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2 hours ago, BlackRat said:

I can't weight to have 10 shillings worth of farthings in my pocket to jingle........

That's 480 coins says he. It ceased to be legal tender as late as 1961 but I don't ever remember see one in circulation



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2 hours ago, Danemouth said:

That's 480 coins says he. It ceased to be legal tender as late as 1961 but I don't ever remember see one in circulation



I think they went out of circulation in the mid 50's but may have stayed legal tender.  I certainly remember being given some to play with when we lived in Chesterfield, probably 57 or 58.



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I recently saw a farthing - drilled through to form a crush washer in a vintage speedway carburettor I was working on! No 1 Son refused to believe what it was.. I’ve also seen them as weights on a clock pendulum. 


Not SO early this morning, but watched the Argentina/France and NZ/SA games. 





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Evenin' each.

Late here today but I was up early at 5.30 so watched all 3 rugby matches today as well as the opening game yesterday. I doubt very much that I'll keep that up. I will of course be watching all the England games, starting tomorrow.

The Boss has commandeered the big TV now to watch Not Dancing on Ice for the next couple of hours. Apparently I've had enough use of it today!

I had a walk around the garden earlier and have noted that the grass hasn't grown since the new lawn was laid. :rolleyes:  It doesn't even need hoovering. :no:

The car has been washed but not by me although I did clean the inside of the windscreen.

Yet again no muddling. I'm beginning to wonder why I bought that bl##dy great shed. There have been many suggestions since I've had it to convert it into a micro pub. This was actually one of my ideas long before anyone else thought of it. It's not too late....

Wanted: One lost mojo.

No drinking tonight as I'm doing a taxi job later.

Enjoy the rest of your day,


Edited by grandadbob
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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had an enjoyable day at Shenfield. Made only a couple of purchases, one being the new Bachmann Warflat with Cromwell tank. Will have to take the car in ASAP, when the clutch pedal is pressed to the floor there is a vibration, thrust bearing is the chief suspect. I do use the gears rather than the brakes, despite being 11 years old the car is still on its original disc pads. Thats it for now, be back later.

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Evening all,


Lawn mowed, part of jungle grassland mown,  (a small) part of jungle attacked with hedge trimmer - too hot out there to do any more but it will get growing again tomorrow when it rains.  Children's football season clearly underway as Tesco car park was crammed solid this morning as all the parents park there while their little devils darlings kick balls around the adjacent sports ground.  Tesco was also busy with considerable queues of well loaded trolleys at all checkouts so I used a d-i-y checkout, and even had to queue for a while there.  Odd to relate there seemed to be more wrinklies in Tesco today than you usually see on wrinkliesday (aka Thursday).


Bangers & mash for dinner thsi evening - which can now get underway as his ladship has finally jus arrived home from the Spinney Railway.


Tony & Aditi to note winds forecast to be Force 4-6 in sea areas Plymouth, Portland and Wight although you might encounter Force 7 in Sole.  Rains squalls and showers - some thundery; welcome to England


Have a good evening one and all

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4 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

I think they went out of circulation in the mid 50's but may have stayed legal tender.  I certainly remember being given some to play with when we lived in Chesterfield, probably 57 or 58.



They were minted until 1956 and removed in 1961

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1 hour ago, rockershovel said:

I recently saw a farthing - drilled through to form a crush washer in a vintage speedway carburettor I was working on! No 1 Son refused to believe what it was.. I’ve also seen them as weights on a clock pendulum. 


Not SO early this morning, but watched the Argentina/France and NZ/SA games.


In St Stephen's Tower, they still use 1d coins to regulate the clock which controls the chiming of the Big Ben bell!

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For my first job, my wages came in small packets and as I didn't make much then, most was change that stayed in a pocket.  As things improved there were a few notes to carry around but upon arriving on these shores, 'wages' were direct deposit to a bank account, something that I never had in England!  Upon many visits back home, I was reminded by Pound coins how heavy cash really was, especially when carrying it around.  It came to the point that some servers, cab drivers, etc, had handsome tips just to get rid of a few!  It was a relief to get back to $ bills.:fie:


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I remember farthing chews, but only vaguely remember spending the coins, I have a load left from my Dads collection, along with thrupenny bits and tanners, any way I'm having a pint and not a bit of a litre(though my engines are measured in cc's not cubic inches. The best was from a draughtsman who informed me that he wanted two 6mm holes drilling an inch apart in a bit of a gas turbine on an oil rig we working on, we all got the joke and the job was done as requested.

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Good evening everyone 


I didn’t get time to log in this morning, as we were up a little later than we’d planned to be, so it was straight out to pick up Ava, Evie should have been coming too, but Ava has quite a bad cough and she kept Evie awake all night, so she was staying home to catch up on her sleep. We’d got nothing planned so the morning was spent watching a film, an old 40’s film, A Matter Of Life And Death, which Ava thoroughly enjoyed.


We were given some apples the other day (approximately 10lbs) by one of Sheila’s friends who has an allotment, I gave a few to Vickie when I picked Ava up and after dinner Ava and I started cooking the rest, we ended up with over 6 1/2lbs of cooked apples. Some has been put in the freezer,  it we will have some with pork chops for tomorrow nights tea. 


Goodnight all

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7 hours ago, brianusa said:

For my first job, my wages came in small packets and as I didn't make much then, most was change that stayed in a pocket.  As things improved there were a few notes to carry around but upon arriving on these shores, 'wages' were direct deposit to a bank account, something that I never had in England!  Upon many visits back home, I was reminded by Pound coins how heavy cash really was, especially when carrying it around.  It came to the point that some servers, cab drivers, etc, had handsome tips just to get rid of a few!  It was a relief to get back to $ bills.:fie:



I wish I had a few tons, or even tonnes, of silver thrupenny bits. My granny used to put them in dumplings when we had birthday parties.


I still like dollar bills. Two dollar bills are OK too but I'm not so keen on three dollar bills.

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18 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

John, I think I've mentioned it before, but I found your units/currency pages, (courtesy of Google) long before I knew you were an RMwebber. They are very useful pages - particularly the currency page.

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