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3 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:


But let's not have any con-tro-versy, or con-trov-ersy for that matter.


I think it was Mike Myers who said you have to put the em-phasis on the correct sy-llables.


(Not much in the news tonight.)

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10 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:

Evening all,


And by golly it was a bit choppy at sea this afternoon.  the odd thing was that although the 'deck' (floor) was absolutely stationary because of the motion of the sea around us most of us formed the impression through our feet that the floor was moving and the 'ship' we were aboard was moving under us.  And then it got a lot darker and the rain started, nobody was seasick!






Fortunately it was a lot calmer when a little while later oneof our number - a former RN senior Navigating Officer too us out of Portsmouth on a Brittany Ferry with the Good Doctor at the helm -





Fascinating place to visit and reckoned to be the best equipped simulator training suite in the UK if not Europe - we were using just one of the 6 simulator ship's

 budges they have.  Oh and the engine room was extremely clean -









Looks like a comprehensive installation. Was that formerly the Hamble School of Navigation?

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4 hours ago, BR60103 said:

What do you get if you cross King Kong with the Goodyear blimp?

 Donald Trump? 

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Morning All

Off up north later ,I lost my wallet yesterday cancelled all the cards the found the bloody thing it's a visit to the bank to get cash to see me through till Saturday, yes I did say the F word. 

Better get enjoy your day :superman:N.O. Brains :biggrin_mini2:

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33 minutes ago, grandadbob said:

Q,  I've always  been told to use a walking stick on the opposite side to the injured limb.


Fortunately I have not had to resort to a "cane" (quite yet) but I believe that's correct GDB. IIRC the idea is for the stick to act as an additional leg that reduces the load on the dodgy leg while the good leg swings forward and takes the load. (Sort of tripedal motion like those nasty things H. G. Wells dreamed up.)




Edited by AndyID
can't think of a good reason
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57 minutes ago, grandadbob said:

Q,  I've always  been told to use a walking stick on the opposite side to the injured limb.


Have you had lots of practice?


Catch up later.


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1 hour ago, AndyID said:


Fortunately I have not had to resort to a "cane" (quite yet) but I believe that's correct GDB. IIRC the idea is for the stick to act as an additional leg that reduces the load on the dodgy leg while the good leg swings forward and takes the load. (Sort of tripedal motion like those nasty things H. G. Wells dreamed up.)




Ah, reminds me of Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds with Richard Burton's narrative! As for tri-pedal action, I was asked to resurrect a non-pedal "balance bike" for a grand-nephew but when, earlier today, I exposed the inner wheels against which the tubes lay etc, I found the dreaded metal-munching compounds had been active for quite a while - the cost of suitable Hammerite, new inner tubes and other associated trivia is more than a new balance bike would cost therefore I await further instructions. This may be a case of KZ's pocket-money and modelling corn taking a hit.

Little else to report from this part of NE(onewhohada)Herts - sun shines amid passing clouds (anyone else remember that brand of "exotic cigarette"? Many cowboys and the occasional Indian toiling noisily on the nearby site whilst local road closures continue unannounced and mean traffic mayhem. Piss, Couldn't, Up, Brewery etc, etc, etc. Let's see what later brings, and for those in pain and supporting others so, I hope it brings improvements.


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14 minutes ago, Barry O said:

Don't like this "nil by mouth" malarky at all.

Apparently it does not forbid you from pushing food in from the other end should you be so inclined!


Which reminds me of a joke about a Mars bar and a tape worm.....................

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. A letter has just arrived in the post from a company called Bluecrest screening offering me a complete medical check up 'For the all inclusive price of £129.'. Question is why pay £129 when I can go to my GP and get it done for free? I received another letter from my credit card company asking for my mobile number, the latest of many each a bit more insistant than the last. This is despite my telling them that I do not have a mobile, though they do say that other arrangements will be made for those who like me do not have mobiles. The reason they say they require a mobile number is to confirm on-line transactions.

3 hours ago, grandadbob said:

Q,  I've always  been told to use a walking stick on the opposite side to the injured limb.

The worst affected by arthritis is my left hip, and consequently I require a walking stick except for short distances. It allways seems natural to hold the stick in my right hand. As with marching its natural to swing the arm forward opposite to the leg going forward.

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Greetings from a sunny but cool LBG. My toe is still sore but a lot less painful than yesterday when I was forced to limp.


Not a lot to report from Lurker Towers.


This evening sees a trip to one of the local micropubs and then a curry. Tomorrow will seem a long day!

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