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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. I don't usually watch much TV but I found an interesting program on Channel 4 this evening. Its called 'Britain at low tide' and is about the archeology of the tide line (that is the land exposed between high and low tide. I found it very interesting, it covered items from the Bronze age through to a Tudor ship and then on to the Great War port of Richborough and a few other items as well.

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1 hour ago, TheQ said:

Evening awl,  

Just back from the N&N Hospital,  he is much better and can now move his leg unaided.  His wrist is better even though a couple of days ago,  they removed the previous meccano and put in some more meccano,  as his wrist was not setting correctly.. 


The way there was interuppted at the end of our road by numerous cars with bicycles strapped on in strange places parked in dangerous positions at that and the next junction. One car had a big sign on top .."runners ahead."..  I got all sorts of looks, what are you doing here!!! 


On the journey there they were discussing something where 11 over paid  people were about to kick  a piece of inflated  leather against 11 HUGELY over paid people. Even the yellow teams supporters were expecting to lose 5-0

Seemingly the light blue team lost 3-2 against a normally yellow team who were missing 9 first team players.. 

I don't follow this game but... 


I expect our resident team yellow supporter will be quite happy with that result although he has still to arrive home due to the later than normal kick-off meaning a later departure back in a westerly direction.

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3 hours ago, Tony_S said:

Early night tonight.  Aditi is keen to see the entrance to New York Harbor again just to check it is as splendid as a fortnight ago. 



U've been the wrong side of The Pond for far too long; it's affecting your spelling! :jester:


Celebratory greetings / wishes to you nonetheless!


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4 hours ago, Tony_S said:

Aditi is keen to see the entrance to New York Harbor again just to check it is as splendid as a fortnight ago. 

I imagine that passing the Verrazzano Narrows and entering the Upper Bay in the early morning would be quite delightful. With the sun in the east and passing the statue of Liberty from the main shipping channel would be quite a sight. Entering port in the early morning light is quite lovely. 


16 minutes ago, JohnDMJ said:

U've been the wrong side of The Pond for far too long; it's affecting your spelling!

Since it is a proper noun, Tony's spelling is quite correct. The "harbour at New York" would be spelled differently.

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7 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Since it is a proper noun, Tony's spelling is quite correct. The "harbour at New York" would be spelled differently.



I learned spelling from a book by Fred Schonell, and he was Australian  :)

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Good morning one and all


I have been dreaming of rainbows.  Last night's "Last Night" was surprisingly evocative.  Something like 40 years ago a mountainous lady with a sweet Cornish voice captivated Norwich Folk Festival with her unaccompanied version of "Over the rainbow" during which you could have heard a pin drop.  Her name was Brenda Wootton and she is remembered with much affection.   The inclusion of "Tom Bowling" in the sea songs segment could only bring to mind the once mighty Strawhead, who paired the melody with the poem "The burial of Sir John Moore after Corunna" to make one of their most loved songs.  I dread to think how many hundreds of miles I drove to follow them over the years.  As for that flag, I have one myself.  Its last outing, which is possibly not the most fortunate expression, was at Leicester Pride, when I held it aloft during the march through the city centre and there was enough breeze for it to flutter unaided.  On the BBC news website is a large photo of Jamie Barton with her broad smile, her robe in the colours of the bi flag and of course the rainbow flag which some of us welcomed so warmly.  The presenter of the BBC1 coverage did not really know what to say, contenting herself with a reference to flags of every nation.  Oh dear.


Best wishes to all, particularly those with loose black dogs



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Today was a lazy day. The garden is in want of tending, but I did not want to tend it. There are weeds to pull and the grassy strip by the kerb to mow (and weed).


Oktoberfest season is here. Having purchased a couple of different varieties of that malty ambrosia, I was motivated to grill some bratwurst on Friday. Apparently the grill needs cleaning as well. (This was the cause of the demise of my grill brush a couple of weeks ago.) We shall see whether sloth and televised (American) football will prevail over chores.


A colleague from BC (the province, not the epoch*) presented me with some coffee beans that he roasted himself. I am looking forward to tasting them tomorrow, having picked up a grinder while running errands today.


* he is not a time traveller


Flag waving has become a contentious topic of late here. The local (English) football club has an ardent fan base and the MLS (Major League Soccer) has implemented a policy where "political" banners are prohibited. This has offended the fan organization, some of whom have introduced banners bearing the three arrows of "the Iron Front" (an organization that existed during the Weimar Republic to oppose the NSDAP).  All of which is has become a brouhaha with one side complaining about their rights to free expression being limited and the other claiming that permitting one viewpoint will allow another, with the attendant possibility of violence. Another colleague is a season ticket holder and is frustrated by all the drama and diminished enjoyment at matches this has caused. 


The rainbow flag however is not considered political, which is just as well.  It is prominently displayed at matches.


I am presently watching a televised contest between Ducks and Grizzlies. It might surprise some that the Ducks are winning, and convincingly so. Since these are collegiate American football teams, this outcome is not that surprising.



Edited by Ozexpatriate
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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl,  

A good 7 hours two piece sleep,  thanks to pink pills.. 


Ben the alarm clock collie got me out of sofa an hour ago,  it's a bit chillier this morning.  Slightly cloudy,  the moon is still up. 


It being a full Moon it's spring tides on Tuesday,  it was very low tide when we were on the beach yesterday.  Tuesday is spring tides a very good day for the half wet archaeologists.. 


There will be much grinding later,  but not of coffee,  just some heavy metal out of tune music though what note the grinder will play I'm not sure.. 


Time too... Lie back. And drink My coffee.. 

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10 hours ago, Barry O said:


Of course with the watwr plus added petrol used in the USA it may have a larger effect on mpg.



I'm not sure I understand why the effects would be any different in the US? Don't the Laws of Thermodynamics apply on both sides of the Atlantic?

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning from The Charente. It's sunny already and due to get up to 34 this afternoon.  The market and a coffee with friends will fill much of the morning. We might end up inspecting  the pool interior this afternoon.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Bright start here and a fine, warm and sunny day is forecast.

This is good news as we have a Garden Opening Ceremony and BBQ scheduled for today. I have been rostered to go to Sainsbury's  when they open at 10.00 am to pick up some last minute requirements.

Yesterday's visit to Woking was quite enjoyable by most of me but after about 3 hours walking aroundThe Knee had had enough. (and still has) There was a minor Coffeegate spillage incident but luckily as I was wearing black trousers there were no embarrassing signs of the ensuing dampness!  :rolleyes:

No purchases made at all yesterday although there was some temptation. (and there still is as I've found the item online :whistle: )

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Ey up!

Cloudy morning here so far.


Early music group rehearsing here later so might be an opportunity to have a trip to a model railway exhibition... there again I may stay at home and see if my thumb has returned to normal after the craft knife incident.


AndyID.. as Americann "petrol" is already a low octane any additions to it cant be beneficial.  Having spent three years at Univwrsity undertaking an Engineering degree I do know a bit about thermodynamics.


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29 minutes ago, Barry O said:

AndyID.. as Americann "petrol" is already a low octane any additions to it cant be beneficial.  Having spent three years at Univwrsity undertaking an Engineering degree I do know a bit about thermodynamics.



Hi Baz,


The US and the EU use different methods to determine octane ratings. For example EU 98 octane is equivalent to US 93 octane, which is what I put in my Fiat. It never "pinks" or rattles either. High octane petrol actually has a bit less energy by volume than low octane (more cetane) petrol but it's less likely to pre-ignite.


One advantage of adding ethanol to petrol is that it does reduce the tendency to pre-ignite so it's a good substitute for tetraethyllead.


My objection, whether we are in the US or Europe, is we are buying energy. We should be aware of how much energy we are getting for our money.





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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone 


Cull and damp here in the northwest of England. Late up as we had breakfast in bed, so muggertea No2 is sat next to me on the table and once that’s finished I’m off down stairs to finish painting the cellar walls. 


Enjoy the day, back later. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Years ago I remember being puzzled about US octane ratings and someone kindly explained that there were different methods. Petrol has had E10 etc on the pumps for some years. Manufacturers state,how much ethanol the engine is rated for. My car can run on anything currently sold in Europe. Some older cars don't like the high ethanol mixes allegedly. 

There is a tanker alongside QM2 at the moment but I think it isn't fuel. 

We are off on a tour soon assuming our fingerprints and eyeballs match the patterns immigration recorded a fortnight ago. 


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Ah, too late.


There is no ethanol in fuel here - apparently it is added at point of distribution, and the logistics don't work for us in our small economy.  It does however,cause chaos to some older vehicles, carburettors and fuel lines in particular suffering corrosion.  As Chateau NHN houses 4 older vehicles in the toy fleet (as opposed to daily riders/drivers), we consider the lack of ethanol to be a very good thing.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon All

been doing the laundry up since 6am just waiting for the last load out of the tumble dryer.

Nothing planned today except a call to the girl friend and lady friend from Naples wants to have a chat later I believe she is in the country for an operation.

I'm off to lunch enjoy your day.:superman:I.M. Swooninn :wub:  :biggrin_mini2:

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