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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Except when it is in a 142 of course. You can give me a 156 rather than a voyager any day of the week.

TBH I'd much rather have a nice (well if we must have traction) 31 or 37 at the head of a few Mk1s.

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one of the best.


Unfortunately they tend to attract them somehow. Miracles do happen, however.


I've been diagnosed with cancer twice - I'm still here which probably means I'm evil........





This ain't an April Fools Prank - we're under a Winter Storm Watch for this Friday for (just) 3" of "heavy wet snow" on top of heavy rain and "very strong winds". My Wife is going to Florida on Saturday, why didn't I say, "Yes"?



Best, Pete.

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Saddened to read about your lady friend, DD. Seems that barely a week goes by without someone in our extended network having to deal with somthing tragic and you're right, it's always those you least expect something to happen to.


Couldn't sleep, so back to the old days of getting up at some ungodly hour....:)


Funnily enough it doesn't bother me, unless it wakes my dear lady as well. Bless her, she really needs her sleep right now.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


I, too, am sorry to hear about your friend, Dd :( . I do hope there will be some way of alleviating her burden, even if an operation will not be possible.


Wet and overcast this morning, but balmy at 9°. Weekend's supposed to be sunny at 20 to 25° – well, I guess till the snow front which Pete mentioned might arrive, if it does at all!



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I haven't counted heads, but we seem to be shorter on numbers than usual. Sorry to hear about your frient Dd.

It did rain quite heavily and persistently yesterday. ight rain forecast for today.

A bit gry and gloomy looking at present.

Have a good one!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, wet and a bit windy this morning but supposedly warm later. Sorry to hear about your friend DD. Mrs B has returned from hospital with her arm in a sling and a painful hip where they took the bone from for her finger. I have to say they were a cheerful and helpful bunch on the day ward that loooked after her.

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Morning All,


Sorry to hear your news Dd - I don't know why it always seems to be the nicest people. Perhaps we just don't notice the less nice ones - but somehow I doubt it. Life is very unfair at times.


The weather is grey and cloudy here today, with rain threatening. I've got a day off, but wasn't planning any outside work. It's my last day of 2010 leave - which has to be used up by the end of March! I got there by the skin of my teeth. B)


Have a good day everyone...

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I don't know why I posted such awful news.

Not something I'd normally do.

Thanks for the concern.


She was a high powered Marketing Director for a multi-national before her first episode with this foul thing.

Very bubbly and beautiful.

It has returned four times and she's gone through three operations plus the chemo etc., over the last few years.


So far she has bounced back every time, although afflicted with locomotion difficulties.

She makes me laugh.


This time, no operation possible.

She lost her driving license at midnight.


I can name a whole raft of people on these Modelling forums who are also suffering similar horrors.

It seems very common these days.


Her brother and parents are at home with her now and I think we'll be taking over on Monday (she lives four hours away).

Her 'new' treatment starts next week at Royal Marsden.

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  • RMweb Gold


I too am sorry to read about Dds news.

I wasn't an early riser this morning. Neither was my wife which caused her to get ready much faster than usual. She has an alarm clock that is difficult to disable but somehow she is now capable of cancelling it while not really awake.

I have a little tidying to complete as I don't think Matthew should have to climb over a pile of incomplete kits and empty No More Nails tubes when he gets home from Leicester.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


The bad news on here about fellow RMWebbers troubles make my trip to the dentist seem positively an enjoyable experience - DDso sorry to hear about your friend, but I can assure you that seeing the name of the hospital at which treatment is proposed gives a lot of hope = there's none better in the land. 30747 went there twice when we lived down South, and I was mightily impressed by the sheer dedication and professionalism of the staff, from receptionists to nurses to specialists. Luckily she was given good news there as everything was benign, but what we saw at the Marsden was mightily impressive.


On more mundane basis, it is dull and quite windy here, and I am now stuck at work until 20.00 tonight - wow!


Regards to All


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Guest Max Stafford

My thoughts to your friend Dd.

March is certainly going out like a lion in these parts.

I'm taking the outlaws to the station shortly as they're going down to Guernsey to see the former Mrs Max for a few days. Fortunately I'm starting three night shifts then I'll be off for three days, so Abi will just have to have a long sleep after I go out and she'll then have a nice early morning walk when I get back in. All the seeds I planted last Friday are now germinating in their trays. Abi is fast asleep on her cushion next to the as the rain rattles on the conservatory windows. I have washing hanging up out there, but I'm using the warped logic that the very strong wind will dry it quickly in between the showers.

I'll let you know how this particular experiment progresses! :D


Have a peaceful afternoon and evening lads.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all!

Sorry to hear about your friend Dd, it must be hard to watch that happen to someone you are close to and especially when it happens over and over again.


I've taken a day of college today and my chair is at last coming together to resemble a chair! Yesterday I managed to drill all the holes in the sides and machine some of the crossbars. I made a stupid mistake and left 7 of them too long so I briefly went into college to cut them down. I was hoping to re-machine them on the lathe but the workshop is busy all day so I came home! However, I have managed to part-assemble the chair so that I can get an idea of how it will look when I am finally able to assemble it for good. The chair looks like something you would find in Ikea, perhaps I should design furniture for them! I am really happy with how the project is turning out though and it is going so well I think I might patent the design. biggrin.gif


Anyway, here's a few pics because I know you all love photos.








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Woah, is this thread STILL going after transplantation from the old RMweb?


I wonder if anyone remembers me at all - I've been gone that long. Oh well!


Well, I'm back again!

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  • RMweb Gold

Woah, is this thread STILL going after transplantation from the old RMweb?


I wonder if anyone remembers me at all - I've been gone that long. Oh well!


Well, I'm back again!

This thread is so old it is probably backed up on papyrus scrolls!


Hello. I remember you. Are you still at the airport? Are you doing any exciting railway modelling?







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