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  • RMweb Gold
7 hours ago, Debs. said:

gosh, IKEA stores are not easy to make quick visits to!.

I recon that a full circuit of the one at Ashton is about 10000 metres. It's OK if you know the secret doors between sections as if you know what you are looking for you can cut it by about half, until of course they trick you like last time by moving things around. I did the best part of two circuits to find what I went in for

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Good evening everyone 


Another scorcher here in the northwest of England with the sun blazing for most of the day. Work has continued on the front door and it has now been completely stripped of varnish and about 85% has been sanded down. I just need to do the relief parts around the 2 lower panels, the areas around the two leaded windows and the ends. But as these areas are quite delicate these will be done by hand to keep damage to a minimum and also the dust levels down. As the front door faces west, it was very hot work, especially in the afternoon, especially after dinner, but I kept myself hydrated, by drinking about 3 litres of water, not to mention the 6 dozen cups of tea, oops, I just did!


Goodnight all

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Good mooring Awl, inner Temple Hare, 

Arrived on the sofa to the slightly smokey smell of my overall sitting along side ready for to days efforts,  

A better sleep was had as more time was spent sleeping on the bed because the bedroom was a couple of degrees warmer. 


Plans for today,

boat work

Finish the seat, namely the extension to the top,  which forms both the back rest and locks it to the cockpit sides. 

Cut the keel bolt bearers,  mount some of them,  I can't do the all  in one go, as there isn't room. 

Start filling and smoothing any place inside the boat that needs it. 


Any time left over,  will be spent chopping up wood that was extracted from beneath the brambles. 


Time to hit that snooze button again.. 



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Good morning one and all


Yesterday I broke the habit of a lifetime.  I went to the supermarket on a Sunday.  I am normally much more organised when it comes to the fodder run but there were some distractions last week.  One was changing the car, which was not within my plans a week ago and had certain repercussions.  Also yesterday I was successful in contacting the friend I had in mind to give me wise counsel.  He is a near neighbour of the problematic one, who seems to come and go almost undetected - almost, but not quite.  Gentle reader, eject from your mind at once the image of twitching net curtains, entertaining though it be!


I neglected to mention that I went shopping at Pride Cymru on Saturday.  It is one of those events where Stonewall can be relied upon to have a stall and thus it was.  I now have a new T shirt, but in English.   From the peddlers who trundled up and down the parade before it set off I obtained a pair of rainbow braces - suspenders in modern parlance.  I shall keep looking out for other rainbow regalia.  Several people admired my Pride boots, which is always reassuring.  I did not realise quite how tired I had become by the end of the day.


Today I have birthday e-greetings to send.  On Thursday I will be with Poorly Pal, who has asked that we have pork for lunch, and on Saturday there is to be a new LGBT social event in Bedford.  There are other jobs to be done, assuming of course that I can concentrate.  At the time of typing, that is something of a rash assumption.  


Best wishes to all



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Morning All,


It looks like the temperature is going to get up to around 32°C again today.  Rather warm, but at least it isn't 40°!


There isn't a lot else to report.  Except to say a belated Happy Anniversary to Mr and Mrs Andy, and as always, it is great to see Debs dropping in.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Ey up!

Another nice day looming and..no cricket...pah!

I suppose I need to find something else to do....looks like the beast may gwt a mini valet from..me.


Have a great day everyone, with very posituve thoughts to all who ail!


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Misty out there,  the end of the garden is not visible,  the great fried egg will do it's stuff shortly.. 

I'm eating a deconstructed BLT,  the toast fell apart... 

A Muggacoffee to follow  then time to venture out.. 


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Mawning, bright and warm here too. Issues with manual lens mating with new camera last night meant that the Milky Way wasn’t captured. Time to take on board Debs’ / Nat’s advice and RTFM to see if that helps as the next month or so will hopefully see some good opportunities.


Sports Ground measuring continues and drawings gradually being produced - at least I am not in a drawing office sweating over paper plans wIth the smudging and damage that used to threaten under such circumstances, nor shall I be deflected by thoughts of cricket. I may wheel out the bicycle once again and attempt to go a little further than yesterday before knees and legs protest too much. Later a barbecue is scheduled, hopefully the results will taste like chicken.


Time to look up the Aussie papers’ headlines.

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  • RMweb Gold
14 minutes ago, Kingzance said:

Time to look up the Aussie papers’ headlines.


One article in The Australian said "Cut the applause: Stokes was out."

Wonder what they'd have said if the boot was on the other foot. And they talk about whinging Poms!  :)

Sh!t happens in all sport, you just have to get over it.

Edited by grandadbob
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' morning all from red dragon land.

Now there's a first - this early riser going out to water the plants before I did anything else.  What is the world coming to?



Time now to get ready to play t***ns.


Enjoy your day.





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Greetings from a very misty North Hipposhire. A very pleasant evening yesterday at a friend's barbecue and later today we have more friends coming over for lunch. One of them is just about to begin a course of treatment similar to Sandy's for the c word and the aim is not to let it be the elephant in the room but just to have an enjoyable day. She is being very positive about it and we just want to be supportive but not overtly so. It's a bu**er isn't it?


Hope your bank holiday is a good one with thoughts for those suffering.



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Hi, Mr Angry here this morning.:o just watched the News and the Notting Hill Carnival is supposed to be the most Environmentally yet!


Did anyone notice the RUBBISH they left on the Streets for someone else to have to go around and pick up for them, unbelievable. Sorry but I think any organised march should be forced to go back over the same route and clean up it's own mess.


Rant over, have a nice warm day one and all.:good:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All 

Sunny and bright.

Now the railway stock is tucked up safely in the house I can have another go at the garage today I will  start loading the Hippo bag.

Yesterday's venture to Dorking was pleasant my dinning partner was very attractive and great company to be in, further dates have been 

agreed, today I will be calling on a widow lady who believe it or not has an interest in railways she had been married on the Orient Express 

and like visiting the heritage lines she could be an interesting partner if it goes that far and she did approach me first.

Tomorrow is back to dog sitting just to feed him now and stay for an hour as the daughter is happy he won't wreak the place if he is left for long periods.

Well done to Debs with the Ikea Item I made lots of money putting their stuff together when I had my Handyman business mainly undoing the damage

the customer had done "No More Nail" has amazing qualities when constructing Ikea products.

Have a good day all must get on :superman: W Omaniser. :biggrin_mini2:



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Morning all.


On what threatens to be a very warm day we have tickets to see Les Miserables.  They were booked nearly a year ago now and we thought it would be a good way to spend an (invariably) rainy August Bank Holidy Monday.


On Friday, whilst browsing a local market I came across some ‘home made’ sugar free Lemon and Lime Curd.  It is over a year since I have had any jam or the like so I thought I would give it a go.  I’ve just had some with a slice of toast and it was delicious. Not sweet but just the right tartness.


Enjoy your Monday and in the words of advice from those who know better than we do, don’t forget to drink.

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