!


The second met, at the same end of the road, a marked police car who's response was a flash of the 'blues' followed by the observer 'having a friendly word' with the errant driver.


Signs at the exit from both car parks indicate that it is a one way street and the direction of intended traffic flow!

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45 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:

so is there a place for 'Railroad' style models still?  Discuss, I'll go for the popcorn.


Funny you should mention that Neil




(It's actually pre-railroad, 'orrible tender-drive but you get the idea.)


Edit: I should have mentioned that the locomotive's body will be stuffed full of lead.

Edited by AndyID
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24 minutes ago, Stubby47 said:

I always wonder how those signs don't breach the patient confidentiality/GDPR rules.

Much better if they give you a numbered ticket and show those (like Argos).

For those people who have memory difficulties. Imagine the questions:

"Are you Fred Bloggs"


"Are you number 24"


Names win. A number is one more level of abstraction.

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1 hour ago, Debs. said:

My treatment, phlebotomy, scans and therapist's appts. today, left plenty of gaps and time for me to keep Mum fed and watered in The Christie hospital's refectory.

20191010_140159.jpg.a5b75abd73ff72df0736c5e0d2a22afb.jpg....we joked whilst keeping an eye on the blue TV. screens that give you a reminder call for your next appointment, that with their insistance on using both one's complete fore, middle and surname on screen.......they must love having to type-in my 7 and 9 letter forenames and then a 15 (incl a hyphen) letter suname........it was definitely the only name on the screen that had to scroll to be read. :laugh_mini:


Just looked up Christies on the interthingy as I'd never heard of it, and it does look and sound an amazing place. Your in good and safe hands.:good:

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Excellent meal at The Sheep Heid tonight.

We had an impromptu musical interlude as a visiting German male choir sang a beautiful German folk song.


Tomorrow we return to the Land of the Loiners.


The Christie has improved a lot since I last walked around it. It looks great and they do a good job.


Now for a catchup..back before bed time.


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1 hour ago, Andrew P said:

We had a very snooty cat once, so I named her; Dame Tabatha Bartholomew Spencer Smyth with a Hyphen.:D

Or just Tabby on her name tag.:good:

A good thing you shortened it or the  poor moggie would not have been able to prowl!

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a pleasant evening at SEERS tonight. It is the usual practice for members to donate old magazines, just left on a table by the door for members to help themselves. Tonights bounty was a few NG journals and some copies of Modern Railways  from more than 40 years ago.

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