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You didn't miss anything as i haven't said anything....:)


We are planning on moving back to Oz this year. It will be sad to go but the time is right to go back.


Must meet up somewhere soon and have a chat





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Time for a last fag (I know, I know) then off to bed at 6:05 am...........wife is going to Florida today meeting up with Daughter and her Aunt who are also leaving today but from a different location entirely. I'm staying here with the Dog composing "cheap" music.



Our parent's lives seemed so uncomplicated .......


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

You didn't miss anything as i haven't said anything....:)


We are planning on moving back to Oz this year. It will be sad to go but the time is right to go back.


Must meet up somewhere soon and have a chat






Crikey, but can't say I blame you. My son is planning on emigrating there at the end of the year, I think he's had enough of the UK for a while.


We're definitely have to have a meet up soon, you're buying.....

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


On my dinner, so able to jump in and say hello.


I too am wondering why no Islay malt has been winging my way after the flying visit????????


Nowt else to say at the mo, so I'll just lurk awhile.


Regards to All


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I think he's had enough of the UK for a while.


This seems to be a common sentiment these days.


I very much like the UK - but then I probably look at it through rose tinted spectacles, given that I haven't lived there since 1999.

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  • RMweb Gold

Just back from a shopping trip to help Matthew choose a plant for his mum, my advice was definitely needed as his colour vision is very poor and I know she wanted something that wasn't purple. He was telling me that he couldn't do one of the mapping practicals at university as apparently everything on the computer screen looked "brown". One supervising postgrad implied he wasn't trying hard enough. The lecturer just told Matthew to take the afternoon off after trying to adjust contrast etc.



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  • RMweb Premium

... Oh, Abi has just eaten a fly, can I look forward to her going for a spider next? :blink:


Will it wriggle and wiggle and tickle inside her?


Morning Afternoon All, No I haven't just got up I was up with the lark (lesser known late rising variety) and off down to Hengistbury head for a walk by the seaside. Very pleasant it was too.


Have a good one all.




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I have raided the shops for some flowers, a gift voucher, a mother's day card and a (belated) birthday card for my female parental unit, which I'll have to deliver to her tomorrow.


Tested a few old locos earlier - the ancient Smokey Joe and 040T "King George" kinda move if poked a lot. Duchess of Atholl is almost as reluctant. They all probably need a lot of TLC after being stored for a decade or so! The green Gronk I won on here a few years ago runs adequately - it's not encountered electricity once whilst in my possession, until today. Got a few more things to test a bit later on when I feel so inclined - Duchess of Sutherland, Black Five 5407, and an Airfix Royal Scot 6103. Only the Black Five ever ran well in the first place, and that was horrendously noisy, so I don't expect anything good.


Atholl is definitely being kept, and possibly SMokey Joe and the Black Five if I can do anything useful with them. Think I might offload the rest - whether before or after maintenance is undecided!


This evenings tasks involve tidying up, and possibly CV-spamming if I can find anything worth applying to.

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That's funny, I thought mine was easing a little. :)


My share and share alike policy seems to be working...


DD, you have my sympathy. Just 25 days to go. I trust my surgeon is enjoying his holiday in far flung climes...:P

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Sun's rising as I'm typing this. Rain and thunder may be due in the afternoon, so anything we may be doing today will probably involve staying close enough to sheltered places. We also had a barbecue last night, which was good :) .


Pleasant Sunday to you all, lads... B)

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Martin Wynne published this link on YMR, but I would advise not to go there. It's very addictive and even in the middle of the night (just watched two drunks staggering home after a night out. I don't think one was Dave.....) the trains are frequent.


It reminded me of my old train spotting days when you would hear a whistle in the distance and it just got louder as the train got nearer and burst into view.


Boy are these frieight trains noisy and with the base turned up, my desk was shaking. I 'spect housing is cheap there though.....


Also worth looking up Fostoria OH on Google Earth. Sure is one railway town with some magical crossings...:)



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  • RMweb Gold

Blimey Gordon. 2:03 and again at 6:32.

You must be really suffering. It wouldn't surprise me if you told us there were scratch marks on your kitchen wall counting the days.


And now Dd too.

You both have my sympathy.

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Morning All,


It seems to be quite a nice morning here. Hopefully, the aforementioned storms won't arrive too early this afternoon. Amazingly enough, it was 25°C here yesterday afternoon :O


I'm feeling a bit on the tired side this morning - I got invited to a Greek evening yesterday, with food, live music and dancing. It is a long while since I've danced, and I haven't improved with time :lol:.


Have a good day everyone...

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Guest Max Stafford

Morning all. Just finished nights and it's clear and bright. Heavy rain forecast later with the possibility of thundery showers. Need to get Abi out for her walk, but boy am I chinstrapped!



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Morning all.


Bit dull here. We'll be off to Enfield to visit MiL later. It is also our nephew's birthday so there will be cake.




Tony, I really love your "deadpan" delivery!!!!


Thanks, Pete.




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, bit dull here, and so is the weather...


Martin Wynne published this link on YMR, but I would advise not to go there. It's very addictive and even in the middle of the night (just watched two drunks staggering home after a night out. I don't think one was Dave.....) the trains are frequent.


It reminded me of my old train spotting days when you would hear a whistle in the distance and it just got louder as the train got nearer and burst into view.


Boy are these frieight trains noisy and with the base turned up, my desk was shaking. I 'spect housing is cheap there though.....


Also worth looking up Fostoria OH on Google Earth. Sure is one railway town with some magical crossings...:)




I've been addicted to this site since it was posted a few days ago - but how do the poor s*ds sleep in that town? It must be around 2am, I've just watched two trains go by, as well as the incredibly loud noise as the wheels hit the diamond they are blowing the grade crossing warning for the crossings in the town!


And yankee horns ain't quiet......

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Strange how all-consuming a bad back can be.

With the help of pills, tens machine, hot jelly teddy and many swear words and yelps, the initial sweat-inducing pain has dulled a little.

I'm sure Gordon's condition is worse than mine and I know/hope mine will begin to abate in three days or so but there's not a lot else I can concentrate on at the moment.

Until then I just vainly search for a relatively 'more comfortable' position.


I'm told there are ten million people in the UK with bad backs.

Imagine the queues if they were all investigated with an MRI scan.


I'm sure that a corset would help at the worst times but that's a no no from the doc.

No passive physio (massage) either.

What they have supplied is a Physiotherapist who weighs 26 stones and gave me the 'flu.

Also Psychiatrists (!) who were very strange indeed and a Tens Machine that burned me at the lowest setting.


Here endeth Emergency Ward 10. I may log on at 3am tonight - if I can get out of this chair.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, bright and clear this morning. Mrs B's bone graft turned nasty last night after she sneezed unexpectedly the pain was more than childbirth apparently. DD2's birthday today so some sort of shopping will be called for.....

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