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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning. Still dark here. We are up early to depart at 8am on a trip to the countryside around Quebec. 

Dorian is a subject of discussion on the ship. Quite a few passengers come from.the southern USA and Sky News covers the Bahama story quite thoroughly. 


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Afternoon All


John - so pleased that Sandy has responded to the meds - I can only offer my support, which I do wholeheartedly, and also say that you are certainly following the treat each day as it comes concept to its utmost.


Dave - wanted to rate your post as both funny and supportive, but in the end had to settle for like.


Generic greetings are as ever on offer to everybody else.


Well, no lie in here - awake at 6.15 (this is late, it's around 5.30 on a work day, as 30747 likes to get showered, hair washed and primped, then get her toast and tea, and then get up again around 6.40, and I am normally on tea and toast duty).  Up at 7.20, showered, and out by 8.00 for the opening of the dump, with six bags of green waste. 

Then on to the A6 car boot, which was better than some weeks, with a few bargains obtained. 

Thence  to the two charity shops at Milnthorpe.

Back for the opening of Gresgarth Hall garden, which was a bit quieter when we arrived, but was really getting busy when we left.   We bought a big bag of beans, and one of potatoes - both organically grown on the estate, and harvested this morning - at £1 a bag. 

Then home, and I really got into trouble for not cleaning the paint brushes properly - well I was storing them in white spirit, which was very remiss of me.  30747 painted the front door while I cleaned the rest of the brushes properly. 

Then final stage of the big cupboard move round putting a displaced shelf up in the back bedroom. 

30747 is currently listening to Gardeners' Question Time inspecting her eyelids.


Tomorrow it's sorting books at LASAR.


Perhaps back first thing, perhaps not.

Regards to All


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As the powers that be had consumed eggs and bacon yesterday, there was something of a shortage here so back to wheatibangs for me. It was suggested that I needed a further pair of shoes for our upcoming holiday so guess where we have been. I did get back in time to watch some fast cars in northern Italy and was joined by the grandsons whose multitude of questions did cause my concentration to drift from the action at times. It was nice to have that opportunity to pass on my knowledge to what seemed to be eager ears and they both now understand that FIA stands for Ferrari International Assistance.


I am now back at the desk with the CAD package open, SWMBO is making an apple crumble to give to the grandkids, I am resisting a large G&T until more drawing details have been concluded and then I will be creating braised pork loin chops, cauliflower with a little cheese, asparagus, potatoes and gravy accompanied by a measure of Grande Alberone Primitivo - the diet is scheduled to start mañana. Back later...

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land, Spent the afternoon test fitting the hardboard 'underlay' for the bathroom, they just cover the required area with a bit of trimming. The old hardboard is staying in place for now as I intent to use it as a template for cutting the floor covering which will have to be done outside. Tea has brewed so its be back later.

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Evening all, well what a busy day, got up earlier than normal for a Sunday, did a bit in the garden, then went for a 3 mile bike ride(first one for a while, so SWMBO has to build up to it after recent illness), then a visit to Lidl, we like their sugar free yoghurts and their Mascarpone is cheap and tasty. After a lunch of heaps of grilled tomatoes as we are vanishing under a mountain of them, I really must grow less plants next year lol, we then went for a walk along the beach at Elliot, on the outskirts of Arbroath in the sunshine, hardly a soul about except for on the golf course. No muddling done, but with rain forecast, tomorrow may see some serious playing.......................err I mean serious muddling.

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. I saw my friend Ray Palmer on the Antiques Road Show this evening. Despite having known him for many years I didn't realise that he was a wartime evacuee and like my father fought in Burma as a member of the XIVth army (the 'forgotten' army). Sadly he has recently gone into a nursing home as his eyesight is failing and he's very frail.

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Evening awl,


I decided the Rungenwagen need a load, so implemented the G word and cut back the buddleia to make some tree trunks.  Then the M word, I've started to rebuild the Klappdeckelwagen, but can't glue the lid back on until I've done some work on the brakes.  Off to bed as I have a duty tomorrow.



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1 minute ago, bbishop said:

Evening awl,


I decided the Rungenwagen need a load, so implemented the G word and cut back the buddleia to make some tree trunks.  Then the M word, I've started to rebuild the Klappdeckelwagen, but can't glue the lid back on until I've done some work on the brakes.  Off to bed as I have a duty tomorrow, bathed listening to Sibelius 5..




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Good evening everyone 


Well the sunshine stayed with us all day and the car is looking a lot cleaner, both inside and out. I cleaned the inside first, whilst I was still dry and then did the outside. It was all done and the equipment had been put away for dinner time. After dinner I put away the items I purchased yesterday and made a start on assembling the tool holder/organiser I bought yesterday. So far I’ve built the frame, I just have to build the 3 small tool holder elements and then the 3 small drawers, il perhaps do that tomorrow afternoon. 


After tea I had a chat for an hour or so with my brother in Canada, as is the norm with our chats, we just talked about this and that, nothing that will change the world. Although we did talk at length about politics, tax and Brexit as he’s not sure what’s going on, but to be fair, I don’t know anyone who does know what’s going on, I certainly don’t. 


Goodnight all. 

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Evening all. 

Back on board. We wandered around the lower town in Quebec. We will use the funicular to explore the upper town tomorrow. 

Aditi hasn't had any problem understanding or being understood when speaking French. It is a lovely sunny evening here. 


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My son texted me early this morning. We had breakfast out and spent a couple of hours moving things out of my office. We will need another similar session next weekend to finish the job. He is off to help clean up his mother's yard this afternoon while I am watching the US Open tennis, now two sets in, while checking NFL scores during the changeovers.


Rain was forecast early followed by a dry afternoon. The opposite has happened. The rain continues to be intermittent light drizzle. I'm sure the garden is enjoying it.

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Good morning to some (just!)

Back from swindon.van unloaded, stuff returned home.

Nice to see Mr and Mrs GDB today. No blood was lost during our meeting...

Off tp bed as early start to return van required tomorrow.


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Good morning one and all


I had a good time at ExpoEM Autumn in Wakefield – thanks again to Brian for reintroducing himself to me!  Less good was the travelling to and from Wakefield.  On Saturday morning the A6 north of Bedford was blocked and had been half the night.  Finding my way through some unfamiliar villages was interesting to say the least but once I reached the M1 I made excellent time, pausing only at Leicester Forest East for breakfast at Harry Ramsdens.  Breakfast at the b&b where I stayed was good value and this time I managed not to walk off with my room key.  Coming back yesterday afternoon some buckets and spades on the A1 held me up for over an hour, as it would when four lanes narrow into one.  I’m not impressed.  


As for Saturday night in Wakefield, oh dear oh dear oh dear.  There is something depressing about the city centre, for which read quite a lot, but no doubt there is a lot more to it than what I found.  Through expediency I had to settle for a not particularly good ‘Spoons, where I had a pint and a plate of sausage, chips and beans, before returning to the b&b where I watched Casualty.  I may have mentioned before that I don’t like having nothing better to do than watch Casualty.  At least my next weekend away is sorted – at least I think it is.


In the week ahead I need to fetch my prescription from the surgery today and book an appointment for my next hormone injection.  On Tuesday I am with Poorly Pal during the day and at a talk by David Percival in the evening.  Friday afternoon sees a meeting of the LGBT group in a coffee bar for a couple of hours.   On Saturday there is a Pride in Milton Keynes.  I have now sent two e-mails to ask if it includes a parade but answer comes there none so far.  On that basis I am minded to devote my precious time to other things.


Best wishes to all



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Morning All,


We have a rather damp and gloomy morning today.  It has obviously rained quite a bit overnight.


I was starting to think that Autumn was upon us, but according to the forecast, it is due to get warm again.


Time for a coffee!  Have a good day everyone...

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