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13 hours ago, JohnDMJ said:


To whom can I give my fingerprint?


You don't need to. From the NY Times,


 "New findings published Monday by researchers at New York University and Michigan State University suggest that smartphones can easily be fooled by fake fingerprints digitally composed of many common features found in human prints. In computer simulations, the researchers from the universities were able to develop a set of artificial “MasterPrints” that could match real prints similar to those used by phones as much as 65 percent of the time. "

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13 hours ago, JohnDMJ said:

To whom can I give my fingerprint?

It's a staple of action movies for the limp (or severed) extremities of an incapacitated "baddies" be used to access biometric locks.


23 minutes ago, AndyID said:

"New findings published Monday by researchers at New York University and Michigan State University suggest that smartphones can easily be fooled by fake fingerprints digitally composed of many common features found in human prints. In computer simulations, the researchers from the universities were able to develop a set of artificial “MasterPrints” that could match real prints similar to those used by phones as much as 65 percent of the time. "

I'm not surprised. Unfortunately it is more incentive for those who want everyone to be chipped with RFID tags.


I am required to use a passcode to unlock my 'phone. I might be able to disable that come Tuesday.

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. The umbrella is still in my back garden. I went out to inspect it earlier and its broken. This is the third time said umbrella has appeared in my garden and I have returned it to its owners twice. This time I'm leaving it where it is. All they have to do is fold the thing up to stop it being blown away.

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Hurricane Lorenzo is causing problems for our weathermen. Normally today we have a long range (5 day) forecast on the Countryfile program. Tonight they said that they could not predict with any accuracy beyond Wednesday. This is because its not possible to predict the course Lorenzo will take after it hits the Azores. If it tracks north to the west of Ireland it will draw up warmer air across the British Isles which will give us relatively warm weather with the odd shower. If it tracks east up the English Channel we'll have very strong winds and a lot of rain as will northern France.

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Back from last night's party somewhat later than planned. It was an excellent affair and everyone kept dry (ish) as the preparations had involved a marquee and rather than our planned midnightish departure we finally got home in the small hours. Hence the time available for sleep before the Wales/Oz game was limited but it was well worthwhile getting up to watch it. Well done the reds! Then back to some well deserved eyelid inspection followed by a muddling session. Thus visits to ERs have been on hold for a while and I've only just seen the announcements concerning our birthday ladies so belated good wishes to Mrs Baz and Mrs GDB together with commiserations to Beth (no, not just for being married to Jamie) and Aditi.


Nothing to add to discussions on Flu vaccinations or ASCII codes as I haven't yet been invited to have one and it's too long since I learned about the other.


Have a good night one and all.



Edited by Dave Hunt
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Having read the troubles and turmoil of those back home, flooding, bustitution, etc, its the lonely expats turn.  The weather report has already been mentioned and it seems to be normal for this time of year.  In spite of being a comparably large area the PNW enjoys a similar weather pattern for its various regions.

     In regard to passwords etc, surely by this time a suitable alternative could be employed.  As we age the likelihood of forgetting them all increases especially as they get more demanding.  I have tried everything from neatly typed up lists to scraps of paper, but the worst is when your current password that's been used for ages is mysteriously no longer recognised.  Then you have to reset which means another password to remember:diablo_mini:

    Considering the number of household electronics in this day and age, surely one secure simple password could do for all; after all, its not 'rocket science' although its sometimes feels like it to some of us.:help:


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3 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

Not quite telepathy but Aditi’s penultimate college used to run a course called Pastoral Counselling. The course was described as being for vicars etc to,get some formal accreditation for their pastoral care work. It would appear that not everyone read the description. There were a few enquiries that clearly indicated some people thought it was something to do with sheep. 

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13 minutes ago, Stubby47 said:

Re John's on-screen moth and using technology...


I recently went in our local shop to pick up milk & a paper, got a £10 note out and waved it at the card scanner...


Some of today's "yoof" has little knowledge of what a tenner looks like.


99p hamburger - contactless card.......

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12 minutes ago, Stubby47 said:

A question on The Chase the other evening: "At what rpm speed did a 7" record normally revolve?"

The answer given: 6.

Brad was chuckling to himself...


I'd have said about 4 to 5!

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone 


The weather here in the northwest has continued to rain, only stopping about 5 o’clock this evening. However, I’ve had quite a productive day in the cellar today. Work has concentrated on the pullout drawer that will live under the stairs. All the parts have now been cut and the base, the back and both sides have been fixed onto the base, the front has been cut, but as yet is not fixed. This will be fixed in place when the drawer runners are fitted. This will then mean I can adjust the front to ensure that it doesn’t catch on any part of the framework or stairs. I’ve also cut a fascia board that will cover the bottom of the support framework.


On the subject of passwords, like others have mentioned, before I retired, the company system meant we had to change our password every 30 days, so my solution for a password was the the Day and Date (eg Monday30) on which I changed my password, I would then put a cross in my diary on that date! For home I have a crib sheet with various hints such as, old clock number, old pay numbers, old car reg numbers, make, models etc. 


Goodnight all 

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1 hour ago, Coombe Barton said:

My colleague leaned over to a monitor on one of the desks we were passing, pulled a post-it from underneath the monitor held it up, and said "So is this the current password?"

Some things never change. A colleague told me a story of a large aerospace company where employees habitually tape their credentials underneath the telephone on their desk.


With all the strong passwords, two factor authentication, and smart cards (with a numeric pin) that need to be plugged into a computer to access websites, it is no wonder people resort to this sort of thing.


Currently for my job I need a pin for my mobile telephone, a two-factor authentication application on my mobile telephone, an eight digit pin for my smart card, and two sets of strong passwords for network access (with different user IDs) that need to change every 90 days. (These can be the same, if you remember to update both of them, but one of them is needed only infrequently.)


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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