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Good evening I will be at Warley but in high demand as despite doing demo two other layouts are keen for my occasional attendance so Spoons is likely to be out of the equation. Looking forward to doing demo though.


Tonight it's been beer o'clock on Harveys Old.


Andy, I hope we won't be having that much snow but the broom will be ready incase we do



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Good evening everyone


Well I never got anything done in the garden today, because the weather changed and it started to rain. So it was a case of plan B, which was carrying on in the cellar. I gave the under stairs pullout drawer a light sanding on some of the edges and then repainted them. I also drilled and mounted the handle, so now it is all ready to be installed, this will probably be Thursday.


After dinner I made a vanilla cheesecake before a short rest and then heading off to Salford Quays for swim. The water is definitely getting colder now, 15C was tonight’s temperature, (but it felt a lot colder than that) which did slightly effect my timing, as it took me 37 minutes to complete a mile tonight. However, there was a young lady in the water, wearing just a swimming and doing butterfly stroke :o:o:o:o, I watched her do over 300 metres as I was walking to the car!


Tomorrow, Sheila has an appointment to see an eye specialist about her up coming cataract operations. Her appointment is mid morning, but she’s been told that she’ll be there between 2 - 3 hours, as they have lots of tests etc to do! We also have Ava, Evie and Max coming round for tea later and I should also be on the school run, if we’re back in time, so that’s goodbye to the whole day.


Thoughts with John and Sandy


Goodnight all 

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5 hours ago, JohnDMJ said:

I aim to be there Saturday and have already proposed a gathering at the Spoons on the thread:

Bloomin' heck - that's next month!  Where on earth did the year go?

And yes the Saturday sounds good, must look at the thread to check the time - i wonder if more than a couple of us will turn up this year? 

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1 hour ago, BSW01 said:

However, there was a young lady in the water, wearing just a swimming and doing butterfly stroke




"I watched her do over 300 metres as I was walking to the car!"


I'm not surprised.



Edited by AndyID
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20 hours ago, AndyID said:


Wasn't Betamax better?

I understand that Beta was technically better but....

Sony was a little tight with the licencing, so

The other companies developed VHS and

Put it in a bigger box with a bunch more tape in it so that it played longer.

Laymen looked at the recording length rather than picture quality.

Beta retaliated with thinner tape but was matched by VHS; there was no way round the larger cassette box.


I'm still trying to find my Beta machine which I haven't seen since we moved.


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Good morning one and all


I see that my rant about prescriptions has produced some reactions.  Let me explain that my beef is not about the facility to transmit prescriptions electronically to the pharmacy but the decision that mine should be sent in this way having been taken without my being asked or told first.  The surgery lies about halfway along a short walk from my home to the pharmacy and I often combine the meds trip with other business.  It is no hardship for me to walk and heaven knows I need the exercise.  


It seems that Mental Health Awareness Week got off to an interesting start.  Apparently there is a website called Every Mind Matters and a promotional video, fronted by the Cambridges and the Sussexes and scripted by Richard Curtis.  When the video was shown, on channels that I do not view, the website was overwhelmed.  This is unfortunate for the website but must be good news in that the campaign is reaching its intended audience.  What we need now is a way of keeping the issue in the public eye without complaints of campaign fatigue – a tall order, to be sure.  However well targeted the publicity is, someone will miss it and that someone will be one of those who is most in need of support.


Warm thoughts to John and Sandy and best wishes to all



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8 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

... at the moment I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed ...

Which is completely understandable.


8 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

... am globally thinking you all for your support, thought, messages, prayers. Knowing that you're there is important and very, very comforting.

We are certainly here for you at this difficult and challenging time.


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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple hare,

A good nights sleep of 4 plus 2.5 plus 1 with very little gaps in between.


As of  yesterday my Dad is back in hospital, not for his breathing, which they finally seem to have the right collection of drugs for, but for the pain from the inoperable lump in his chest (because he's otherwise too ill). oramorph just isn't doing it any more.


We have power on, But I haven't been to the lab yet to see whats happening down there. Yesterdays work went well, but I seem to be very tired. I should get the resistor boxes finished today as the major system is now on it's several hours of a knob turn follwed by a button press on the computer every fourty minutes.

Knob turn... this one...


Clear skies this morning but Ben the I'm scared of the dark Collie still wouldn't go down out of the house lights, no moon to light his way..


Time to... wander down to the lab and power up all the computers.

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9 hours ago, Barry O said:

John, i may be able to make a meet up..but not in Wetherspoons as I have to be  sober talking withthe paying public.


They do have non-alcoholic drinks available, hot or cold!

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Ey up! 

After our evening meal laat night we walked to the oldest pub in Scotland..the Sheeps Heid. Very nice. Her indoors was so impressed we are booked in on Thursday for our evening meal. 


Today we are off sight seeing and will meet up with Gabe at Howies for a tea time meal.


Fingers ( and toes) crossed that Sandy can get some more pain relief John. I think a big (gentle) hug from all ERs is in order.


Muggadecaf to drink then...breakfast.

Carpe Diem everyone, make the most of every second of the day!



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Back again we have power on in the lab, the others had switched the computers on, so the major system is already up and running. I'm measuring the dual 10G ohm box first, as there are less people around likely to walk in and upset the measurements..


I see hear (Hare) Norwich is in the news with some council houses winning the Stirling prize. Basiclly the winners are what in the past were two up two downs with added lots of insulation. Though these days relaid out as a 1 down kitchen lounge, and 3 up as they've squeezed in a bathroom upstairs..

Just think of all those terraces they demolished, that could have won a prize with loads of insulation added..

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Good morning all,

Firstly thoughts with Sandy and John, Q's Dad and anyone else suffering today.


It's a bit grey outside but sunny spells are forecast along with some showers.

Much rugby to watch this morning, one game just finishing with an expected result then Scotland face Russia and Wales are up against Fiji.

If the Super Typhoon causes games to be cancelled at the weekend apparently they will be treated as scoreless draws and each side will be awarded two points. This means that England and France would still qualify but with England winning the group.  If Scotland's match is cancelled they will be eliminated, assuming Ireland beat Samoa on Saturday. The F1 could also be affected but of course all this pales into insignificance compared to the potential dangers to life and buildings.

Time to take tea to The Boss,

Have a good one,




Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all from the boring borough. Thoughts with John & Sandy. I can't begin to imagine what they are going through. Makes my dodgy joint problems quite trivial. 


Little of note to say. We're contemplating Warley this year. Haven't been since 2005 when some rucksack swinging tw@waffle managed to smash the uv lens filter on my camera with one of the rucksack's metal clips. I came very close to kneecapping the f**k*r. If we do go we won't be meeting up in the 'spoons as we refuse to give any £ to Timmy the brexit Martin. Besides festooning his bars with propaganda, he quietly removed all social media from his bars. Our local 'spoons suffered as they ended up cancelling many of their fun nights since they couldn't promote them properly. The local footie team suffered as well since the bar could no longer promote their footie specials. (beer, burger, ticket) Fortunately one of the new micro pubs has stepped in. As said on twitter #neverspoons. 


Time for work and some coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. I seem to have all the get up and go of a banana slug this morning. 


enjoy the day. 



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7 hours ago, AndyID said:






 Yes, I forgot that, that’s the ONLY item that is item of swimwear that is compulsory 

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Good morning everyone 


The sun is shining and the sky is a bluey grey sort of colour! Breakfast has been consumed and once Sheila has finished a few small domestic tasks, we will set of for Withington Hospital, where her appointment is. We’re expecting to there for a good few hours, so we’re both taking something to read, though I doubt Sheila will be able to read anything once the first of the tests has been started. She isn’t looking forward to any of this, never mind the actual surgery, but then you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs!


Thoughts still with John and Sandy. 


Enjoy the day, back later. 

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Morning All 

Thinking of Sandy & John 

Overcast but dry.

Had a bad day yesterday the post went into cyber space, had a ton of house work to do then clearing out the garage loft I caught my foot on one of the roof trusts and ended half way down 

the hatch head first dinking my shoulder, back and hip all grazed and bruised this morning I was lucky I managed to pull myself back up untangle myself from the ladder climb down and got some medicine 

to calm the nerves Hic ! 

Today I will not tempt fate and do anything apart from some food shopping I'll probably get knock down by a trolley the way some of these sweet old ladies charge around the store. 


Mike are you going to Aldershot this weekend ? 


Must get on enjoy your day :superman:B.Atered-Ansore :biggrin_mini2:

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1 hour ago, Barry O said:

Wot! No white pudding! Wasn't offered porridge as I am not Scottish..  but my Nana was! 


Proud to be part Highland  Scot.


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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright sunshine at the moment but not predicted to last unfortunately. The lurgy is in retreat but still reluctant to go altogether but the brace of Lem-sip capsules and brandy chaser  is working. Thoughts as ever with John and Sandy, be back later.

Edited by PhilJ W
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