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Good morning one and all


In between tasks yesterday I caught a bit of the TV coverage of the Cardiff Half Marathon.  27,000 runners had a perfect day for running and raised loads of money for good causes, as is only right and proper.  I could only dream of running 13 and a bit miles, or any distance for that matter, though when I was at school over 50 years ago I was good at cross-country but hated it.  Back in August Pride Cymru and its 15,000 marchers, including yours truly, brought rather less of the city to a standstill than the Half.  I would not have wished the athletes to endure the 33 degree temperature on Pride Day!  In a moment of fantasy I imagined TV coverage of our march with a helicopter.  The commentatrix Dame Tanni Grey Thompson would have little to do for very few celebrities could be picked out in the multitude.  How would the camera in the chopper have zoomed in on my rainbow boots?


The news yesterday of Ginger Baker’s passing evokes a bit of Chrisf’s murky past.  On the evening of 14th February 1969 I was at the Disc and Music Echo Valentine Ball and somehow managed to gatecrash the backstage party.  I don’t think I exchanged more than a grunt with the great man, or with Maurice Gibb, or with Lulu, or with Mary Hopkin,  though I did introduce one of my friends to Kenny Everett.


Back down to earth, there are banking matters to tackle today, a Poorly Pal to be visited tomorrow and a 2020 diary to be bought very soon as there is stuff to go in it.  What, you ask, of the ironing?  That was done yesterday.


Best wishes to all



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28 minutes ago, chrisf said:

... I caught a bit of the TV coverage of the Cardiff Half Marathon.  27,000 runners had a perfect day for running and raised loads of money for good causes, as is only right and proper. 

Today was the reimagined Portland marathon. After a fracas where runners were held up by a freight train stopped on a level crossing, a new route was planned, avoiding level crossings.


Today's weather was Autumnal perfection - sunny, cloudless with a high of around 21°C. My plans for the day did not involve much outdoor activity but I did take advantage of the weather to pull some weeds in the garden.


Temperatures are dropping through mid-week, accompanied by precipitation tomorrow and Tuesday.


In laptop news, I am still fighting with learning to use the confounding touchpad. It seems to have a mind of its own. I have turned off the three-finger capability, which has helped eliminate much of the unexpected behaviour.  The two-finger scrolling is a nice feature - except when I get unintended zooming going on. I'm getting there.


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Hare, in a Soggy Norfolk.

 The world is cut off from the Norfolk Coast, all three lines are shut, two for flooding and  the Cromer line for a landslip. The A47 is flooded at Blofield and one place further on. So one guy in the outer lab will have problems getting to work this morning..


A peer through the glass of the outer lab shows, while walking to my desk shows, we are still not back into our proper places.

I wonder what the delay is this time?


I've checked deleted the company spam ... and that's what it was.. nothing of interest just lots of American managers with email all switched on.


Time to ...dig out the test lead box for this weeks major equipment..





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6 hours ago, 81C said:

Morning Mike I'm going to Pendon and GDB said he had a space booked better warn them they need a large first aid kit and a Paramedic on stand-by. :jester: 


Morning Bob, Mike and all.

I was going to Pendon but due to circs beyond my control have had to pull out. I've e-mailed Steve Cole and Andy Y but so far my messages have not been read which seems a bit strange.

A dull start to the day here and rain is forecast.

First task today is to ferry The Boss to the dentist for a check up. Whilst this is being done I will park in Sainsbury's and avail myself of their breakfasting facilities.

Have a good one,

I.N. Ahurry.


P.S. Happy Anniversary to Mr & Mrs Rick.

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I've been moved into my proper lab.. Not much of my equipment though, and it's taken over an hour to get everything up and running just to measure a resistor. At least this means I won't have people wandering past all the time upseatting the readings..


This computer and my desk I'm told has spent the week in the  as yet unused outer lab doing nothing,  meanwhile there have been updates, so this thing keeps grinding to a near halt.. I've had to take the USB lead from a computer the Boss was obviously using just so I can get the resistors files off the network.

Ah a Measurement.. 1.0001833G Ohms.


The A 47 is now partly open, local radio is now running all the sob stories of flooded houses..

Time to set up for another set of readings..


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Happy Anniversary Mr and Mrs Rick!

Have a nice day.


We await the gasman who we were told would be visiting between 8am and 1pm..now British gas seem to think they could roll up any time up to 9pm tonight..yerwhat!


Still chuckinitdarn... still lots to do before a visit to Edinburgh ...TTFN





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A dull and wet North Salopshire this morning so I'm currently indulging in muggocoffee No. 2 and doing a crossword before Jill gets me involved in the preparations for going to Spain tomorrow. At the moment she's talking to a selection of relatives on the phone dealing with our niece's husbands death and the ensuing fallout so I'll be glad to get her away for a while.


Congratulations to Rick and Mrs. Rick, feelings for John and Sandy and thoughts and prayers for other ailing ERs.


Have as good a day as you can; carpe diem as Baz's Latin forebears would say.



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Morning All 

a slight pissitate happening here.

I went out yesterday and most of the new roundabouts have no drains yep you have guessed it they are now fit for the ducks.

Nothing planed for today but a trip to Horrorsons will be needed.

Sorry to hear you are not going to Pendon Bob I hope you are at Aldershot Saturday.

I better get on enjoy your day :superman: S. Hopper:biggrin_mini2:

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. The lurgy is still hanging about but last night the Lem-sip and rum kept it at bay but that was the last of the rum so I'll have to get some more. Thoughts are with John and Sandy and congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Rick. Thats it for now, be back later.

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Radiators fixed. A drop of engine oil lubricates the valve seals. Perhaps they could use synthetic rubber instead of natural?

Still chuckinitdarn.  Hope it stops before we set off tomorrow. 


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2 hours ago, TheQ said:

Did I say it was wet in Norfolk?

This is the railway bridge between Wroxham and Hoveton standard gauge Station and The Bure Valley Railway Narrow gauge station..



Oh! such delicious irony. :rolleyes:

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Greetings all from the boring borough. A weekend of 2 halves. Saturday was manic with a drive to Carlisle and back to deliver the offspring and his techno-gubbins to his new home. Yesterday was quiet with a few minor tasks and a lot of tv catch up, including the latest 2 episodes of the model railway challenge. I enjoy the modelling and seeing something different. I still hate the faux reality show of manufactured controversy and forced tension. Probably the reason I don't watch that kind of programme normally. I know the producers have to entertain the average goldfish brained viewer but the 2 hosts really get on my t1ts. Sky-Q box and fast forward button are my friends when watching. Yes, I seem to have reached peak curmudgeon. 


Back to work. 5 hours of meetings that could have been emails about to begin. Enjoy the second half of the day. 



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greetings all from LBG where it is cloudy and cool (Although the automatic blinds have just come down on the office windows).


Best wishes to John and Sandy - I hope that Sandy can find some relief from the pain.


The weekend was relatively quiet - we had pizzas to celebrate Younger Lurker's 11+ pass. Saturday was a fairly routine day, only interrupted by a knock on the door at half nine in the evening - it was the next door neighbour, with a representative of, presumably, the national grid  who was informing us that the neutral fuse in his house had blown and although replaced, a more permanent solution was needed that involved something or other being replaced at 9 the next morning. We needed to know because apparently our supply ran via their house so we would have to have our power off and then turned on. We got up earlier than normal so that we could have our traditional Sunday cooked brekkie - but in the end the work was not done because there had been a big power outage somewhere and the cables needed fixing.



And that was it for excitement. Sadly I woke at about 4 this morning thinking it was Saturday morning....!

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2 hours ago, grandadbob said:

Oh Calamity! Just realised that England are playing France on Saturday morning so will have to give Aldershot a miss!  :(

Bob how about going Sunday ?

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. After using the last of the rum last night I delved into the drinks cabinet to see if there was any suitable distilates to go with the Lem-sips. I found a bottle of C********s ale dated 2004, a nearly full bottle of Contreau liqueur and half a bottle of Apricot Brandy. I don't know how old they are but I'm pretty sure they pre date the bottle of ale. There was also bottles of port and Martini that I may possibly have inherited from my parents and which date back to before 1980. I have a few bottles of beer, cider and wine around the house, I will have to do a booze audit though a lot of it will have to be poured away. The thing is I now drink very little if any alcohol so I will end up giving most of it away.

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