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Guest Max Stafford

Just up now too. Looks like I beat the sun!

Right, let's get going. At least it looks like today at least will remain nice. Forecast for later this week is shocking!



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Hey Jam,

Have you thought of Architecture an a career option?

This thought arises from seeing your "visualisation" of the College quad.

Good morning all.

A lovely "autumnal" day. Clear blue sky but cool.

I hope there is some relief from pain, Gordon.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Bit hazy this morning, but it looks like we're set for sunshine. Need to return a few books to the library, and I believe I'll also restart preparing for uni again.


Have a pleasant day, guys! :)

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I'm fine with it as it was probably just one of those things. Sad, but then there is always a risk. It certainly won't stop me going ahead.


It just never ceases to amaze me how powerful the web is...


I guess this must be your last week, Dave. From what you have been saying, IBM have eased you into retirement, so you shouldn't have any issues, unless you are one of those guys whose jobs are their whole life.


Judging by the numerous projects you have on the go, I can't see it somehow.....:D

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Gordon, that article is comfort in one way in that it was so unusual that it sparked the reaction and publicity.


Your Consultant is a leading player and if he hadn't encountered it before then it must be rare.

If there was any failure, it seems to have been in the aftercare and you can bet heavily that will be markedly improved.

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Morning all! I'm sure they'll be monitoring patients a lot closer as a result of that case, Gordon. Always very sad that it takes something like this to highlight a need for improvements, but it leads to safer conditions for everyone.


In a way, it reminds me of the F1 situation - it took the deaths of Ratzenburger and Senna on that same weekend at Imola for them to tighten up safety, and as a result there hasn't been a death in F1 in nearly 17 years.


Slightly late getting started this morning, probably as a result of being up so early yesterday for the F1, and losing an hour with the clock change.


Jam - really impressed with your 3D modelling! I think Don's got a point - you should consider architecture!

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  • RMweb Gold

Hey Jam,

Have you thought of Architecture an a career option?

This thought arises from seeing your "visualisation" of the College quad.


Hello Don,

About 2 years ago I was seriously considering it - I even did work experience at an Architects'.

I did enjoy it, but I'm not sure it is practical enough for me as I like to actually physically make a product.


Morning all,

Still suffering from the clock change! Woke up 5 mins before I had to leave the house this morning unsure.gif

Last night I went with about 10 friends to a pub quiz. Suffice to say we came joint last, but that's not the point - it was really good fun. I think we're going to the next one as well! biggrin.gif


Well, I best get ready for my first lesson of the morning...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Purportedly Monday again and there seem to be a full set of oktas in place.


Let's hope that such nasty incidents as bleeding to the brain after neck surgery have caused the hospital to rethink their monitoring procedures. I guess there's always something you haven't thought of and there has to be a first time for it to happen. I've no doubt your surgery will go swimmingly though Gordon. I friend of mine had similar but slightly more drastic work done and it transformed his life. Before it he was really negative and couldn't see a way forward due to the pain. Afterwards he was energised and had a complete career change. On second thoughts maybe he had the career change so he didn't have to share an office with me!


I have effectively 4 working days left. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week and Monday next. Tuesday I hand in my badge and PC and next Wednesday I get my first pension payment! Biggest challenge this week is the mega booze-up on Friday being hosted by 18 of us. I wonder whether £2500 worth of food and booze will be enough?


Today is a research trip to a possble location on which to base a new club layout. We have to check out 2 pubs!




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One of the things that we often forget these days, with our medical advances, is that there is no such thing as a "routine operation" - especially where general anaesthetics are concerned. Things can always go wrong - sometimes with tragic results. Having said that, the chances of something going pear shaped are really very, very low.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Lovely day here now, after the ice was scraped off the car again this morning.


Jam - loved the visualisation. With your skills there and your wish to buuld things as well, I could see you as a TV or movie set designer/constructor.


Gordon Loved your possible horror story, but TBH every local paper has similar stories nowadays, as they strive to show how bad the local infirmary is. They seem to overlook the number of successful ops that are performed. I was warned about having surgery in the Royal Lancaster Infirmary, but the surgeon was brilliant, and generally the standard of care was great. However, one person to whom I spoke had a "friend who had a relative whose best mate's cousin"had a bad experience in there and who would do anything to promulgate the story. Reallly, I wish that the media and people with tales to tell could do so with a modicum of perspective. To put this another way - you'll be fine in there, and will feel so much better afterwards....


Regards to All


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This is me being positive.....:D :D


Mrs S takes her beloved pooch to the vets as something is not quite right. She has her suspicions, which sadly are confirmed. He has Progressive Retinal Atrophi (PRA) which basically means he is going blind. She was prepared for the news, but hoped for the best. Thankfully it's not terminal, just that he will need to learn to cope with blindness. As I said, we have suspected it for a while now. but he is coping with it fine, so we every confidence he will be OK.


Nevertheless, upset by the news, she gets into her car and backs across the car park straight into another womans car which was just two days old.....:)


Having talked to each other in the vets before the news, she was fine about it, so no doubt we'll have a few forms to fill in for the insurance claim on her policy..


Happy days....:D :D

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Goodness, Gordon.

No injuries I presume.


Dogs seem to adapt very well to a loss of sight - especially if they have a companion.

Not something you need though.


(A couple of weeks ago a car backed into SWMBO in a car park - yes, SWMBO not her car.

Fortunately just a mild abrasion from the car keys she was holding with which she thumped the rear window of the car).

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  • RMweb Premium

Dogs seem to adapt very well to a loss of sight - especially if they have a companion.

Not something you need though.

No - at present you need any more bad news like a hole in the head.


However, I had a Cocker Spaniel bitch for nearly sixteen years, and she was diagnosed with a progressive eye disorder, and the prognosis was the same. The vet reassured us that dogs' eyesight is the third sense that they use to orientate themselves, and that smell and hearing were more important, and that blindness, though not a desired outcome, was not as serious as we humans might think. She lived with partial blindness for about two years, then total blindness for about three years and we were assured that she still had sufficient quality of life for us to keep her until something else took her - in the end it was just plain old age.

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  • RMweb Gold

Gordon. Sorry to read about your dog's problems. I'm sure in my dog's case his eyes are just a back up for his nose. One of my mother's dog's had very poor sight (he had Parvo virus when he was a puppy and his eyes were somehow affected) but didn't seem any different to the other one she had. I hope your wife is feeling better now, it must have been a nasty shock when she realised what happened when she reversed.



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Morning All,


Gordon, Sorry to hear about your doggy problems, and SWMBO's car problems.


One of my colleagues had a fender bender at the weekend. A bloke was unloading a washing machine from a pickup and managed to drop it on the pavement. My colleague, startled by the noise, turned around instinctively to look and see what had happened and drove into the side of another car. He admitted it was 100% his fault, but annoying nevertheless.


The weather seems quite reasonable this morning - and it is just getting light.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Note to self...do not eat that much chili con carne for dinner...I don't feel like I've slept that well :mellow: . I wonder if tidying up the flat will wake me up? :lol:


Have a pleasant day all!

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