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Early Risers.


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Heya, Tony and BoD. Good to see you both!


Hello. I remember you. Are you still at the airport? Are you doing any exciting railway modelling?


Unfortunately yes, and unfortunately no - however, I have done a few productive things in that regard recently. Been selling off old models on ebay from when I was a kid, and bought a second hand power supply (since I have nothing - I can then use it for both testing what I have and for any future project). Having moved house yet again four months ago, I have a little more space - enough for something worth doing! It's just a matter of deciding what, then acquiring cash, then spending cash. I think it's got to be something in the general ballpark of 4mm, since I like making kits and so forth - 2mm is a little fiddly for my taste in that regard.


As far as the job goes... well, I'm continuing to look for something else and have been for a while!


I've not been able to drive for the last six months, after (for some reason) passing out at work and appearing to have some form of seizure. Been having (and mostly waiting for) tests to find out what's going on; there seems to be nothing wrong with me yet. On the plus side, chucking the car, moving house, and using the airport bus pass is saving me at least £600 a year not even considering fuel! :)

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  • RMweb Gold

No decent photos of chough, and too early in the year for corncrake, so here's a lapwing for you!


I saw a few lapwing when the park was flooded here a few weeks ago. No choughs though! I saw some in Pembrokeshire once.


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  • RMweb Premium

Just try to steer the topic in a different direction.


You are aware of the risks this en-tails? :lol:


Morning all – an ungodly hour this may be, but with the days growing longer, I've become even more of an early riser than usual! Quite balmy at 11°, even before sunrise.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, bit gloomy looking Mrs B's pain is starting to kick in and she needs her dressing changing today so thats a trip to see the practice nurse. I might install a vertical blind today or tomorrow depending on how I feel.

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Thanks for all the welcome backs, guys. :)


12C outside, grey and gloomy. Apparently might get as warm as 16 later on - don't think I'm gonna need my big coat at work today!


Today's gonna be a horrible day - it was stockcheck day yesterday, so I have all of today's deliveries plus more than half of what came in yesterday to do, if I want to have everything clear by the end of the day. Not gonna happen.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Moo's weather forecast is OK for here as well.

I'll be off to Leicester early this afternoon to collect Matthew. He hasn't got any lectures today but some module exam results will be available today and then he and some friends are having lunch somewhere. He suggested I arrive at about 4.30.



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On my ownsome (or is it onesome? or even lonesome?) today as Mrs S is off to her mothers. Had enough trackbuilding for a day or two, so printed off the next bit on Templot. Not sure what I'm going to do with it though...


Whist I got away with building bits and pieces of Eastwood on the dining room table, I think I could be in deep do-do if I put a jigsaw within a hundred feet of it, so sitting down and sawing is probably a non starter.....


Can I come up with something, do the job, pack it all away and finally clear up before the 3.30pm deadline?


Probably not...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Looks rather grey out there. Not much of a serious nature to do today, still choughing. Just donning my drinking trousers ready for todays marathon drinking session from lunchtime till ... Of course I shall be drinking orange juice to help with my cold!


Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Premium

Interesting that DD1 although on foundation degree will not finish untill the 15th of April. Noted yesterday that Leeds uni appears to have decided to charge the full £9,000 per year for tution fees.

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  • RMweb Gold

Interesting that DD1 although on foundation degree will not finish untill the 15th of April. Noted yesterday that Leeds uni appears to have decided to charge the full £9,000 per year for tution fees.

I only went to Leeds University for a IT teacher conference but I don't think I considered it as a potential student as the grades required would have been higher than I could have achieved. Matthew is at Leicester and I don't know what their fees for new students next year will be but it always intrigues me how certain courses at many universities seem to run on one or two lectures a week, usually courses with the word literature in them. Matthew probably gets as many lectures, practicals and seminars as I did back in the 1970s though.

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  • RMweb Gold

"many universities seem to run on one or two lectures a week"

What do you expect for only £27,000?

Some of the tuition fees at foreign universities that Matthew was looking at (for a year studying abroad) were more than that for one year. I expect to see families with teenage children trying to become Scottish residents!






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